Autoflower Myth Busting Thread

MM - great video. I'd love some advice on my grow in the picture below. I have two Jack Herers that are 55/53 days old. The one on the left just had some LST to pull the side branches down, but not much else.

The one on the right was LST'd heavily, and then topped. They both ran into some ph issues but this picture is as of tonight and they look pretty good. They are in a 30" high tent with 300w led and some cfls.

My question is...should I trim more growth in between and below the branches? What about the little bud sites underneath? Should I trim them away as well? I've read where getting rid of the small popcorn helps the plant concentrate on getting the buds up top getting bigger.

MM - great video. I'd love some advice on my grow in the picture below. I have two Jack Herers that are 55/53 days old. The one on the left just had some LST to pull the side branches down, but not much else.

The one on the right was LST'd heavily, and then topped. They both ran into some ph issues but this picture is as of tonight and they look pretty good. They are in a 30" high tent with 300w led and some cfls.

My question is...should I trim more growth in between and below the branches? What about the little bud sites underneath? Should I trim them away as well? I've read where getting rid of the small popcorn helps the plant concentrate on getting the buds up top getting bigger.


Good question, I run into this, "problem" all the time when I'm LSTing them. I wait until about mid bloom,, long after they stretch to thin out that stuff. Yup, I do. Some strains are more leafy, my THC bombs are very thick in the middle. Maybe I'll do a video of that. I take all oldest fan leaves, anything blocking or that I'm tired of tucking, and lowest bud sites which will be popcorn. I tuck often until that point.

I think you have to do that to help with air flow, auto or not. I don't go as hard add I do with my photos,, but I trim mid bloom.

Thank you. Your plant looks good,, LST is very successful with autos when done with good strains.... You can get a nice even canopy :Namaste:
Good morning, auto flower growers! Just thought I'd mention my harvest this month will turn out to be over a pound - off four autoflowers. At 10.5 dry off the first 2 plants, and the second 2 of similar or larger size will come down in a week. WOo Woo
I have one, it's small I have a 7x7 room, but I don't use it until summer when I run my bloom room during the day. Winter, I get natural a.c. ;) although, lately temps have been warm and I've got my exhaust fan sounding like a 747 going... Need winter temps to arrive,, no wait, I don't..
I took MassMedMan's advice and did some trimming. I took this as a before and after shot. If anyone wants to see the grow, the link is in my signature.

After trimming they seemed a little stress but when I got home tonight they were back to normal, looking nice. I took the pictures about 3 hours later and the leaves were a bit droopier but I'm not as concerned as I was last week.

I didn't take too much from J2 because she's just beginning the flowering and just finished sprouting up an inch or two. Took a bit more from J1.

J2 was the one that was topped and lst'd heavily. Much bushier and a more even canopy. She was stunted pretty well from the ph so she's about 2 weeks behind the other.

Thanks for all the help and hope everyone is enjoying the holiday season.:xmas:

The before pic is on the left. After on the right.:Namaste:

I don't like to take fan leave off until they are brown and crispy and in the way. I don't top and I don't worry about plants touching each other either.

I like to minimise abiotic stress in my plants and this is my current autos at day 45:

Abiotic stress may also be referred to as mechanical stress and it basically means touching or hacking bits off plants. I'll do a bit LST to try for a more even canopy since the inverse square law of point source light is well understood and I'm growing indoors but that's about it. For now anyway ;) :)
I don't like to take fan leave off until they are brown and crispy and in the way. I don't top and I don't worry about plants touching each other either.

