Crocodocs First Photoperiodic - Ice Kush & Cream Caramel - 250W DS-HPS - Daily Update

Re: Crocodocs First Photoperiodic - Ice Kush & Cream Caramel - 250W DS-HPS - Daily Up

Another awesome update as usual Croc. I am liking that monitor....will keep following your reports on it and decide if I want to invest into them for my next grow. Do you see the soil readings staying pretty consistent across your different plants? Does one seem to be drinking more than the other? How often are you watering now? Still multiple times per day?

The Sensors are doing very well, they already helped me to improve my Watering a lot. Not only in it´s frequency, also how i water my Plants. Expect more detail tomorrow Brother!
Re: Crocodocs First Photoperiodic - Ice Kush & Cream Caramel - 250W DS-HPS - Daily Up

Thanks Bro, but they ran into some trouble the last Days. I do a proper update tomorrow, due to the actual Heat Wave i have to work a lot and don´t have the time to take care about this Journal as intendet. I´m sorry for that!

Uh oh, what kind of trouble did they run into Croc. Hope you have managed to help them recover!!
Re: Crocodocs First Photoperiodic - Ice Kush & Cream Caramel - 250W DS-HPS - Daily Up

Uh oh, what kind of trouble did they run into Croc. Hope you have managed to help them recover!!

Well, lets see Brother. But i think i managed thinks to turn into the right direction again. Thanks for your kind words :love: :lot-o-toke:

I was really busy in the last week, and i hated it. This is not the speed of life i prefer as a stoner. I like things chilled and well thought of. Not hectic and full of fast decisions. But that seems to have ended for the moment and i can concentrate on things that matters more to me like GF or growing weed.
There is also a festival coming up where I´m looking very much forward to. I have to test and improve our Teams setup for the Camping village. Its maybe a little bit off-topic, but this was our setup last year :)

But, lets move on to the more important things

Day 60

Temp: 21,0-26,9°C, 69,8-80,4°F
Humidity: 58-61%

- over the last few Days, a few Problems appeared with my Ladys. In detail, these were the following:

Ice Kush #1 developed more and more droopy, leaves with edges that curled upwards. There was also ongoing yellowing between the veigns on newer growth. Overall the Plant appeared very Sick within just 2-3 Days. I have no Picture of that, but here is one that i took today from a leaf that doesnt really recover in the speed the other leaves recover. It looked worse a few Days ago

Cream Caramel #1 had very weak and droopy Leaves that where very yellow on the upper Leaves. Petriols had turn purplish and she looked very unhappy. She still does look unhappy, but not that worse as it was a few Days ago. Her Color is coming back quickly at the moment, but here is one top that is still suffering (it looked worse too a few Days ago):

Cream Caramel #2 was looking the same as number one, but it also slowed down growth a little more than number one.

Ice Kush #2 was doing fine compared to the other but wasn´t growing really fast or even close to that.

- with all that Problems in mind, appearing at the same time, i was clearly doing something wrong in general. So i thought about it and checked everything.

Temp: fine, but some heatspikes. Ice Kush #1 seems to be unforgiving in case of high Temps, with that Leaves curling upwards. Take a look at my Sensors Data from 3 Days ago

Humidity: fine, it is arround 60% all the Day and all the night

Watering: In my opinion, i needed to improve here. Booth Cream Caramel are consuming more Water then booth Ice Kush. Before i had booth of my two Sensors in Ice Kush, but now one is in Ice Kush #1 and the other one in Cream Caramel #1. I was also watering much too fast, as my Sensors showed me. Soil Moisture level tends to stay at 35% after Watering with my old Watering speed. Now, I´m Watering much slower and I´m watering a smaller amaount of Water every watering. I used to water arround 2000 ml each before, now I´m happy with 1500ml each. This safes Water, and of course expensive Bottle Nutes. Soil Moisture is now higher after Watering, my Sensor reads out 48% while I´m sitting here to write these Letters a few hours after Watering today:

