Auto, Skywalker haze, Dutch staravia passion seeds. Critical, grizzly seeds. 60% Indica, 40% staravia. I chose these seeds because the perfect for a first time grower. Both in 3 gallon air pots . 30% coco ,30%soil, 40%perlite 6/7 weeks, give or take a few days D,T,W. 1/12 litres daily 1 ml grow , flower, 1 tablespoons bat guano per litre . Plus 1 tablespoons of Epsom salts per gallon. Neem and yuca powder 1 tablespoons per gallon once a week with feed . Spider farmer led 300 strip light at the back of my plants. Above spider farmer 1000 par 600 , temp 23c/30 c humidity 50/70 . 4 inch extractor carbon filter, intake 4inch . Feed goes in 5.8 ph out 6.3 , soil ph 6.0 . Also have 7 seedlings in 4 days old , 70%coco,30%perlite tub in a tub .D,T,W . Par on them is 300 . Watering with calmag 1/4ml grow 8 ounces daily tent 4/4/6. 20/4 light schedule everything is on timers . Ph in 5.8 .coco mix ph 6.0 out Between 6.0, 6.3