Troy's 2nd - Autos - DP Ultimate & Euphoria, Meph Alien v Tangle, RQS Diesel

Drip systems a great idea! Coco can't dry up otherwise the salts will burn your roots! Very important to keep it wet at all times- it holds 30%oxygen while saturated so overwatering isn't a problem :3

Great start Troy! Stoked to see you grow some fire :3. .

Thanks BS - Good information to have. They say you can't over water but I will still be cautious until I get used to it. I know I was skeptical on my last round with DWC but very impressed. So far I'm finding that it might be a nice alternative to DWC. DWC was a bit of a pain having to change the reservoir on a weekly basis. Also I felt like I was wasting a lot of nutes.

How often do you flush your CoCo? I've read from many that they do a flush once when flowering starts and flush again before harvest. I bought a small wet vac (2 1/2 gallon) to help with both runoff and flushing.
Buenos Dias Hector

I think I am going to work on setting up an auto watering system. I'm retired now but still do some consulting, good news is all my work is done from home. I will be away for 3 days in March so will need something to fill in for me when I'm away.

I found a really neat timer on Amazon ($11.99) today that has a smallest increment at 1 second. I also found a pump that should work well.

I've done a number of drip irrigation systems out doors for my hanging baskets so probably have all the supplies I will need. I just need to figure out how i'm going to do it and get off my lazy ass and do it.
Autopot watering system.... Its a gravity fed system similar to a toilet systern...or cystern
... Is this something you're looking for? This setup can be left for at least a week at a time.

Pictured below, tank in corner feeds each of the central four pots. Automatically allows water through when needed. Check our their website for a far better explanation.
I don't run coco

But I know they say to flush it before planting as it comes salty!

And then for maintenance flushing, of you did every 3 to 4 weeks youd be golden, but if your watering 2 times a day-which is recommended in coco(may have to go to 3 or 4 times a day in flower)

You really.shouldnt see too much salt build up as long as your watering to run off constantly!

You will go thru more nutes-its a hydro substitute so that won't change, but you'll get awesome growth rates .
So Troy - no luck at all with the Alien v. Triangle or RQS Diesel Auto popping ever I take it?

*.*.* Cedru *.*.*

My first seedlings failed from root rot. I have a feeling the temps from my heating mat were too high or I had not flushed the CoCo enough and the salt killed them. I popped a new RQS Diesel and she has a good tap root. I'm waiting on Alien Triangle maybe next grow. I have 3 Ultimate's, 1 RQS Diesel, 1 Euphoria and 1 Cheese (All Autos) propagating.

I have another Euphoria that never cracked ---
Autopot watering system.... Its a gravity fed system similar to a toilet systern...or cystern
... Is this something you're looking for? This setup can be left for at least a week at a time.

Pictured below, tank in corner feeds each of the central four pots. Automatically allows water through when needed. Check our their website for a far better explanation.

Nice system and your girls really look like they are doing well.

I've looked at Air Pots but not sure how well they would work with CoCo. Have you used it with CoCo?

I have my grow system set up in 7 Gallon Grow Bags and believe I will need a top feed system. I've been playing around with both a gravity fed system and one using a pump. I'm leaning to using a pump. I have a self priming pump that has an auto 100 PSI cutoff switch.
I don't run coco

But I know they say to flush it before planting as it comes salty!

And then for maintenance flushing, of you did every 3 to 4 weeks youd be golden, but if your watering 2 times a day-which is recommended in coco(may have to go to 3 or 4 times a day in flower)

You really.shouldnt see too much salt build up as long as your watering to run off constantly!

You will go thru more nutes-its a hydro substitute so that won't change, but you'll get awesome growth rates .

Hot Dang... BS

I got the initial supplies and ordered some emitters from Amazon. I also picked up a 3/8 to 1/2" converter (my pump uses 3/8" output) and a 6 port manifold at Home Depot. It will probably be a couple days before I fire it up.

My daughter's Microwave went out and she wants me to come over (about 100 miles away) tomorrow to replace it. What's a Daddy to do except say yes.
Re: Troy's 2nd - Autos - DP Ultimate & Euphoria, Meph Alien v Tangle, RQS Diesel

That'll be sweet when you get that system rigged up! Just be sure to keep it clean hehe

Aww yeah you gotta do what you gotta do!

Hard to say no when they call you daddy XD
Welcome ECG - You are most welcome and please jump in and chat. Nothing is off limits :welcome:

Do you have a Journal going would love to follow along?

