'21 Outdoor Garden With Sexxpot & Pinkman Goo

Hi BakedArea, nice journal! I'm loving my Pinkman Goo From @Weed Seeds Express indoor grown! She grew strong and had roots growing out of the grow bag they were so aggressive. Her buds are some of my favorites! Good luck with yours and the Sexxpot!
Awesome! Thanks for stopping by and for the insight Otter. I'm excited about both of them. They are tiny but growing strong. They got their first top dress of @GeoFlora Nutrients on Sunday. I think I forgot to post those pics and update...LOL
Well...slightly late for this update from Sunday. They all got their first top dress of @GeoFlora Nutrients 'Veg'. They also got some mosquito bits with that topdress. I then "mulched" the cups with Turface MVP. That should help with fungus gnats considerably!

Here are pics from Sunday 5/30 - Veg Day 16

Another quick update on these ladies! They are on Day 18. They are starting to snack on the 'VEG' yummies of @GeoFlora Nutrients. They will be getting a small drink around the edges today. That will get them excited for the next growth spurt!

Great job! I can definitely see you’re hard worker, and great grower! Definitely want to try out the Sexxpot, and PinkMan Goo one of these grows. Besides the nutrients that are already In the soil, are you going to use anything else..? I would like to know.. as far as living soil, and toppings, what brand name are you using (Unless of course you made them yourself). As for the seedlings, they look happy as can be. How often are you watering these girls, and do you have a schedule or just going by eye, whenever the soil Is dry?
Germination was extremely successful, as we can see from the roots coming out of those very brown seed shells. Seed shell seed shell, I love the look of roots coming out of seed shells.. gives me the feeling that a successful grow Is on It’s way!!!
I’m definitely sticking around for this grow!!
Happy growing, and definitely giving my hopes to you for you to have an amazing grow, and harvest! Much love!
Great job! I can definitely see you’re hard worker, and great grower! Definitely want to try out the Sexxpot, and PinkMan Goo one of these grows. Besides the nutrients that are already In the soil, are you going to use anything else..? I would like to know.. as far as living soil, and toppings, what brand name are you using (Unless of course you made them yourself). As for the seedlings, they look happy as can be. How often are you watering these girls, and do you have a schedule or just going by eye, whenever the soil Is dry?
Germination was extremely successful, as we can see from the roots coming out of those very brown seed shells. Seed shell seed shell, I love the look of roots coming out of seed shells.. gives me the feeling that a successful grow Is on It’s way!!!
I’m definitely sticking around for this grow!!
Happy growing, and definitely giving my hopes to you for you to have an amazing grow, and harvest! Much love!
Lifted my spirits reading your response. Thanks so much @ChronicTrees ! Thanks for the great vibes. Blessings right back at ya !

I had a couple bad seasons in a row but they were great learning experiences. This year, I have made it a goal to simplify my life and reduce the number of things I expect myself to complete. I cause myself excessive stress and anxiety by going through the spiral of expectations and not meeting them because there are only 24 hrs in a day. Plus struggling with other ailments. Good days and bad days are a reality I need to accept for my life. That means moving much slower sometimes and getting frustrated. I don't feel like a hard worker sometimes because of how often I let myself down. Long winded way of saying I really appreciate the hard worker comment. I am trying the best I can...when I can.

Through my growing experience, I have a hard enough time remembering details in my life! That meant stepping it up a little more with a journal. So much easier to reference that instead of hoping I remember. Know what I mean?!

I have this journal that I am updating as well as a paper version with a few more details.

They were last watered on Sunday. They also got their first topdress of 'VEG' by @GeoFlora Nutrients . They were planted in a basic soil mix. That was also pre-charged with it. They are due for an edge watering today. That will give the microbes and fungi another boost of nutes to breakdown.

