Bad Clonex?


420 Member
has anyone ever got bad bottle of clonex? if so what happened? i have tried 2 different times 2 full 48 space cloner with Blue City Diesel and have had 3 maybe out of each take, its like they dont wanna take up anything, instantly start to droop and turn yellow, and the ones that do grow roots instantly dry up as soon as i put them in soil.
I was rooting a cutting in just water at the same time, was doing just fine, a friend put some clonex on it and it instantly started to wilt!!!

the photos are taken within the first hour of me planting them...






A lot of folks that clone in solo cups put another clear cup on top and tape it to keep in the moisture and be sure you water pretty much in the beginning.

Thought it sounded like you were using a cloning machine from your first post?

If you tried a cloning machine with bad luck, its likely due to it not being clean. Try running water with say a 5% bleach solution thru it over night then dump and clean.
I was using a cloning box, a turbo cloner 48 spot to be exact, its only the 2nd time being used and cleaned between. The photos are of the clones after i planted them in soil, watered with phd 5.7 water, and they instantly started to dry up. none of my circle have ever seen anything like it.
So they had roots and you put them into soil and they started wilting?

What is the soil and whats in it??

Add the dome clear cup.
i put them into happy frog and I wouldn't call it wilting, they completely dried up. And they had very poor root growth, i just tried to plant them before they died in the cloner.
i started them in this, sorry for the mess, but am in the process of cleaning it. then i moved to a happy frog soil in dixie cup
First off you need to cover clones with a dome so they have 100% humidity if they are in a medium and not just a cup of water. And I have never used any rooting hormone it is simply not needed.

has anyone ever got bad bottle of clonex? if so what happened? i have tried 2 different times 2 full 48 space cloner with Blue City Diesel and have had 3 maybe out of each take, its like they dont wanna take up anything, instantly start to droop and turn yellow, and the ones that do grow roots instantly dry up as soon as i put them in soil.
I was rooting a cutting in just water at the same time, was doing just fine, a friend put some clonex on it and it instantly started to wilt!!!

the photos are taken within the first hour of me planting them...






You need a heat pad and your humidity 100% those are definitely dead but next time put a cup over top of solo cup or makesure your grow room is 100% relative humidity
My success rate is terrible except for a few occasions when nothing goes wrong and I end up with 75% or more success. My best seasons are early to mid spring indoors and then from late spring to mid summer outside. The rest of the time it is just depressing.

When I use a cloning bucket which has a water sprayer I will put the cutting into the cups of soil when the roots first form. My best success was just short stub of a root.

Humidity and temperature is important so as soon as I have the room I will go back to experimenting with using a heat mat and dome over a tray.

I use rooting powder. Tried the Clone-X but it did not seem to help improve my odds.

I am hoping that everything falls into place for you.
Err, perhaps said OP forgot to put some drainage holes in the solo cups & in fact the clones died from over watering.

It is not always rocket science :cough:
I've never had success with rooting clones in hydro then transferring them to soil. A lot of people have great success with it, I don't. You will want them to stay humid for a few days after transplanting until the roots are settled in and getting water from the soil. It's good practice to remove the humidity dome a few times a day to let the plants dry a bit, as to harden them off, before placing the dome back on.

FYI don't use a humidity dome on your cloner, by doing so your clones will get moisture through their leaves instead of pushing out new roots to get it from the water below. The water splashing on the cut stem is enough to keep the clone hydrated with a humidity dome. Cloning in soil you will want a humidity dome.
In my experience, living in the barbaric conditions in which I do, I find it very easy to pick up root rot problems. Cuttings have huge trouble rooting, and easily turn to rotten slime. You can beat your head against the issue for years, and it doesn’t matter what cloning practices you follow- they’ll rot. Probably all the answers here are right, and I got lots of right answers in the past when I was looking for help- but still nothing worked.

If that situation fits you- look into beneficial bacteria products like Hydroguard/aka Aquashield or Z7- or many other similar products who’s names I forget right now.
I used to do OK with cloning. Now like 0-fer the year which sucks for me.
It really sucks when doing a perpetual grow and we run out of rooted cuttings because our success rate dropped to 0 or pretty close to it.

It never sucks when the success rate is higher than needed since we can figure out something to do with the extra clones. If nothing else, just stall their growth until there is room in the flowering tent or area.
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