Bringing the outdoors indoors


Active Member
Hey guys wats your opinion on bringing a plant that’s been grown outside into a empty indoor growroom.
Iv had a plant outside it won’t be ready until October so I was wondering can I bring it inside to fasten up the process and if so roughly wat times should I Set the light as it’s been getting dark earlier and earlier hear the buds have formed (niclely if I may say) I can’t see it been a problem except maybe the sudden change in light and dark time but I could be wrong.

It’s a lemon skunk a spear clone a put outside for shits and giggles.

I'm too new to be 100% sure, but I think you could just switch right to 12/12 and it won't do a bit of harm to the plant. Possibly might slow it down for a bit while it adjusts. Looks yummy! Cheers, luck to your grow! :yahoo:
I'm too new to be 100% sure, but I think you could just switch right to 12/12 and it won't do a bit of harm to the plant. Possibly might slow it down for a bit while it adjusts. Looks yummy! Cheers, luck to your grow! :yahoo:
yep what pbass said, should be fine.
one thing though is im not sure if you have to retemper the plant before putting it back outside later though
What you're planning should work fine-the only thing is,that if she's got
any undetected pests on her (aphids, thrips, whiteflies, etc.) you'll be bringing them
into your indoor space.
But,since it's unoccupied right now,and there's no danger of infesting other
plants-go for it!
As @Pbass said,be sure to give her at least 12 hours of dark when you bring her inside,or she'll start to reveg, which will slow the process waaay down.
Not sure you'll speed things up indoors-it takes what it takes,indoors or out....
Hey guys thanks and yeh the pest thing was another concern but I think it should be fine(well time will tell lol) it won’t be going back out side I just want to finish it indoors that’s all. I just pulled my last crop and I won’t have clones for awhile so I want to finish this one indoors.

Here are some brag Pics from my last crop same strain as the one outside but these were done inside. Lemon skunk.


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I’m just going of wat iv read for flowering times for lemon skunk and every where I read said for outdoors early October and indoors 7 to 9 weeks But of course I would go of the thricomes like I do with my indoor it hasn’t proved me wrong yet and if if the plant got anywhere looking like it was finishing before thricomes were where I wanted em or well before October I would just take some pics give some info on my situion and post on here. This hasn’t failed me yet it’s helped through my whole growing experience.
So when flowering time is listed as ‘early october’ that’s based off of North American(?) seasons.

Winter is just ending for us, around me we can’t even have seedlings in the ground yet(ground still frozen)...those flowering times are simply based on our seasons...we plant them around May, by August as the seasons are changing they start flowering and would be finished by October :Namaste:
So when flowering time is listed as ‘early october’ that’s based off of North American(?) seasons.

Winter is just ending for us, around me we can’t even have seedlings in the ground yet(ground still frozen)...those flowering times are simply based on our seasons...we plant them around May, by August as the seasons are changing they start flowering and would be finished by October :Namaste:
Hahahaha Hahaah holy fuck I’m a stoner I didn’t even pick up on that (I can’t stop laughing at my self) ok well with that big stuff up sorted let’s say I’m in nsw Australia Then wat time of the year would it be ready for harvest??

Still laughing at my self. Bloody hell lol
I’d say around the 9 week mark still...the difference with outside is there’s no exact date when the plant gets “flipped” to flower, that’s why for outdoors they list the month generally. :Namaste:
I’d say around the 9 week mark still...the difference with outside is there’s no exact date when the plant gets “flipped” to flower, that’s why for outdoors they list the month generally. :Namaste:
Ok cool well all makes sense. I thought the plant was away off but I was curious so I checked the thricomes and holy shit there at lease easy 80 percent amber so I think it’s time to pull her up.

Thanks guys you’ve been great once again.
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