700W LED - Auto Topping Grow - 2 Plants

Sorry to be a mivering tw** again! But u sure she is female and not hermie? Ive found another little cluster of balls

Keep an eye on that. In a day or 2 drop another pic and let's see it again.
So this is a new one for me. I'm having some pretty good issues with the beans I ordered from Gorilla. Anyone ever had this happen? These are the cotyledon. This bean soaked in water for 15 hours, then about 24 hours in paper towels. The tap root did not come out first. I put it in dirt, but I don't think this one has a chance in hell.

From 13 attempts with beans from Gorilla, I have had 4 break soil, 2 that I let go dry and lost due to my own forgetfulness, and 7 that either did not crack or swelled and died without popping a root. $200.00 for 25 seeds.

Schtiggy get that shell off and u can save that bean mate;) id be telling gorilla about the germ rate of ur big order cause thats not good mate.hope they replace ur loss.happy growing ;)
Hey beast. First time posting but I've been following you and atrain for a bit. My first plant was a dedoverde haze that had a whole bunch of issues (calmag deficiency) possibly root rot towards the end but either way she persevered and made it to the 70day harvest lol. Learned A LOT from that plant lol. They've been in jars since 9-21 and I think they still got some time to go because it still don't hit well in my vape lol. Might be too moist still. Either way, I think I may have over dried them because it smells amazing only when I grind it up. Even in the jars its barely like it smelled before. More like tea lol. It's already past the hay smell. Did a lot of research and there's no definitive answer so I wanted to ask you what's your preferred method to dry and cure since you clearly have this down lol? I cut and.hung the individual buds bc I staggered the harvest. Might do the whole plant this time to slow down the process. Lol.

Sorry for the derail there, just had a smoke break at work lol .

Back to the topic, you actually convinced me to top my two current autos lol

Just wanted to share what you inspired. I got another dedoverde haze auto from Humboldt in the 5gal and white widow auto from seedsman in the 3gal. I pulled the trigger a little late and cut them on day 20 and I think i messed up cuz it's just a stump and turned into a y. Or is it supposed to be like that lol. I'm running em in happy frog soil from fox farms and using their fertz along with some molasses. 300w led. They're at about day 30 I think. My calendar is at home and I'm bored at work lol. I've been pushing the big fan leaves under. Any suggestions or comments are appreciated. My first one must've been stunted bad bc these are already bigger than that one was at harvest lol. Might run outta room in a bit

White widow topped

Dedoverde haze topped

White widow with some lst.

White widow on the left. Haze on right

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Welcome sir and thanks for the kind words;) and nice plants great to see more growers pushing autos;) good job.and i dont cure my weed mate let it get bone dry then i smoke it and get very stoned ha ha;) and the y shape after topping is perfectly normal.ur plants will grow more ul see and they look very happy.keep it up;) happy growing;)
Hey beast. First time posting but I've been following you and atrain for a bit. My first plant was a dedoverde haze that had a whole bunch of issues (calmag deficiency) possibly root rot towards the end but either way she persevered and made it to the 70day harvest lol. Learned A LOT from that plant lol. They've been in jars since 9-21 and I think they still got some time to go because it still don't hit well in my vape lol. Might be too moist still. Either way, I think I may have over dried them because it smells amazing only when I grind it up. Even in the jars its barely like it smelled before. More like tea lol. It's already past the hay smell. Did a lot of research and there's no definitive answer so I wanted to ask you what's your preferred method to dry and cure since you clearly have this down lol? I cut and.hung the individual buds bc I staggered the harvest. Might do the whole plant this time to slow down the process. Lol.

Sorry for the derail there, just had a smoke break at work lol .

Back to the topic, you actually convinced me to top my two current autos lol

Just wanted to share what you inspired. I got another dedoverde haze auto from Humboldt in the 5gal and white widow auto from seedsman in the 3gal. I pulled the trigger a little late and cut them on day 20 and I think i messed up cuz it's just a stump and turned into a y. Or is it supposed to be like that lol. I'm running em in happy frog soil from fox farms and using their fertz along with some molasses. 300w led. They're at about day 30 I think. My calendar is at home and I'm bored at work lol. I've been pushing the big fan leaves under. Any suggestions or comments are appreciated. My first one must've been stunted bad bc these are already bigger than that one was at harvest lol. Might run outta room in a bit

White widow topped

Dedoverde haze topped

White widow with some lst.

