Chapter 2!

Buddy came through with his camera and took some pics!

Clones seem to have recovered from whatever was going on with them. Humidifier and 1/4 nutes from now on. One of solo cups looks about ready for repotting.

A friend of a friend sent me a sherbert clone in the mail, however it arrive disconnected from its rockwool and roots. I put some root solution on and stuck it in a new rockwool inside the dome. Hoping it sprouts some new roots!

There is also a baby green crack in the dome. 1/5 seeds popped with planting directly into rockwool. I was looking for a simpler method thanthe paper towel method as I have had seeds dry out on me like that, but never 1/5 ratio. Im not too bummed tho, because this is surely enough to carry us through the summer! Cheers to a great year! :volcano-smiley:

I've had terrible results with my last run of clones in rockwool.. I've seen this seedling kit thing you have in your tray and thought about trying those cubes. Maybe it's just the cylinder shape I had. Mine struggled in the dome and never rooted fast enough to recover when I put them in the veg spot. I must have rushed them. I had better luck putting them in dirt the first time! I got clone envy :( Maybe the cubes are better and won't open up. Plus you can drop the stimroot right in the hole
I've had terrible results with my last run of clones in rockwool.. I've seen this seedling kit thing you have in your tray and thought about trying those cubes. Maybe it's just the cylinder shape I had. Mine struggled in the dome and never rooted fast enough to recover when I put them in the veg spot. I must have rushed them. I had better luck putting them in dirt the first time! I got clone envy :( Maybe the cubes are better and won't open up. Plus you can drop the stimroot right in the hole

Yea clones are tricky! At this point my only understanding is that some strains are stronger than others! Keep trying spumantii!!
Day 22. No root excelurator, just 50% bloom nutes. A little heavy handed on the King Kola. May want to step up the phosphates? Seeing some slight yellowing on the serration of fan leaves. pH was also a little high So added 15ml of ph down.

Temp 78F RH 55%. Fan on low humidifier on full blast. A/C is on I think that may be robbing me of some humidity. Oh what a fun dance lol
Just got a new digital pH meter so I can be more accurate. Been noticing the pH rising a bit quickly now that we are in flower and the digital readout gives a little more confidence that we are really in range versus the drops. Purchased one from the local grow shop since my amazon one crapped out on me. They recommended calibrating every 60 tests? I test twice a day so once a month, is that normal for the pH meters you guys use?
Just got a new digital pH meter so I can be more accurate. Been noticing the pH rising a bit quickly now that we are in flower and the digital readout gives a little more confidence that we are really in range versus the drops. Purchased one from the local grow shop since my amazon one crapped out on me. They recommended calibrating every 60 tests? I test twice a day so once a month, is that normal for the pH meters you guys use?
I think so.
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