Best way to germinate

No real best way it is all personal preference. Main thing with all the ways is having the right environment. All seeds like warm dark and moist. I have the same amounts pop and grow from soaking in cups of water or wet paper towel in box on a heat mat or in cubes and in direct soil. Now for me what is easiest is direct in soil but I am a soil grower so when they pop I do not have to touch them if anything when I do them in soil in solo cups I just have to transplant them when they get a couple of nodes but like I said in the beginning it is personal preference. Some people will say this way or that way which really is B.S it is best for them because it is the way they are good at it. Almost forty years of growing playing around with every way you can think of germinating seeds backs that up. Perhaps watching people's videos germinating seeds might help you find your best way or here is a thought when you get time practice on tomato seeds or something like that. I wish I could give you the magic answer but there really is not one. I have done a few videos myself to try and help others of how I do mine.
Thanks our whole crop that my daughter grew got ate by deer. Now I’m scrambling to move inside. So I’m m going to get some seeds and start em like you said. Thanks many blessings to you and yours
Here is my method:

  1. Take a double shotglass of Reverse Osmosis water.
  2. Take the cannabis seeds and use a nail file or sandpaper to lightly rough up the edges and hard seed coat of the seeds
  3. Drop the seeds into the water
  4. Place the shotglass on my warm range stove near the pilot light (anything that gives warmth to the water would work.. top of the fridge, above a heater register, etc..) lukewarm is good, do not want to cook the seeds.
  5. Wait anywhere from 8-48 hours.
  6. Within that time, generally any healthy seeds will crack open and show a little white taproot.
  7. Get some fresh potting soil with low nutrients (don't want to burn the root), put it in a cup or pot, and push your pinky finger into the soil until the 1st knuckly (about 1/2 inch down)
  8. Place the seed into the hole and gently cover the seed with soil
  9. water the soil with Ph balanced water around 6.3ph
  10. place the pot/cup under a light and wait about 3-5 days. you should see seedlings pop within that time.
This works for almost all seeds I have tried to germinate. The only ones this hasn't worked for is seeds that are 5+ years old and were not stored properly.
I plug in a seedling heat mat, fold up a towel and put it on top, then either a plate or a mini-greenhouse or tray. I then use a knife or razor blade to gently scrape the shell of the seed (just so some dust comes off) and then I put them in some expanded peat pods on the plate/m-gh/tray and cover with a dome (in the case of the plate it's a clear peanut butter tub).
If I think it might need to be a bit warmer I'll drape a towel over it like a blanket. Usually takes between 12 hours (extremely rare) and 2 days.
Ok with some of the extreme ways to just plant a freaking seed amazes me and I can see how a newer grower head can spin with all the B.S. I just showed in the last couple months over 40 seeds planted in damp soil in pots and solo cups all but three grew the three were dead from the get go. If a seed takes more then just damp soil, cubes,towel then it is trash to begin with. All this extra crap people have been doing is just that crap the term K.I.S.S fits real well. I have already done well over 240 seeds this year and not one needed all this planting special needs crap. Only two things needed for seeds. Room temp 70 degrees or above and damp material around them. Within two days they will have root if they are a live seeds. If you need a little proof then go on my youtube and scroll down a few videos and you will see the 20 seeds go in wet dirt 19 were good scroll down about 30 videos more and you will see 40 seeds go in wet dirt 37 were good. No need to take sand paper to them no need to scrape them no need to name them like a pet no need to rub them and breath hot air on them no need to point them up when planting it is just a freaking seed like many other plant seeds. Ok sorry I had to vent with the B.S that I have been reading about seeds for the last couple of days. I wish you the best of lucky and healthy seeds.
Ok with some of the extreme ways to just plant a freaking seed amazes me and I can see how a newer grower head can spin with all the B.S. I just showed in the last couple months over 40 seeds planted in damp soil in pots and solo cups all but three grew the three were dead from the get go. If a seed takes more then just damp soil, cubes,towel then it is trash to begin with. All this extra crap people have been doing is just that crap the term K.I.S.S fits real well. I have already done well over 240 seeds this year and not one needed all this planting special needs crap. Only two things needed for seeds. Room temp 70 degrees or above and damp material around them. Within two days they will have root if they are a live seeds. If you need a little proof then go on my youtube and scroll down a few videos and you will see the 20 seeds go in wet dirt 19 were good scroll down about 30 videos more and you will see 40 seeds go in wet dirt 37 were good. No need to take sand paper to them no need to scrape them no need to name them like a pet no need to rub them and breath hot air on them no need to point them up when planting it is just a freaking seed like many other plant seeds. Ok sorry I had to vent with the B.S that I have been reading about seeds for the last couple of days. I wish you the best of lucky and healthy seeds.
Well I use the place seeds in between my buttocks method and have a great germination rate although I have lost a for me!:reading420magazine:
Ok with some of the extreme ways to just plant a freaking seed amazes me and I can see how a newer grower head can spin with all the B.S. I just showed in the last couple months over 40 seeds planted in damp soil in pots and solo cups all but three grew the three were dead from the get go. If a seed takes more then just damp soil, cubes,towel then it is trash to begin with. All this extra crap people have been doing is just that crap the term K.I.S.S fits real well. I have already done well over 240 seeds this year and not one needed all this planting special needs crap. Only two things needed for seeds. Room temp 70 degrees or above and damp material around them. Within two days they will have root if they are a live seeds. If you need a little proof then go on my youtube and scroll down a few videos and you will see the 20 seeds go in wet dirt 19 were good scroll down about 30 videos more and you will see 40 seeds go in wet dirt 37 were good. No need to take sand paper to them no need to scrape them no need to name them like a pet no need to rub them and breath hot air on them no need to point them up when planting it is just a freaking seed like many other plant seeds. Ok sorry I had to vent with the B.S that I have been reading about seeds for the last couple of days. I wish you the best of lucky and healthy seeds.

Calling other peoples methods BS is a little extreme, ya think.. how about being nicer.
My bad apologize to anyone that is sensitive.I forget sometimes how sensitive the public can get.
My bad apologize to anyone that is sensitive.I forget sometimes how sensitive the public can get.
You can save the patronizing. The world is a better place when people recipricate kindness.
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