So far my one plant that popped loves the CoCo. I just checked on my seeds in the cubes (OK ... I'm anxious) and see the seeds are doing pretty well... the tap root is growing which is good. I'm keeping the cubes in a propagation dome to maintain humidity. I'll be jumping for joy when I finally see their little green leaves.
Thanks for the warm welcome Troy. I do have a journal but idk how to post links on this phone lol. The name of my journal is EastCoastGhost's Second Run With Photos 2017. You could type it in on search or just click on my name on this post, then click on my posts and it should pop right up. I have alot going on right now, I have 2- 4×4 tents with a Marsll 1200 in each one. I also have a 1000w metal halide/HPS along with another 600w HPS. I'm also getting ready to upgrade to a 5×5 tent and a PS COB. I will be ordering it in about 2 weeks. Come on over to check out my journal, I will have you a front row seat ready lol...️
Thanks for the warm welcome Troy. I do have a journal but idk how to post links on this phone lol. The name of my journal is EastCoastGhost's Second Run With Photos 2017. You could type it in on search or just click on my name on this post, then click on my posts and it should pop right up. I have alot going on right now, I have 2- 4×4 tents with a Marsll 1200 in each one. I also have a 1000w metal halide/HPS along with another 600w HPS. I'm also getting ready to upgrade to a 5×5 tent and a PS COB. I will be ordering it in about 2 weeks. Come on over to check out my journal, I will have you a front row seat ready lol...️

Thanks ECG - I found your journal and will give it a read. I have been out of town all do putting in a new Microwave at my daughters place.
Troy's 2nd - Autos - DP Ultimate & Euphoria, Meph Alien v Tangle, RQS Diesel

Took an early morning look at the girls and one of my Auto-Ultimate's popped up. Yea...

Ultimate # 1 - Day 1


I also have a Euphoria in paper towel that popped. I'm going to leave her in the paper towel until she gets a good tap root on her. A second Euphoria hasn't cracked yet.

Re: Troy's 2nd - Autos - DP Ultimate & Euphoria, Meph Alien v Tangle, RQS Diesel

Hey Troy
Dee is looking great
Glad to see the Ultimate sprout, a couple weeks and you won’t
remember them this small lol

Standby - Just before dinner I checked again and I have another seedling pop her beautiful head up. I believe it is Diesel but will check on them again tomorrow morning. I've been running the lights 24 hours the past couple days to keep the temps stable until the seedlings all pop.

We had a good rain last night and I captured 20 gallons of rain water to give the girls a little natural water.
Subbed - :nomo: - Howzit Troy - I saw your drive-by in my journal. You must have seen we've both got the Dutch Passion Ultimate and Euphhoria going and you're only a few weeks later than mine. All the best dude. I'm using soil compared to your Coco. I've caught up through your journal and I'm going to follow along to see how it all works out.

Yea..will be interesting to do a companion grow. I'm not sure if my DP seeds were old but I popped 6 Ultimate to yield 2 seedlings and my Euphoria 3 and I only have one pop. The other 2 Euphoria didn't even crack and have been sitting in paper towel for a week.

It looks like I will have my 6 plants (my legal limit regulated by my town). I'll post my line up once they are all up but looking like 2 Ultimate, 1 Daiquiri Lime, 1 Diesel, 1 Euphoria and 1 Cheese.
Re: Troy's 2nd - Autos - DP Ultimate & Euphoria, Meph Alien v Tangle, RQS Diesel

Standby - Just before dinner I checked again and I have another seedling pop her beautiful head up. I believe it is Diesel but will check on them again tomorrow morning. I've been running the lights 24 hours the past couple days to keep the temps stable until the seedlings all pop.

We had a good rain last night and I captured 20 gallons of rain water to give the girls a little natural water.

Whoo-hoo.... go Diesel go! Rooting for that RQS Diesel Auto to get going!

*.*.* Cedru *.*.*
Re: Troy's 2nd - Autos - DP Ultimate & Euphoria, Meph Alien v Tangle, RQS Diesel

Whoo-hoo.... go Diesel go! Rooting for that RQS Diesel Auto to get going!

*.*.* Cedru *.*.*

Looks like RQS Diesel is being stubborn. The seedling that popped is Cheese. Took a peek in the cube with Ultimate 2 and (looking good) and RQS Diesel (seed hasn't even cracked). Ugh... If RQS Diesel (freeby from Seedsman) I'm not sure if I have a replacement so may go back to Alien vs Triangle
Glad to see your girls finally coming up to say hello!

Thanks Jay.... at least I'm finally getting there. Will feel much better when they are in CoCo.
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