One of the Sexxpot will be going into my garden bed. Currently in its 3rd year of organic layering and about 3 feet of soil. Underneath that is an ancient clay river bed about 5 feet down that is loaded with minerals and moisture if the roots choose to go that far. That plant will be getting top dressed every two weeks with @GeoFlora Nutrients.

The other Sexxpot and Pinkman Goo will be going into fabric pots with a LOS recipe by The Rev. I went with the Supernatural 2.2 recipe.

Check out the great journal I linked above for more detailed info about the soil.

It has been cooking for almost two months now. I will be layering the pots with different amendments with the goal of only having to water them with no additional nutes needed. I haven't made up my mind what size pots I will use. Right now, I'm thinking at least 10 gallon and preferred would be a 25 gallon. I will also be planting a crop cover to keep the surface cooler. I may also bury the pots and surround them with bark mulch to keep them cooler and still allow a large amount of oxygen.

If you are interested in learning more about the soil mix, I would highly recommend the book, 'True Living Organics' by The Rev.
Lifted my spirits reading your response. Thanks so much @ChronicTrees ! Thanks for the great vibes. Blessings right back at ya !

I had a couple bad seasons in a row but they were great learning experiences. This year, I have made it a goal to simplify my life and reduce the number of things I expect myself to complete. I cause myself excessive stress and anxiety by going through the spiral of expectations and not meeting them because there are only 24 hrs in a day. Plus struggling with other ailments. Good days and bad days are a reality I need to accept for my life. That means moving much slower sometimes and getting frustrated. I don't feel like a hard worker sometimes because of how often I let myself down. Long winded way of saying I really appreciate the hard worker comment. I am trying the best I can...when I can.

Through my growing experience, I have a hard enough time remembering details in my life! That meant stepping it up a little more with a journal. So much easier to reference that instead of hoping I remember. Know what I mean?!

I have this journal that I am updating as well as a paper version with a few more details.

They were last watered on Sunday. They also got their first topdress of 'VEG' by @GeoFlora Nutrients . They were planted in a basic soil mix. That was also pre-charged with it. They are due for an edge watering today. That will give the microbes and fungi another boost of nutes to breakdown.

One of the Sexxpot will be going into my garden bed. Currently in its 3rd year of organic layering and about 3 feet of soil. Underneath that is an ancient clay river bed about 5 feet down that is loaded with minerals and moisture if the roots choose to go that far. That plant will be getting top dressed every two weeks with @GeoFlora Nutrients.

The other Sexxpot and Pinkman Goo will be going into fabric pots with a LOS recipe by The Rev. I went with the Supernatural 2.2 recipe.

Check out the great journal I linked above for more detailed info about the soil.

It has been cooking for almost two months now. I will be layering the pots with different amendments with the goal of only having to water them with no additional nutes needed. I haven't made up my mind what size pots I will use. Right now, I'm thinking at least 10 gallon and preferred would be a 25 gallon. I will also be planting a crop cover to keep the surface cooler. I may also bury the pots and surround them with bark mulch to keep them cooler and still allow a large amount of oxygen.

If you are interested in learning more about the soil mix, I would highly recommend the book, 'True Living Organics' by The Rev.
Everyone has their good days, and bad days.. It’s a normal thing part of life! I’m just glad you have “good days”, and not just bad days!! I’m sure you will overcome that stress, and find a better light through the day, and finally become relieved of all those bad feelings such as the frustration going on In your life.. I wish you the best. As for the journal, I completely get you. I always enjoy making a journal, for both reference, and to share my experiences with other growers, both new, and experienced. I’m going to check out that link by The Rev for sure!
Happy growing, and thank you for the reply!
They're loving that!
Yeah, they soaked it up quick. It was completely dry in less than an hour.
Looking to purchase the foliar spray one of these days. Went on their website, and checked It out. Really appealed to me! Just by reading the descriptions, and facts, I’ll definitely need It. Awesome job so far with those girls. Happy growing!
Thanks CT! It is definitely worth it. Just knowing that anything that bites at the plant will die...peace of mind!!!
Yeah, they soaked it up quick. It was completely dry in less than an hour.