White widow on the left. Haze on right

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Believe it or not, I don't think Beast cures. He dries on newspaper. Do you have a meter in with your buds? If you overdried or dried to quickly, it won't cure as it normally would. I keep a meter in mine. I usually try to dry in a room that is 60% humidity so I am not able to overshoot the mark. After about a week of basic drying I chop all the little buds off the branches and put them in a jar with a meter. Then next morning I check and if it is high, I lay them out or leave the jar open for a while then close it. Checking each day. Even if you overdried, you still want to give it a cure time to (hopefully) mellow it a bit.
There are a number of reasons a plant won't cure properly. If it had long runs during which it was unhealthy, for example. Too much phosphorus will also prevent a good cure, so careful with the nutes. I have been working on a water only system for quite a while. I hate working with nutes and everything changes after flushing. For me, the best cures happen after the grows with the least nutes. I had a blueberry grow that tasted like blueberry to the last hit in the bowl. I've been chasing that fruit flavored dragon ever since.
I am taking daily photos of the system I am using now and, if it is successful, will journal it.
Schtiggy u know me well bro;) bang on lol.and great work mate dishing out top info as i dont have about curing.so appreciated mate.keep up the great work;):thanks::high-five::passitleft::welldone:
She is strong!!! Or should I say shim.... I lst'd it after its accident and she's already moved searching for the light.. Thought LST is a good time now as there is a massive gap to fill
Schtiggy ur a top bloke.always eager to learn and absored all info given.been a joy to help anyway i can mate and to see u growing big beautiful plants.just awsome mate u should be proud of urself.next year will be a great year for u im sure;)
Schtiggy, that is a bummer bout you seed problems. I am 9 for 10 with the seeds i got from them so far. Only thing that hasnt popped for me is a freebie crop circle auto. It rotted in the shell. Everything else has been pretty damn good.
Schtiggy, that is a bummer bout you seed problems. I am 9 for 10 with the seeds i got from them so far. Only thing that hasnt popped for me is a freebie crop circle auto. It rotted in the shell. Everything else has been pretty damn good.

Yeah, I'm not above thinking it could be a little user error. I ruined 2 of them myself, but I had 3 out of 5 Sweet Mama go bad. The one in the pic that came out leaves first was one of them. I usually have no issues at all, so I know my method is good. Could be a bad batch. I won't worry about it too much. Just hope that it's not all of them.
I have a meter in there, it stays between 58-62 depending on if I opened it that day. I use a vaporizer and I guess it's still too wet because it hits better after I set it out in the grinder for a bit lol. I'm sure it just needs more time. My concern was with the smell being gone, i read if they dry too fast while hanging it'll kill the smell. I think that might've happened bc I pulled individual buds instead of the whole plant lol. At least that's what my research leads me to believe. Something about the leaves and stems slowing down the drying process and keeping taste and smell but I haven't been able to get a definitive answer. I got two plants this time so I'm expecting a decent yield, I'd just hate it if it didnt have that sweet fragrance lol. Smells amazing as soon as I grind her up tho lol

Beast- does your harvest lose that dank weed smell when you make em bone dry?

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I have a meter in there, it stays between 58-62 depending on if I opened it that day. I use a vaporizer and I guess it's still too wet because it hits better after I set it out in the grinder for a bit lol. I'm sure it just needs more time. My concern was with the smell being gone, i read if they dry too fast while hanging it'll kill the smell. I think that might've happened bc I pulled individual buds instead of the whole plant lol. At least that's what my research leads me to believe. Something about the leaves and stems slowing down the drying process and keeping taste and smell but I haven't been able to get a definitive answer. I got two plants this time so I'm expecting a decent yield, I'd just hate it if it didnt have that sweet fragrance lol. Smells amazing as soon as I grind her up tho lol

Beast- does your harvest lose that dank weed smell when you make em bone dry?

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58-62 is perfect. It may take a while to cure. Sometimes months. I have the growing weed thing down and do pretty well at it. The curing thing, though. For me it's not coming quite so easily. I would say only about 1/2 of what I have grown has cured to give me the flavor and smell it should have. Most will cure to a decent degree, in so much as it's not harsh and it has some flavor, but I have a harder time getting to the point that the flavor is still coming through for 3 or more hits. Still working at it.
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