Complete deterioration of plant till near death


New Member
Have some plants that have been in flower two weeks. None of them has stretched, yellowed completely, curled leaves on new growth. Could this simply be a terrible case of overwatering leading to root rot? Could I have shocked the root zone with cold water while also over saturating the medium after a transplant from 2 gallon hard pot to 3 gallon air pot? I'm out of guesses at this point. 8 of 12 are completely fucked and the other four are on their way. Have tried backing off nutes to just water, superthrive, adding nutes. Nothing is having any effect. Luckily I have 22 ladies ready to flip otherwise I would be fucked. Anyone have any ideas what this could be?






Only possible thing I can come up with is I drowned them with a half gallon of water right after transplant and flip. I can't find plants that look this bad online
The water going in is 7.8 at the veg, 7.1 at the flower, and 6.1 when fed nutrients. Should I bring my ph up when I'm feeding nutes so it's not such a large swing?
I seriously doubt that was caused by a brief overwatering. I'd bet heat stress, nute burn, or ph issues.
They received one watering that was around 5.2 as I wasn't using my pen before just the drops. From 7.8 to 5.2 could easily do this. I also soaked the entire pot when I transplanted and flipped to 12/12.
Not nute burn my ppm are 630 with both additives I use which is vegbloom dirty and shine. Temps are not hot in the room they are about 78 during day and 65/68 at night. Any other thoughts? The color is not important. There is about 7 deficiencies going on, but they aren't due to being underfed. The curled newer growth is the death indicator and that's what I'm looking to identify
It will be the massive ph fluctuation that did it. Feed them with ph adjusted to about 6.8 with or without Nutes and always test that the run off after is sitting around the same.

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If the ph is wrong the plant won't be able to take up the correct nutrients which is prob where all the other deficiencies have come in

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They received one watering that was around 5.2 as I wasn't using my pen before just the drops. From 7.8 to 5.2 could easily do this. I also soaked the entire pot when I transplanted and flipped to 12/12.
Not nute burn my ppm are 630 with both additives I use which is vegbloom dirty and shine. Temps are not hot in the room they are about 78 during day and 65/68 at night. Any other thoughts? The color is not important. There is about 7 deficiencies going on, but they aren't due to being underfed. The curled newer growth is the death indicator and that's what I'm looking to identify
If u kno the answer n what u did wrong why ask for help?

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Your ph going in should be lower and ph coming out should be slightly higher so you soil ph is actually too low causing nute lockout if fluctuating a whole 1.0 it's off should be within .200 to be happy soil ph between 6.4-6.8 water going should be around that mark too.
So next time keep an eye on this atleast once a week check your run off if falling out of your .2 fluctuation flush and steady your ph .

Best of luck

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Your ph going in should be lower and ph coming out should be slightly higher so you soil ph is actually too low causing nute lockout if fluctuating a whole 1.0 it's off should be within .200 to be happy soil ph between 6.4-6.8 water going should be around that mark too.
So next time keep an eye on this atleast once a week check your run off if falling out of your .2 fluctuation flush and steady your ph .

Best of luck

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Thanks for confirming. I bought some PH up so I can bring it up to the 6.8 area. Hard to check run off in airports and saucers. All the water gets sucked right back up. I'm going to lightly water this next batch and keep the ph consistent and hopefully I don't run into these problems again.

It could be a root issue. 1 low ph feed wouldnt necessarily do that, not to that extent anyway.

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Whatever the issue is if it's root happened right after transplant. These things went downhill right after the first time that I soaked them with the 5.2 ph and a half gallon of water each. There aren't many other options other than a combo of PH and overwatering it seems :/
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