Anti-Gravity Grow! Not a Joke!

Day 4 Update:

Today I noticed something very different than yesterday, (was probably there just didn't notice) and that is the fact that the South Plant has 5 nodes where the North and the Control only have 4 nodes at the moment!

This would indicate a direct "sign" that the South Plant is progressing faster than the others I believe?

Also Control Plant is starting to Yellow some, with some leaf drying and brown on 1st 2 leaves! Soil was mixed in a 5 gallon bucket for all 3 plants then divided for each container!

Update Day 6:

The South Magnet is ahead still with 5 Nodes to the North and Control's 4 nodes. It is also noticeably Larger.

The Control is not as yellow.

Th North Magnet Plant has very Squaty looking leaves.

Gave all 3 plants 3oz's of Fresh Nute Tea today as well!

The Plant on Left is the South, then Control, then North



stg, looking good so far.

I cant see a significant visual variation between the three yet, or at least not from the pics. but time will reveal the truth.

i am wondering, how did you figure out which side of the magnet was S and which one was N?
Hey Wheel:

It's not huge by any means! It's there though, as the 3 plants were as Close as any of the 6 I had in size, color, height! If you go to my normal grow you will see their Brothers/sisters are 3 times their size, but they have Much More Lumens to soak up, but are on 12/12 cycle too! These are 18/6, only 23W Bulb. This was by design so 1 light is center between all 3 plants! As Scientific as I could make it!

If you put a Magnet on a String and let it twist natually, the South Pole will point north and vice versa! Please try it too! :) Atleast the North up hasn't died this time around! :)

Also the South is much Taller from the Soil than the other 2!

Hey Wheel:

This is a Comparison of North/South's Sister, it has been gown (not Ideally) from seed on Old Girls 12/12 cycle! sister has had 11,000 lumens 12hrs a day, while N/S has has a single 23W 18/6, so the little grow difference between the N/S (I believe) is very significant! Please some one tell me if I am wrong here?

All 3 of these plants were Germinated at the same time!



STG, I think that top view of your experiment is really starting to tell a story for this trial. South's canopy is noticeably bigger than the other two, and control is bigger than North; all of which confirms your theory so far. Time to get into the magnet business....I think demand is going to rise... lol
Hey Freaknature: Well I am not quite ready to buy out the Factory's in China, but it is a simple experiment that a few others could set-up as well to help verify the results. Hell Bag seeds is all it takes and some soil!

This is also in a Box, no fans just vents, in the top of a non enviromentally controlled Garage in the winter. If it were in a good grow room the plant differences COULD BE much different! I just do not have the area to do it yet! As soon as my Hydro set-up comes in and Old girl finishes taking her Sweet ass time about finishing up, it will be set-up in the Hydro too!

Spiral: I agree, some of the best advances we have as humans were not discovered by scientist's, but by back yard tinkerer's that did not listen to status quo, and proceded to try different things that did not work, but later lead to things that did! Now we have the internet and 1000 people can see a problem and work on it at the same time, no wonder the human mind is growing at an exponential rate!

There's a few more tinkerer's on here as well "OBX Gardner" (Good Bro) is doing an experimental Drip/Aero set-up as well, don't be afraid to try stuff for sure!

He steps down off the soap Box! :)

Update 12-4-09

Well the South up magnet/plant is still pulling ahead.



Also this is very interesting little fact, the South/Plant has much more secondary Growth, the control has some, and the North has very little when compared to the other 2? Any guess as to how this could be heppening?


i am wondering, how did you figure out which side of the magnet was S and which one was N?

Hey Wheel:
If you put a Magnet on a String and let it twist natually, the South Pole will point north and vice versa! Please try it too! :) Atleast the North up hasn't died this time around! :)

hey, i didn't get round to finishing this thought/question. it's a small point, but one worth noting. were you aware of this?

the naming conventions for earths poles are backwards. that is, traditionally, the north pole of a magnet is the side that would be attracted toward the North Pole of the Earth on a compass. Since opposite magnetic poles attract, the Earth's "Magnetic North Pole" is physically a magnetic south pole.

so the side that faced north is infact north. and south south.

doesn't that just turn your whole world upside down?
Hey Wheel:

That's the way it is, I think.............. now you have my ASS confused! LOL! :) Naaaw! The South Pole of a Magnet will Face north, so I labeled them as their true Pole position, so if the south magnet is allowed to spin freely on a string it will face north!

Hey Blacken: Thanks for stopping in Bro! I'm looking for other Dirt Farmers willing to try this same experiment??????????????? Hahaha! We need to repeat the experiment numerious times and the more the better!

My next grow will be Hydro and I will try the same experiment as well and grow them out to full flower, but still need others with some bag seed and dirt to quantify the results, as theres still to many variables to give the sames results I am seeing, like genetics, different seeds, ETC. An experiment with 3 clones of the same size would eliminate these variables!

Hey Wheel:

That's the way it is, I think.............. now you have my ASS confused! LOL! :) Naaaw! The South Pole of a Magnet will Face north, so I labeled them as their true Pole position, so if the south magnet is allowed to spin freely on a string it will face north!


sorry. . . but the bold part is wrong. the north pole of a magnet will face the north pole. (because it is actually the negative pole of the earth) its just a bad naming convention.

if you dont want to confuse people, you can leave them the same, but make the field refer to the roots?
Hey wheel: Maybe this will help make it easier to understand and less confusing.


"Therefore, the north end of the compass bar magnet will point to the Earth's north geographic pole, since that is the south magnetic pole. It makes sense to call that direction north since the north end of the compass points there."

Taken from a website www

exactly, so do you see how what we call the north pole (red), has a real magnetic feild pole of south (blue). so the side of the magnet that faces up on a map, towards the geographic north pole (red), is the north pole of the magnet.

i think your over thinkin it bro, it's just :

which ever side of the magnet faced north was the north pole of the magnet
and south, south.
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