UG's Utopia

The Doktor Doom is supposed to be good stuff, but I've never used it. Not sure if you'd want to use that with flowering plants around - hoping someone else can give you insight on that one. It's definitely something I'd do if you have an opportunity between rounds, so to speak...

SNS 203 is good stuff and should help, SNS 209 is good to add to your regimen for future prevention. Though it's pricey, Azamax is exceptional for all things buggy. Consider a "No Pests" strip by Hot Shots, too. But, make sure you can shut off your ventilation for a little while to build up a vapor. Not thinking days here, just a hour or two at night perhaps. You want to eliminate them completely so be thorough. If you miss some, the survivors tend to be the ones that are resistant to your weapons (SNS, whatever), and their offspring will be even tougher to battle as they'll have these resistant genes, too. Bastards!

Yeah the Doctor Doom was recommended to me from some of the local warehouse growers but I'd still rather stay away from automatic releasers. Your on the money about flowering plants, I was suggested to not use it once after flowering has initiated. Once this run is done downstairs it will be quarantined like a mofo.

Ever since I've used NPS, haven't single a single live bug (been using them for about a year now). People always talk shit to me "Do you really want dichlorvious getting absorbed into your buds??" lol. I don't think it does anything negative, at least that I've noticed. I've also heard of people switching insecticides/miticides like you said, because of the resistance they gain to it. Like antibodies lol

Thanks a lot for your advice X...seriously man it only helps me become a better grower:thanks::Namaste:

So...despite the PM, Mites, FG and Aphids....things are going unusually well??:scratchinghead:

I still haven't seen anything alive in this grow. Only that dead Aphid/Fungus gnat in that picture (noticed it about 2 weeks ago) is all I have seen from this point (besides some mites on first day).

Anyways...I still haven't sprayed them with anything!!! or used any type of drench, only the NPS is in there. probably won't believe it lol...but I got them 17 days ago....and have only used water!!!! 0 ppm till this point lol. I've just been so busy that using just ro water is faster. I have not seen 1 yellow leaf, and they are growing atleast an inch everyday. I will give them their first dose of nutes when they ask for it

I've thrown out 2 of the 75 due to slower growth

I need to start training these asap. I'm using grow bags so would it be best to puncture a hole, and grab like garden wire or a fishing weight on a line? Would you guys top them first then lst?
My nutrients arrived the other day so I should be good for at least a year. I really want to thank you Corey for everything you do. I will be taking samples from this run to my local hydro stores (was requested). :thanks: too much man

2 - BPN 3 Part (Grow, Micro, Bloom) - Gal
2 - BPN Liquid Seaweed - Gal
1 - BPN Liquid Blue - Gal
1 - BPN Early Bloomer - Gal
1 - BPN Vita Blue - Gal
1 - BPN Root Magic - 4oz
I dont think its a problem to use that name but dont quote me.

I would suggest not topping those if you are keeping them there to flower. If you have a bigger space to spread out the plants a bit then i would say top and wait a week and flower. But from the looks of it you would have a hell of a canopy if you flipped them as is. only problem I see with that is accessing all plants for maintenance.Trippy how you have only given ro water up until now. They will be hungry soon.

+reps UG
I dont think its a problem to use that name but dont quote me.

I would suggest not topping those if you are keeping them there to flower. If you have a bigger space to spread out the plants a bit then i would say top and wait a week and flower. But from the looks of it you would have a hell of a canopy if you flipped them as is. only problem I see with that is accessing all plants for maintenance.Trippy how you have only given ro water up until now. They will be hungry soon.

