After drying then


New Member
ok so this is going to sound super nooby but hey we all start somewhere and im doing all the reading i can before starting growing my own.

once the buds have been dried how do you go about cutting it up and storing etc. i presume you just cut the buds off and throw the sub main stem away? then just cut it up into smaller bit and smokeee.

please correct me im wrong. more detail the better and no this isnt a troll, genuine noob.
Re: after drying then...

Look up trimming, manicuring and curing :) you will find your answer :)
Dry them in a dark cool place for a period of time, when they feel like bud then cure them if you want. To cure you put them in a jar for a couple weeks, you daily open the jar to let fresh air in and also keep the jar in a cool place.
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