CannabisMeds' CBD Grow - Pennywise - Dawgfather - Rawdawg - Soil - LED + CFL 2013-14

Re: CannabisMeds' CBD Grow - Pennywise - Dawgfather - Rawdawg - Soil - LED + CFL 2013

That sucks sorry man. Penny Pollen would be straight gold though...

Yeah, I agree. But now I have to figure out where I can separate it.

Ok, I just did more inspecting of the bunch. As it stands right now, this is what I think:

1 PW Female & 1 PW male

2 Dawgfather females ( not certain yet ) & can't tell yet on the third

1 Rawdawg Male & can't tell yet on the last

I don't think I'll keep the Rawdawg [ originally I typed Dawgfather, but meant Rawdawg] male, so that will get juiced as soon as I know for sure.

2 or 3 more days and I'm sure I'll know for sure.

I don't really want to pollinate this first crop, even on one branch. However, I've read that the pollen can last up to 6 months in the freezer, so I could go for round two. The other possibility would be to take a clone of it and grow it out again and collect the pollen later on.

If I end up with 1 PW, and 3 Dawgfather females, or 1, 2 & 1 Rawdawg, I can live with that.

It would have been nice to get two PW females, but the one female I did get is a bombshell, so I can't complain!
Re: CannabisMeds' CBD Grow - Pennywise - Dawgfather - Rawdawg - Soil - LED + CFL 2013

Happy Thurweed day CannaMed :thumb:
Re: CannabisMeds' CBD Grow - Pennywise - Dawgfather - Rawdawg - Soil - LED + CFL 2013

Re: CannabisMeds' CBD Grow - Pennywise - Dawgfather - Rawdawg - Soil - LED + CFL 2013

looking good cept that one leaf at the bottom right
Re: CannabisMeds' CBD Grow - Pennywise - Dawgfather - Rawdawg - Soil - LED + CFL 2013

Here you go Cronic, I fixed it for you ;) I just turned that plant around. That bad leaf was from either deficiency or burn, right before I transplanted. Thankfully all the new growth is healthy so far. :)

Re: CannabisMeds' CBD Grow - Pennywise - Dawgfather - Rawdawg - Soil - LED + CFL 2013

Weird double post.

I'll use it to say that I'm still uncertain about most of their sexes. I inspected today again and nothing really different yet on most of them. Another couple of days I guess... I'm anxious to know! Knowing is good. It helps me to plan out the next couple of months...
Re: CannabisMeds' CBD Grow - Pennywise - Dawgfather - Rawdawg - Soil - LED + CFL 2013

Trying to stay positive here, but so far, I'm feeling like my grow is turning into a major dude fest. Sigh.

Question for those that visit my journal. Who are the known, active breeders around 420?
Re: CannabisMeds' CBD Grow - Pennywise - Dawgfather - Rawdawg - Soil - LED + CFL 2013

Trying to stay positive here, but so far, I'm feeling like my grow is turning into a major dude fest. Sigh.

Question for those that visit my journal. Who are the known, active breeders around 420?

If you're wanting pointers on breeding I know Donpaul.p has done quite a bit of crossing. Cannafan also recently made a journal about her first breeding endeavor. She has some really great reference photos, too.

I'm sure there are more, but I haven't read a lot of them since I'm not getting into that territory yet.

Sorry to hear about your boys!
Re: CannabisMeds' CBD Grow - Pennywise - Dawgfather - Rawdawg - Soil - LED + CFL 2013

I think someone else is making seeds too
Happy Freeweed day CannaMeds and a Chronic Weekend to you :thumb:
Re: CannabisMeds' CBD Grow - Pennywise - Dawgfather - Rawdawg - Soil - LED + CFL 2013

:sorry: Damn balls........

Thanks Dennise.

I think there is still a slim chance I could end up with 3 out of 7 being female. Fingers crossed here. I check them now like 3 times a day. A bit obsessed, maybe. lol.
Re: CannabisMeds' CBD Grow - Pennywise - Dawgfather - Rawdawg - Soil - LED + CFL 2013

Still uncertain today on two of them. But at least one of them seems more likely to be female. The other has growing characteristics more male, but I think it may also be female. Four out of seven are males for sure, unfortunately. If I can end up with three females, I'll feel lucky at this point.

Still not sure if I'll flower any of the males to get pollen this time around. What I might do is clone one or two of them to keep the genetics alive. Or maybe instead of clone, I'll crop them way back and keep vegging them? Not sure if this is wise though, with them being males.

The thing is that I'm not fully setup for dealing with pollen right now. I would need another tent in a secure location. And even then, from what I've read, you have to be extremely careful with your clothes and what not when visiting male's that are dropping pollen. I imagine it's pretty easy to contaminate a grow by accident.
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