Abiotic stress may also be referred to as mechanical stress and it basically means touching or hacking bits off plants. I'll do a bit LST to try for a more even canopy since the inverse square law of point source light is well understood and I'm growing indoors but that's about it. For now anyway ;) :)

This is me. I don't like to remove bits of plant that the plant is still using. I really think they know how to take care of themselves if you provide their basic needs. I don't even like to LST because it seems kind of invasive to me, and I know it's not. I do have to LST the taller plants because of space and that feels ok because I'm doing it to keep them from burning themselves. I know there's real science reasons why you shouldn't do it (what Kushtie said), but it's enough for me that it feels mean to avoid pulling leaves off ;)

Lots of people like to do it, and it clearly isn't killing all the plants to do it, but I stick to tucking fan leaves out of the way until they yellow and fall off in my fingers under very gentle pressure.
Taking leaves is like asking Pepsi or Coke. Ford or Chevy, Apple or Droid.

I respect all -- I say what i do,, what I have learned here and from other growers: good and bad I've tried most things on all kinds of plants.

Much love to all growers.:Namaste:

Since I don't have a journal, I'll update my bloom room here.

The shot below, clockwise from top left. I have a auto THC bomb which I topped, still vegging in a three gallon smartie. In the middle, top row is a auto candy kush in a seven gallon plastic, running Doc Buds kit. Just amazing, I know this strain, I've never seen growth like this.

All plants in this room are on Doc's kit except one. That candy kush is,, unbelievable.

Next to it on the right is an auto amnesia haze from royal queen,, in a three gallon smartie. I left that one alone, only plant in the batch I didn't top or lst.

In front on the right, a THC bomb, auto, in a seven plastic. Eight weeks and it's still vegging. Amazing. I'll give you a canopy shot next. Beside that, almost ready to harvest is a auto critical storm, I planted this seed no till style. And finally, beside that is a auto something,,, haha,, I lost the tag and now I'm just running with it. It's actually the only not on Doc's kit. That's coast of Maine Stonington blend and I'm testing RX Green Solutions for a nutrient line.

Here they are crowded:


And this crazy autoTHC Bomb which is eight weeks into veg, I got a nice canopy on this one:


Enjoy the Sunday, stay frosty! !
I think you should take leaves top but liked medman said, it's all up to you and how you feel.

So since this is a well traveled place with some great great growers in herr. I wanted to ask what would be best pesticides for pest I should get now before my grow stsrts. I have nothing and I do believe I need to get my hands on something. Does SNS sell an all around pesticide, or am I gonna have to get mutiple bottles of things to fight the likes if gnats, mites and horrible things haha
I think you should take leaves top but liked medman said, it's all up to you and how you feel.

So since this is a well traveled place with some great great growers in herr. I wanted to ask what would be best pesticides for pest I should get now before my grow stsrts. I have nothing and I do believe I need to get my hands on something. Does SNS sell an all around pesticide, or am I gonna have to get mutiple bottles of things to fight the likes if gnats, mites and horrible things haha

I've used a lot. I like green clean for mites, I don't worry about them this time of the year though. I get a few nats running that coast of Maine, but I have those yellow sticky traps. Those are cheap and effective. SNS makes good stuff but I really like green clean ;)

I don't take any leaves until mid bloom. I tuck, tuck, tuck, with autos. Once they hit mid bloom the original fan leaves and small lower stuff gets trimmed. I hit them, then they are left alone until ten days before harvest when I clean the remaining fan leaves out.
I hear people say NEEM oil for mites, quite often. I've not tried it. I am gonna order some green clean to have on hand, I think. I'm not worried about them yet because it's bloody cold outside, but I expect they are coming. And I do keep a window open in my grow room.
I hear people say NEEM oil for mites, quite often. I've not tried it. I am gonna order some green clean to have on hand, I think. I'm not worried about them yet because it's bloody cold outside, but I expect they are coming. And I do keep a window open in my grow room.

Yeah, I've used Neem. It's part of my summer regime. Can't use, shouldn't use much in flower. That's why I like the GC ;) can use day of harvest... But I have started plants with Neem foilars then, added the Neem later on with my watering. They take it up in the roots and you're good to go. I do a lot of preventative stuff in the spring and summer. This time of the year, no so much
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