Nutes: After my Ladys began to show defiencies even with a full load of TNT complex, while also showing signs of overall Nute Burn at the Leaf tips, i had to overlock it´s contents. NPK is 3-2-3. Almost perfect i thought in the beginning, but my Ladys are showing signs of CalMag deficiancy, and that is in most Cases caused by a lack of Phosphourus i read. It then shows as a Phosphourus excess with all that yellowing at the upper Leaves. So i looked at what else i got arround here and then found my Bloom Nutes. Their Ratio is 3-3-4 which is better for Veg i think. It also contains no organic Nitrogen anymore what makes it more easy to use. My EC/ppm tester becomes finally handy here. Im lucky that i can use the build in EC-meter from my Sensors now too, they Monitor they EC directly in the Soil. I read that EC in the Soil should be arround 0,8-1,1 us/cm while in full Veg, and with the use of Bloom Nutes it now rises every time i feed them to a higher level. I stopped leveling my ph too, problems began to appear slowly after starting with that. Here a Sensor Screen while capturing in-Soil EC at real time:

You may recognize the difference in Time between these Screenshots. In the meanwhile, my Girlfriend came back home and as soon as she entered the door she started talking about some "very important" things from here work. She is working with other women only, so just take a look at the two "at the Moment" Screenshots to make a Picture by yourselfs:lot-o-toke:

Lighting: I wasn´t really shure if i maybe have to much light in my Box or maybe not enough light, who knows? So i ordered a LUX Meter to figure it out. Before it came here, i wasn´t to lucky about my Light arrangement overall. There were visibly darker Spots in the corners that came from the shape of these Cooltube reflectors. I missed to do before Pictures because i used my first free Day to become heavily stoned, but if you followed my Journal, there are a few Pis from my old Lighting arrangement. But first things first, i had to do some research in the internet about optimal lighting conditions and cannabis. I compared several Forums and it seems like most people see the optimum for Veg arround 30.000 Lux with a maximum of 50.000 Lux. If you go over there, the Plant starts to take up more and more Nutes without beeing able to use them. the result is Nute Burn because of too much light. If you go over around 100k Lux the Plant will beginn to Bleach under most common grow Lights. But LED´s are more affected by that, a HPS will usually burn the Plant before it Bleaches it. My new light arrangement, with Bulbs turned by 90°:

Lux Meter, very handy tool

37.000 in the Center between the Bulbs

Around 26.000 in the Corners

Booth Bulbs performing around 34.000 directly under it at canopy level

Because of every Bulb is different, the do have different levels too now

All these changes were made today, except the ones with the Fertilizers

4 Hours after Lights on

Cream Caramel #1

Size: 28 cm
Bulb Distance: 55 cm
Watering: 1500 ml, 20°C
Feeding: 509ppm, 5 ml/l BloomComplex, 1 ml/l PowerZyme, 1 drop SuperVit at 5000 ml
Training: none
other: none


She had her issues, still visible at this Top

Other Tops do recover

Overall still droopy but it gets better

Cream Caramel #2

Size: 28 cm
Bulb Distance: 55 cm
Watering: 1500 ml, 20°C
Feeding: 509ppm, 5 ml/l BloomComplex, 1 ml/l PowerZyme, 1 drop SuperVit at 5000 ml
Training: none
other: none

Overview, same issues as with #1

She is recovering, you can see it on her Canopy

Ice Kush #1

Size: 28 cm
Bulb Distance: 44 cm
Watering: none
Feeding: none
Training: none
other: none


She has by far the biggest Canopy

But she has her Problems too

New growth looks better, she will make her way

Ice Kush #2

Size: 28 cm
Bulb Distance: 44 cm
Watering: none
Feeding: none
Training: none
other: none


Her Canopy
Re: Crocodocs First Photoperiodic - Ice Kush & Cream Caramel - 250W DS-HPS - Daily Up

Day 61

Temp: will be monitored for each Plant seperatly from now on
Humidity: 57-66%

- The other two Sensors arrived today, from now on i do have detailed information about every Plant. Was a littlle tricky to get them running, because this stupid seller send me the Chinese Market only Version of it. But it made myself a Chinaboy a few Minutes and now they work.

If some of you Guys order some and get into the same trouble, here is a how to fake you are a Chinese on Android devices.