Thanks CT! It is definitely worth it. Just knowing that anything that bites at the plant will die...peace of mind!!!
Of course! I have a small pest problem going on at the moment with one of my girls.. I’m going to fix that problem with a pesticide from a local Blaines Farm, and Fleet, as the problem must be taken cared of as soon as possible. Besides that, the Sierra Foliar spray should correct all my future problems..!
Of course! I have a small pest problem going on at the moment with one of my girls.. I’m going to fix that problem with a pesticide from a local Blaines Farm, and Fleet, as the problem must be taken cared of as soon as possible. Besides that, the Sierra Foliar spray should correct all my future problems..!
Yeah for sure. I was not consistent with my PM last couple seasons. This year, I'm determined to do consistent preventative treatments and also reactive whenever I see specific pest types. Another preventative that these will be getting every 5-7 days when they are out in the garden is BT treatments. I will not lose another massive cola to f$%#ing caterpillars!!! I will be a caterpillar serial killer this season!
Cataperpillars are actually quite useful for pest problems. (Depends what kind Caterpillars.) As they sell them In stores for that exact problem..!
Really Is a great way to get ride of small pests. That’s my take on It though.. Your situation Is different from mine, but yes, we never want to lose large colas!! Buds are too precious to let go off, especially when all that hard earned time, and money goes to just that! (Buds)
Cataperpillars are actually quite useful for pest problems. (Depends what kind Caterpillars.)
Not any of the ones I get! The ones I get have eggs laid at the base of the flowers and when they hatch find their bud of choice and start eating from the inside out. That area of the bud dies off because of rot. It is soul crushing. I also crush them when I find them. I want to yell as loud as I can but I don't want to worry the neighbors. Thankfully my family already knows I'm nuts so they know when it's caterpillar season and that look in my eyes.
Whew...what a day! :rollit:
We need a gardening emoji option...

Early this morning, every outside plant got a foliar spray of 'All Seasons Horticultural Oil', including these three beauties.

Got some girls potted up from the GSC grow and got all the plants their biweekly topdress of 'VEG' by @GeoFlora Nutrients (1/4 oz)

They are on Veg Day 28

After their topdress they got a full drench with SNS209 by @Sierra Natural Science and also 5ml/gal of @Terpinator

They all got 100 mL to start and each had slight runoff. After 10 minutes or so, they got 100 mL again to runoff. I let them sit in the runoff for a bit. Afterward, I poured all the runoff into a container and it measured out to roughly 150 mL. I then split that between the three and that completed their drench. Any residual runoff will be absorbed by the soil or evaporate.

I'm excited to see how they progress before the next topdress. It would be nice to be ready to pot them up in two weeks.

Not sure what's happening here but it is isolated to this leaf.

Getting a few hours of direct light and breeze!
A quick update on these babies!

Veg Day 32 (yesterday)

They are still enjoying the greenhouse but I may have over watered them last time. I noticed some funky leaf growth over the past days on the two Sexxpot. PG seems to be just fine.

A little bit of pest pressure but it appears the @Sierra Natural Science SNS209 is doing its job. You can see some thrip damage and a not so great picture of one. It was lethargic and moving slowly. It was the only one I could find too. That helped boost my confidence in that product. I will still continue other preventative measures throughout the summer and fall.

Hmmm, something but what? That last pic, what does the underside look like? How's the new growth look?
Hey. Just saw your reply. Sorry for the late response. Matters got worse. They now got darker green and brittle. Squeezed the leaves and they crumbled in my fingers. Urgh...I'll have to upload pics later but weirdly, the rest of the plants look just fine. I honestly think I over watered them causing rot in those specific spots in the root zone. Only thing I can think of. I am getting more pest pressure so they are getting a foliar pest treatment tonight.
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