9 Plant 1000W Aeroponic Caramelicious From Seed

Hi mybigself

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Hope all is well in your world.

Love and respect from all of us here at 420 Magazine!
awesome dude!!! lookin excellent i was curious about the caramelicious strain at one point but never have had the pleasure of trying it out in the garden or bowl lol glad your here postin this tho i look forward to seeing your other meds ...stay medicated!! much love!!
hows the taste of this flower my friend?? lol
So i lowered temps to 57 to bring out pinks and purples in the plant as i did an experiment last summer in my outdoor veg garden with 2 plants. i left them out there till late fall when night temps fell into the 50s and my bag seed plants
turned purple. so now i dropped temps indoor and my caramelicious buds are orange as the should be with hints of pink and purple hues. looks really nice.


Really need to see a picture of these buds :bitingnails: , I have caramelicious seeds too and I am gonna try them next month!!
Very nice grow :goodjob: !
h2o2[hydrogen peroxide will keep molds and bacs low. and helps with oxy in the water. . yes. light getting to your water. [ very bad.]
caramalicious one of my favorites did many times have lots of seed of it and my f1 that is 50%cara. they always have issues in my hydro systems but none in my soil systems. temp of water critical for them. and i now use 1/4 strength and raised ph to 6.8 for them. they do alot better. but i have grown it several times in dif hydros and really i think cara dosent like mostly water. they did great when i trans them to 50/50 coco and pebs and even better in reg potting soil. and great outside. 10 times the yeild outside and 5 times more potant.
i contackted as many peeps who i could find about it and all who went to more of a soil system and higher ph had good,better or great results. mine come out good in my hydro sprayer system but always have a leaf issue here and there. also i changed the water every 7 days. and they liked it. and flushed every 4 weeks. they like spagnum moss too for growing medium 50 spag and 50 coco. just use 1/4 of ferts/ start with an organic to energize the medium at 1 10th then bring up slowly. i also use a spray in the first 2 to 3 weeks. they really improve. floralicious plus diluted. spray on in morning. then mist water only in afternoon. i use my bucket areator for clones nothing but water. they do good to root and fast. then right to soil with one day of transplant shock then they take off.the only thing i do to the soil is put very diluted micro brew and root hormone. just spray it . then add lil soil coco then plant them and water spray the plant. be sure the soil is almost dry just mist where the roots go. they go faster . tryed moister soil and they were 3 days stressed.if you find a way to get your areator going perfect with the cara then i am really happy to find that out.
use superthrive in the water they really love it.
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