Urgent help needed


New Member
Hi there,

So my plant is about 3 weeks old now (northern lights auto).

Growing in Coco and perlite with a tiny bit of potting soil.. Growing with CFL lights about 3" away. (2x45W)

I started giving nuets with some Cal Mag about 3 days ago. Ph I give to the plant is about 6.

humidity about 40 - 50 with the temp in the 25's


That plant is WAY too small to need the calmag yet. To be quite honest if you wouldn't have said your plant is 3 weeks old I would have guessed it to be 1 week or less old. What did you feed it exactly and how much? What type of water are you using and what type and how much potting soil? More specifics will be key to finding out what's happening here. Honestly your plant don't look big enough for any nutes yet but being 3 weeks old something is wrong for sure.
Agreed rifleman. You have to let the soil dry between waterings. Not enough to wilt the plant but almost. Then drench the whole pot and wait again till it goes almost dry. This makes the roots healthy and searching for water. Overwatering drowns the roots and makes them rot. Unhealthy roots stunt growth from lack of nutrients.

When growing in coco coir you DO NOT allow your medium to dry. You water/feed daily but at the stage your plant is at it only needs very little water just enough to pull air to the roots. Coco coir is not soil it is soilless.
When growing in coco coir you DO NOT allow your medium to dry.
Say What? Please elaborate! Everyone I know of let's it dry out just like soil in between watering and feedings.
You water/feed daily but at the stage your plant is at it only needs very little water just enough to pull air to the roots.
Say What? Again, please elaborate. Why water and feed daily? Seems getting good air to the roots works much better when the soil is dry. When your soil/soiless is dry that's when your watering pushes air down to the roots.

I'm very curious here.
I too am curious about keeping coco damp all the time. I don't use it, but it seems like you would treat it like other non-soils. The roots still like to seek out water and want plenty of air. Why is a dry period bad?
That little lady should NOT be getting any nutrients, IMO - not yet.
Those plants look over nuted and stunted from over watering. I'd back off on both. This the second problem I've seen in less than 24 hours
That involve seedling and cocco. In the other case the plants were also stunted so after taking some advise the grow took the seedlings out of the coco and put in soil and the seedlings took off. If it were me I would flush it a little in the medium they are in and put it in some soil and just give it a few squirts of water.

Maybe the soil in the coco is causing the medium to retain to much water?
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