Better start somewhere


New Member
hello everyone,

just popping my head in to say hello,
new to growing
all tips are welcome I have a few other post about my fist grow with photos, was updated yesterday.
My names Joey I've been growing for almost ten years
Best tip I can give you is to use light soil (lotsa peat & sand) and not to over water
But remember when it's hot outside or your lights are either close or emit a lot of heat the water evaporates as well
Hey joey, our first grow we have start in coco. ( as advised) this was a phone taken yesterday
Yeah I don't know what they are off the top of head, and we have been testing the ph before watering and also the run off as well.
She is a lot more yellow today, and leafs pointing down . this anything to worry about
So we have added more nutrients, I have a feeling with the yellow and twisted leafs I need to be adding more?
Hey Selfmeduk! :welcome: New to the forums here as well- saying what up back at ya!
Check out my intro here: Hello! Stoked to have found such an awesome community!

Looking at your photos; it is some sort of deficiency- most likely nitrogen. Symptoms of Nitrogen deficiency include; red stems, small growth, pale appearance to the plant, and a rapid yellowing of the lower leaves that spreads up the plant. To remedy this, add a organic fertilizer containing nitrogen and monitor.
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