1. Switch to flight mode

2. Enable WLAN again

3. Download and install Fake GPS from the Play Store

4. Set your GPS coordinates somewhere in China, i had chosen Hong-Kong

5. Download and install FlyVPN from the Play Store

6. Connect FlyVPN to a chinese Server

7. Enable Bluetooth and open your Flower Care App. Search for new Devices and bind them to your Phone. Update the Firmware of every Device you connect

8. Uninstall Fake GPS and FlyVPN if you dont want to use them anymore

9. Disable the Flight Mode again

10. You can now use your Flora Monitor without faking your nationality

- Because of more and more precise Information aviable, i will add some Data to my Ladys individual updates. These will be Soil-EC, Soil Moisture Level and the Temperature of each Lady this will be in form of a Screenshot for every Plant, displaying Min/Max for every Set of Data. In Case of Watering a Plant, i will add an Extra Screenshot where you can see the increase in Moisture level

- All Ladys are Bouncing Back and i See accelareted growth. I like if a Plan works out. Compare yesterdays Pictures with today and you see what i mean

- The Heat Wave in my Country seems to stop now, my electric Bill thanks for that. My AC has an immense Power when it comes to cooling, but it also consumes electricity like you shit on climate Change. But just in case, i added an extra Fan to support booth Ice Kush. They seem to like it a little cooler than Cream Caramel

Arround 4 hours after Lights on

Cream Caramel #1

Size: 28 cm
Bulb Distance: 55 cm
Watering: 1500 ml, 22°C
Feeding: EC: 1085us/cm, 536ppm, 5 ml/l BloomComplex, 1 ml/l PowerZyme, 1 drop SuperVit at 5000 ml
Training: LST, Defoliation
other: none
Temperature, Moisture Level, EC in Soil:

Moment of watering

Recovering more



Cream Caramel #2#

Size: 28 cm
Bulb Distance: 55 cm
Watering: none
Feeding: none
Training: LST, Defoliation
other: none
Temperature, Moisture Level, EC in Soil:




Ice Kush #1

Size: 28 cm
Bulb Distance: 44 cm
Watering: none
Feeding: none
Training: LST, Defoliation
other: none
Temperature, Moisture Level, EC in Soil:




Ice Kush #2

Size: 28 cm
Bulb Distance: 44 cm
Watering: none
Feeding: none
Training: LST, Defoliation
other: none
Temperature, Moisture Level, EC in Soil:




After todays work have been done
Re: Crocodocs First Photoperiodic - Ice Kush & Cream Caramel - 250W DS-HPS - Daily Up

Nice update Croc. Glad to see you are liking those sensors.

Nice work Croco on discovering and tacking your ladies problems. Pretty impressed so far on the sensors.

Thanks guys, yes im very happy with them. I do found out a few tricks how to use them proper. I have detailed Info about that in my Day 63 update coming in later this night. First, let me hand over my Day 62 update to you :)

Day 62

Humidity: 54-61%

- All Ladys needed a Watering/Feeding today at different times of the Day. Also improved my Watering-Technique further. Sensors are telling me to Water more slowly first. With that, i was able to reduce the amaount of Water i used for a single Watering from 2 to 1,5l. Now my Ladys seem to drink more again and i went up to 2l again. But this Time, i did two Waterings per Plant, 1L each. Every Liter takes about 2 Minutes to run through and Moisture level after Watering is now staying at a higher Level. You will see in the Sensors Data. Of course, there where a few Minutes time between each Liter i gave them

- Did an Experiment with Cream Caramel #1. What if my Plant eats up the Nutes a give to them Faster as they Drink Water? At least, Data from the Sensors brings me to that conclusion. Fertility in Cream Caramel #1 was falling way faster than Moisture Level after last Watering. For better understanding: My Tap Water has an EC of 250 us/cm. If i add a full Dosage of Nutes, i have an EC of around 1100 in my Solution. Then i Water that solution to her and EC in the Soil raises up to 900 or a little above and then fades in around 750 after the Water have drained. Now the Plant begins to Drink slowly, but consuming up Nutes fast. After a while Fertility is lower than 250, what can possibly mean that the Plant used up all the Nutes i gave her. But if you wait even longer with Watering till that moment comes where Moisture Level tells you to Water, you will find the EC in Soil staying arround 50us/cm for a while. I guess, thats the Point where there are no more Nutes aviable at all and there is just Water left for the Plant to drink. If this conclusion is right, then i can think about Watering when fertility tells me too, not the amount of Water left in my Soil. And thats exactly what i did with Cream Caramel #1 yesterday. I don´t want to Spoiler, but i took a look in my Box this Morning after Lights on :)