+reps UG

Hopefully not man lol, I changed the avatar so hopefully that will help :roorrip:

Yeah these are going into a 9x9 room so I want to train them out a bit first. I have about 14-20 days before flowering them and I still need to give them their first drink of nutes, top/train them, and spray/drench lol. I've been super busy recently, and I'm just so thankful they aren't doing terrible lol
Be careful with the doktor doom fogger bro, I just sprayed one in my veg room before transplant and my girls look like shit, it almost killed a few of them. Ive since transplanted into the flower room and I can see a patern of which plants were closer to the fogger, theres pics up in my journal.I transplanted before there were any symptoms so the combo of the fogger the transplant and switching nutes set me back a couple of weeks and im still not sure if the chernobyl in the systems gonna make it.
Hey jon, I actually just called my guy and ask him about all these bombs specifically. He said anything besides the metred release spray and botanics (release fogger etc.), shouldn't be applied near foliage and let circulation fans do the work. You seem to have figured it out tho bro :high-five:

Any tips for training??? I'll post a pic tonight, cause things look a little better. Your work is so impressive and I'd love your advice
Nice UG ,thats a nice area to work in .
damn dude mucho nutrition !!! you using all of that?

Good luck man !!

shitt have to ask why not reflection foil or some kind? few extra joints there :goodjob:

Thank you for taggin along Casa!!!

It is an honour having you along for the ride. Please don't hesitate to lemme know if you have advice/critisism or anything bro.

Yeah I am using all those nutes. The owner of the company is a member on this site and offers a very affordable, reputable product. There are many journals of his products on this website of the great results and the price/quality just can't be beat.

The 4x8 tray you see is in an old grow tent but this gives me easier access to those odd spots with the "skin" off. They will only be there for another week max then moved to the other flower room (check out my other sig if you got a moment :Namaste:)
Thank you very much guys :thanks::Namaste:

I gave two separate doses of nutrients to half the plants to see if they like stronger or weaker strengths. One half got 37.5ml per gal of the 3 part +30 mls of seaweed, ph was 6.2 and E.C was 1.3. Second half got 50ml per gallon of 3 part +45ml of seaweed and 20ml of Vitablue, ph was 6.1 with 1.6 EC.

I would have sprayed them a while ago but I haven't seen any mites/gnats/aphids in a couple weeks and main reason being I'm doing 24/0 for veg and it would fry them cause of how close they are to the light now

The good

The bad (Gave her first dose of nutes after the pic and will take comparison shot in a week or two)

The ugly (I'm seeing some pm on the more shaded plants around the edges but only about 5 leaves to date. They should be totally fine once moved to bigger room and get weekly sprays)

I've really started to lighten up about growing issues these days. Seems like the more upset you get about it, that harder it is to deal with. So watch out pm and deficiencies cause you've been targeted:smokin:
Right on brother!!
Looking really healthy for no nutage!
Expecting to see an explosion of green by this time next week.
Like you said, I wouldn't be too worried about the PM, but managing it before bringing them all into the flowering room is a good idea.
Have you ever thought of adding a silica additive?
It can help the plant to fight it off better, while also strengthening stems and helping in times of stress.
Perfect time to add some would be when you're sure the PM isn't showing it's face, and right before the transplant on the way to flower room.

This is gearing up to be an awesome grow buddy, really excited for ya!
I've been sooooo busy setting up the new room, and working 2 jobs.
Hope to have an update tonight after transplant, then start a new journal!

thanks x1000 Vick for the comply's :passitleft::Namaste::thanks:

Yeah I honestly don't think giving them zero nutes helped, but it gave me a good idea to know how I should go about things next time. Flower room was drying buds so the slower growth has definitely helped in that aspect but it's getting effing way too crammed in there.

I haven't sprayed with anything yet cause I'm on 24/0, but I was thinking of spraying them right before moving them into the flower room/transplant. They are in 1/2 gal containers and average height is 20" so I should really transplant soon lol. Just been super busy and don't know what order I should do this in? The flower room is done drying but I am still tweaking some things but it will be ready tomorrow. Would you think it's okay to spray, transplant, then hit them with darkness for 1st time of their lives or is that too much stress at once?

I was actually using gyozym and silica for a while but when Corey asked what additives I used he said to ditch them. Didn't ask why but did it and problems slowly faded. I've seen people get crazy results with both products but I don't know if I'll use them till I can do a grow without nutrient problems lol.

Bro, I can more than see how busy you've been!! That is just nuts to hear that you got 2 jobs, and are pulling through with the "reno"!! Bravo man, seriously. I can only imagine what your plants are going to look like now :morenutes::morenutes:
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