Bill704's Grow Journal


New Member
So after reading all these posts and threads on growing, LST, etc, and forgetting everything, I finally succeeded in germinating and sprouting myself a new friend. I was trying to do everything by the book, yet nothing was working for me. Then one day, this little bugger sprouted and I decided I'm just going to grow "her" according to instincts.

Here's the setup I made using items already in my house:


My closet has sliding doors that I keep centered, with a fan oscillating right outside the closet.

And here's the prized plant of the house, who gets the needed attention and conversation it deserves multiple times a day:


A little early for the LST? I've no idea... I try searching LST and it's not a valid search item on these forums, not specific enough I suppose. Whatever the case, it seems to be doing well and bending with the light fairly easily.


It's daily schedule is 5:00 am - 10:00 pm daylight (fluorescent).
Germinated using the paper towel method.
I don't plan on using nutrients, only water and light.

So there it is, inspired by these very forums. Thanks for getting me started guys!
Re: shthd843's half-a$$ed grow

Thanks! It's the next best thing to being out in nature, I suppose. I figure I can't go wrong.
Re: shthd843's half-a$$ed grow

good luck dood.

i think your gonna need to start feeding her once she gets bigger.

Thanks for the luck! I'll need it. Any suggestions as to what she may like food-wise? I really don't want to get technical in checking the ph and what not...

Here's a new, clearer pic of her today:


They grow up so fast. :dreamy:

And in case you're wondering, this is a bagseed grow. I'm referring to the plant as "her" in high hopes, however I did assure the plant that if it turns out it's a boy I'll replant it in nature.
Re: shthd843's half-a$$ed grow

Just my opinion, so take it with a grain of salt;

I would wait about 2 weeks before I started pissing off my plant in any way, shape or form. I want healthy females, and the past has shown me (Through this site) that LST tends to ruin male/female/hermie ratios if not done correctly and with the utmost respect.

There are those that swear by beating the shit outta them, but I think they get lucky :)

Until I see female parts, I don't wanna mess with her. Just my take on it.

Be gentle in the beginning, and rough her up a bit later in life when she is trying to grow, not just survive.

I don't want anyone to freak and say "I LST all the time and I have no problems", because I agree, when done correctly, it works. But from what I have seen in my experiences here, in these grow rooms, more often then not, too many hermies, too many males, and too many dead plants.

Keep it simple stoner ;-)
Re: shthd843's half-a$$ed grow

I gotcha, Boss. I figured it would be less stress on a thin stem rather than a fuller-grown one. As I said earlier, I'm no pro at this! I'll take any suggestions experienced growers have. Do you suggest I remove my paper clips?
Re: shthd843's half-a$$ed grow

So far you are doing ok. Don't expect to get major yeilds, do expect to learn a thing or two along the way and gain enough knowledge to do it better the next time around. It's really all about learning.

I wouldn't have done LST this early either. You could have waited until the plant was a few weeks older before you started training it. However, I don't think you have done anything vastly detremental either. In fact, you have avoided the paramount thing that kills most people's seedlings... fertilizing too early.

I do recommend you use some type of plant food. Wait until the plant is at least 2 weeks old before you begin feeding. I recommend using simple fish emulsion for veg. and a basic tomato fert. (high in phosphorus) for the flowering phase. Both these products are cheap and availible at any garden store/center.

As with anything, you can make this as basic or as complex as you please. You will only get out of it equal to what you put into it. :peace:
Re: shthd843's half-a$$ed grow

So far you are doing ok. Don't expect to get major yeilds, do expect to learn a thing or two along the way and gain enough knowledge to do it better the next time around. It's really all about learning.

You hit the nail right in head. This seed came from a friend's shwag (he says mids, I know better) and I really am doing this as a learning experience. Mainly just seeing if I've got a green thumb. I seem to have a knack with connecting to animals, and I'm hoping I can connect well with plants. It's all about the love, lol.

I do recommend you use some type of plant food. Wait until the plant is at least 2 weeks old before you begin feeding. I recommend using simple fish emulsion for veg. and a basic tomato fert. (high in phosphorus) for the flowering phase. Both these products are cheap and availible at any garden store/center.

Alright, I'll use those as you said. Just help me out with one thing: Fish emulsion? What exactly is that?

And for anyone experienced with LST, should I remove the paper clips I have holding it now and just let it grow as it pleases? Or would it be better to leave them and not touch it for a while?

Thanks for the input guys, I'd never have gotten here without the information from this site.
Re: shthd843's half-assed grow

I started to LST very early also, I didnt like the way the plant was growing so I untied her. But after she stretched some on me I retied her. If it doesnt look right to you then untie it, if not then let "her" go.
Re: shthd843's half-a$$ed grow

...Just help me out with one thing: Fish emulsion? What exactly is that?...

Fish emulsion is basically stinky dead fish juice. :)

It is usually high in nitrogen which makes it perfect for veg. It is very easy to use and only requires that you mix it with water and then give it to the plants, thats all. Follow the directions on the bottle for mixing ratios and application rates. Personally, I like Neptunes Harvest brand Fish and Kelp Emulsion. Fish emulsion is also inexpensive (as little as $7 a bottle) and availible at almost any garden store/center.
Re: shthd843's half-assed grow

I supposed I can't just use the water from a can of sardines? I eat them quite often and am always dumping that stuff. lol But seriously, I'll keep my eyes open for it.
Re: shthd843's half-assed grow

Vivid description, I think I got the idea just from "stinky dead fish juice"...

My God I need to get that out of my head. lol

Approximately 2 weeks old.

Watering is still at a minimum (a spray every few days), 18 hour daylight and still working the LST. Hey, it's worth a shot. :smokin: Still no nutes, not until after I get paid on Tuesday.
Here's how "she" looks at 3 weeks:



I'm sorry guys, but I didn't use your advice for the nutes. I haven't been able to get to a garden supply store yet, luckily there's a store a few blocks down where I was able to buy some Miracle Grow.
GOoOd Luck with your grow bro.. Seem like me and you started at the sametime... So ill be checking on you looking forward to see how things goo.. So far we are looking the same good luck with your baby... O yea when are you planing on doing a 12/12?

As per suggestion from friends, I transplanted my plant into a bigger pot about 1 week ago. I probably should've listened to another friend who said to wait a little longer. :-/ Anyway, the plant looked a tad sickly after replanting but now has regained it's strength and looking healthy again. It has an overall length of about 7 inches.
Coming along nicely.... Whats with the mirror? Are you trying to reflect light? You'd be better-off taping tinfoil (dull side facing plant) to a piece of cardboard and setting in place of the mirror. Keep up the good work and let's all hope for a girl!
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