- no Training at all Today. Just Watering and Feeding

A few hours after Lights on

Cream Caramel #1

Size: 28 cm
Bulb Distance: 55 cm
Watering: 1000mll, 23°C
Feeding: EC: 1079us/cm, 541ppm, 5 ml/l BloomComplex, 2,5 ml/l Root Complex, 1 drop SuperVit at 5000 ml
Training: none
other: Experiment: Watering when Soil EC is low, not Moisture
Temperature, Moisture Level, EC in Soil:

Watering Time

Recovering not as fast as i wish, still droopy

Cream Caramel #2

Size: 28 cm
Bulb Distance: 55 cm
Watering: 1x 1000ml, 23°C
Feeding: EC: 1079us/cm, 541ppm, 5 ml/l BloomComplex, 2,5 ml/l Root Complex, 1 drop SuperVit at 5000 ml
Training: none
other: none
Temperature, Moisture Level, EC in Soil:

Watering Time

Still droopy too


Ice Kush #1

Size: 28 cm
Bulb Distance: 55 cm
Watering: 2x 1000ml, 23°C
Feeding: EC: 1079us/cm, 541ppm, 5 ml/l BloomComplex, 2,5 ml/l Root Complex, 1 drop SuperVit at 5000 ml
Training: none
other: none
Temperature, Moisture Level, EC in Soil:

Watering Time

Looking a little better

Ice Kush #2

Size: 28 cm
Bulb Distance: 55 cm
Watering: 2x 1000ml, 23°C
Feeding: EC: 1079us/cm, 541ppm, 5 ml/l BloomComplex, 2,5 ml/l Root Complex, 1 drop SuperVit at 5000 ml
Training: none
other: none
Temperature, Moisture Level, EC in Soil:

Watering Time

Looking relativly good

Expect Day 63 update later!
Re: Crocodocs First Photoperiodic - Ice Kush & Cream Caramel - 250W DS-HPS - Daily Up

Day 66

Humidity: 45-62%

- Humidity got a little outa Control over the last few Days. To steer against, i installed active air intake. I can Control booth Fans rpm, so i should have better control over Humidity now

- Drip System installed to have better Control about Watering. 4 Dipper per Plant, still individually feedable. Works good, runs through about 1,5l/hour per Plant.

- Plants are appealing not too good and not too bad. I will keep going like that and hopefully they do recover more.

- For sure my last Soil grow. after this one, i wanna go hydroponic. First test objective will be my Clones in a DWC, I´m building it myself, planning a Dutch Bucket kinda thing but capable of doing 8 clones with a short veg state and early Flowering for a SoG

- Screen is almost full, at least Ice Kush #1 and Cream Caramel #1 are filling out their part of the Screen now. Thinking about flowering in a few Days

- LST and Defoliation for every Lady

4 hours after Lights on

Cream Caramel #1

Size: 28 cm
Bulb Distance: 55 cm
Watering: 3 x 500 ml
Feeding: EC: 646us/cm, 339ppm, 2,5 ml/l BloomComplex, 1 ml/l PowerZyme, 1 drop SuperVit at 5000 ml
Training: LST, Defoliation
other: Experiment: Watering when Soil EC is low, not Moisture ended, was not a success
Temperature, Moisture Level, EC in Soil:

Watering Timepoint



Cream Caramel #2

Size: 28 cm
Bulb Distance: 55 cm
Watering: 3 x 500 ml, 23°C
Feeding: EC: 646us/cm, 339ppm, 2,5 ml/l BloomComplex, 1 ml/l PowerZyme, 1 drop SuperVit at 5000 ml
Training: LST, Defoliation
other: none
Temperature, Moisture Level, EC in Soil:

