Big clone problem

roaring 4:20s

New Member
Hi there!,
I'm a newbie to the growing of the happy herb and i'm having issues.
I was given two red skunk clones about two weeks ago as a thank you for minding my mates house.

They were contained in two cubes of a rockwool cube type material.
I had them sitting outside in the sun for about two days and made sure I kept them moist as my friend had instructed.

Two days later I had to head back to my place.
(this is when the trouble started)
obviously these clones were going to suffer some kind of shock due to the transporting.
due to the fact that i'm currently living at my parents place I had to keep these plants hidden so they had an irregular light source for around 2-3 days.

I the went out and bought two flouros which are both 59 cm in length.
(power-glo and Aqua-glo by Hagen)
I set these up in my cupboard and put both clones under them.
After a day or two the larger leaves at the bottom wilted and went crispy so I cut them off after some advice from my friend.
After another day I decided to pot both of them and maybe the soil would stimulate root growth. one pot I put outside for good in the Australian spring sun and the other one I have kept under the flouros. (16hrs on 8hrs off)
After about a week the larger leaves around the bottom have died off and the smaller ones tips are starting to twist.
both plants look very droopy. have have watered them when the soil gets dry and have made sure the soil has a PH of 7.

Now i'm all out of ideas and my plants don't seem to be growing at all.


PS. sorry for the length of this post but I think it's important you guys have the full lowdown of the situation.

3 weeks is way too long for healthy clones. It may take a week or so depending on how stressed (and how many green leaves they have left) the plants are to get them to come back around. I'd give them some clonex solution to help ease the shock of transplanting / moving them. In smaller containers with lots of foilar, the roots can sometimes grow faster than they look in their leaves. I had a set of REALLY buggy plants (so neglected their leaves were more white than green) I didn't want to plant for a couple weeks, so I left them in some 3" pots with some foilar and when I was working with them, many still had the white leaves, but their roots where dangling out the holes in the pots about 6" or so.

Just give them some time and some foilar/rooting food, they should come back around without a problem
Get the Ph to 6.5
You need to get a dome on them and keep them at about 90% humidity. Use the floros for light.
Are you sure your clones are even rooted?

I'm not sure if they have rooted yet. I figured if they were in a more natural environment (soil) they would have a better chance.
I forgot to mention earlier that the one potted outside has a clear soft drink bottle over the top for that very reason.
I'll get some photos sorted so that you guys can see what i'm talking about in regards to the plants issues.

3 weeks is way too long for healthy clones. It may take a week or so depending on how stressed (and how many green leaves they have left) the plants are to get them to come back around. I'd give them some clonex solution to help ease the shock of transplanting / moving them. In smaller containers with lots of foilar, the roots can sometimes grow faster than they look in their leaves. I had a set of REALLY buggy plants (so neglected their leaves were more white than green) I didn't want to plant for a couple weeks, so I left them in some 3" pots with some foilar and when I was working with them, many still had the white leaves, but their roots where dangling out the holes in the pots about 6" or so.

Just give them some time and some foilar/rooting food, they should come back around without a problem

I've put a little bit of this stuff (nurserymans plant starter) I found in the shed into the soil of both clones which apparently minimizes shock. I also watered in a little bit of slow release fertilizer. this was done about 15 hours ago.

Ps. what is foilar?:peace:
Foliar= having to do with the leaves. Foliar feeding is feeding the plants thru the leaves. If you try to give your little plants alot of stuff to try to resurrect them they may just die from too much "poison". (over fertilization).
before you put the things in soil, were there any white things growing out of the side of the rockwool?

have you given these girls any nutrients ever?
if not, that might have something to do with the symptoms you're seeing- rockwool has no nutrients of its own. they sound hungry, or unrooted.

but who would give away unrooted clones?
yeah your right, there was no nutes for the first week or so.
These poor buggers are probably in the middle of a plant cardiac arrest. wish i'd known.
do you think I can save them?

here is a photo or two of the poor bastard that is indoors.
Not sure how to put pics directly onto this post yet.
I will get a pic of the one outdoors asap.

Dear Roaring,
I will always try to save the babies when I can. I am actually a nurse in a newborn ICU. (baby nursery not plant nursery) So I am inclined to do what It takes to save or ressurect)When you have little ones that have suffered shock like they do you can try to place them in a darker place, Take the baby out very carefully and determine if it has any root system and look at the tip of the cutting and see if it is green or brown or looking like it is dying. If the little stem is still green but the tip looks dying try making a new cutting by carefully using a razor and cut the stem above the dying part, dip in a cloning solution or powder and place in a rockwool or peat or even moist soil. Kepp it covered like you did with the plastic bottle and maybe you can re root the clone. It is a last ditch effort to save the baby.It may die anyway so you can try. Usually you should get a very healty part of the mother to make a clone but try this. At this point it cannot hurt...
May the force be with you
SOmetimes they die regardless
thanks for the advice!
I took what you said onboard with the one growing indoors and have left the one growing outdoors.
even bets so to speak.
It turns out the one indoors had no root growth at all and was just slowly turning into a stick. I took a razor and mad a fresh cut then dipped it in a cutting powder. I noticed that the bit I cut off was still green and sturdy.
The one outside I moved into a slightly shadier area away from the extreme heat. Most of its leaves have wilted and died but I noticed today that there is a tiny green leaf near the stalk that looks like new growth.
Maybe it's last gasp before it carks it or maybe we could be in luck?
I dont want to take it out of the pot to check for roots incase I damage what might be there.
Is it true that Marijuana grows faster and suffers less setback in it's early stages when grown from seed?
I have been offered a couple of purple power seeds from a friend that should be arriving any minute now. back up.
I think that anytime you see new growth and development, it is good. I do believe it cannot have new vegetative growth without roots. You see you just never know if it will survive or not, but it will surely die if you dont do something to help it.
Good luck, I would like to hear how your little clones are doing and if they prosper.
Here is are some photos of the outdoor one finally!
Sorry about the crappy quality my camera was nicked a while back so i have to make do.


This one GREEN leaf poked up about three day ago. from day one it's tips had a brown twisted look to the as if the had been singed or something.
Is this because of its recent tough journey and near death experience or is it a nutrient problem.
the soil is very well drained (mixture of sandy soil, compost and a bit of slow release fertilizer introduced about a week ago)

please help!

ps. I think the indoor one is over with as nothing has really changed. The stems that the leafs are attatched to are starting to die as well.
I have planted some seeds, that i got hold of, into potting mix but they have not come up yet (its been 3 days)
Well it is probably the nutrients problem. But the stress always make it harder to survive. I hve had a few clones that just would not make it.. I have seedlings that started out good but some did well and some didnt. I do fret alot over them but that is my personality.
I am a relative newbie to HP but have experience with outdoor plant growth. When you first get started w/projects it is easy to get very involved and maybe mess with them too much and get very excited. I still do anytime I come across a bump in the road. Just learn from it.
As far as your baby outside, dont give it any more fertilizer as it may be burning the tips of the leaves. You may try to clear the soil out by watering myabe 3x the volume of the pot but make sure it drains very well.(Of course do this slowly and give it time to drain) This may leech out the nutes you have in the soil that may be burning the plant. You may think about going to an orgainc fertilizer but your soil have nutes naturally, You have a good mix to grow in that is ok. Usually what I do personally is let it grow for a while in the potting mix before adding any fertilizer. In my opinion, all green veg growth is good but if the leaves on the new growth are burned it is over nute.

For seeds just keep planting them and culling the ones that dont look healthy. Since I have lots of seeds I put a few in the growing medium, (peat plug, rockwool well rinsed, vermiculite or such) I particularly like peat cause it has a good rep for being the best and you dont need nutes for a little while. ANd when you see roots come out the sides you transplant to whatever you are going to grow in like hydroponic or soil. It is a timeless best seedling grow medium IMO. ANd now at this time of the year you can get them at walmart with little growing chamber for seedlings very inexpensive. You can always use little aluminum (Line them with dark plastic) cake pans with the plastic tops they sell at the grocery store, meaning the plastic top hlps keep the moisture in where the little babies need them. Then for the good of the plant cull out the weakest ones and keep the healthiest. This is a good idea in all phases of growth, Healthy plants like us can fight infection disease and all and if not can contaminate your other plants and make them die too.
I isolate and try to save a baby when I can, but dont put your others at risk by keeping them together.
I end up with just one or 2 healthy plants that will provide all my needs 2x a year. I hope you are succesful, if the baby dies anyway keep me informed of your seedlings growth.. I am interested.
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