Watering Timepoint



Ice Kush #1

Size: 28 cm
Bulb Distance: 55 cm
Watering: 4 x 500 ml, 23°C
Feeding: EC: 1182 us/cm, 588 ppm, 5 ml/l BloomComplex, 1 ml/l PowerZyme, 1 drop SuperVit at 5000 ml
Training: LST, Defoliation
other: none
Temperature, Moisture Level, EC in Soil:

Watering Timepoint



Ice Kush #2

Size: 28 cm
Bulb Distance: 55 cm
Watering: 3 x 500 ml, 23°C
Feeding: EC: 697 us/cm, 348 ppm, 2,5 ml/l BloomComplex, 1 ml/l PowerZyme, 1 drop SuperVit at 5000 ml
Training: LST, Defoliation
other: none
Temperature, Moisture Level, EC in Soil:

Watering Timepoint



After Training
Re: Crocodocs First Photoperiodic - Ice Kush & Cream Caramel - 250W DS-HPS - Daily Up

Day 67

Humidity: 51-56%

- All Ladys growing very nicely

- No more LST under the first Screen. Size from now on in cm above first Screen

- No other Training today

- No Watering today

- Foliar feed them with Hesi Boost. This should give them the last kick back into the right direction. NPK of it is 0-1-1, including only organic Nutes, amino acids and micronutes. Also contains Triacontanol, a organic Hormone wich is scientificly proven to be a highly effective metabolism accelaretor. I used that with my Autos before after them beeing deficient too and it worked well. But this is the first time i Foliar feed this stuff

- Lights moved up to their maximum distance of 100 cm about first screen to prevent Light burn caused by drops of Water on the Leaves

- Outside Climate conditions are good again, no Problems to hold a good Temp without AC

10 Hours after Lights on

Cream Caramel #1

Size: 4 cm above 1st Screen
Bulb Distance: 96 cm
Watering: none
Feeding: Foliar Feeding, 1 ml/l Hesi Boost
Training: none
other: none
Temperature, Moisture Level, EC in Soil:


Cream Caramel #2

Size: 5 cm above 1st Screen
Bulb Distance: 95 cm
Watering: none
Feeding: Foliar Feeding, 1 ml/l Hesi Boost
Training: none
other: none
Temperature, Moisture Level, EC in Soil:


Ice Kush #1

Size: 6 cm above 1st Screen
Bulb Distance: 94 cm
Watering: none
Feeding: Foliar Feeding, 1 ml/l Hesi Boost
Training: none
other: none
Temperature, Moisture Level, EC in Soil:


Ice Kush #2

Size: 4,5 cm above 1st Screen
Bulb Distance: 95,5 cm
Watering: none
Feeding: Foliar Feeding, 1 ml/l Hesi Boost
Training: none
other: none
Temperature, Moisture Level, EC in Soil:


After Foliar feeding
Re: Crocodocs First Photoperiodic - Ice Kush & Cream Caramel - 250W DS-HPS - Daily Up

Looking really healthy Croc!!!

It looks better, but if you look at the details, they are not totally healthy. But they are on a good way :)
Re: Crocodocs First Photoperiodic - Ice Kush & Cream Caramel - 250W DS-HPS - Daily Up

Day 68

Humidity: 43-56%

- Outside Humidity goes crazy what makes it hard to keep inside humidity stable without using the AC

- no Training, Defoliation or anything today

- only Cream Caramel #1 needed a Watering today

- Foliar Feeding with Booster worked as intended, take a look by yourself. Ice Kush #1 was the Plant wih the most discolouration, look at her now

10 Hours after Lights on

Cream Caramel #1

Size: 6 cm above 1st Screen
Bulb Distance: 94 cm
Watering: 3 x 1500 ml
Feeding: 5 ml/l Bloom Complex, 1 ml/l PowerZyme, 1 drop/5000ml SuperVit
Training: none
other: very droopy. She is more droopy than growing straight upwards in the last 2 weeks. Neverending Story with issues here from the very beginning on. Nice Colours after Foliar Feeding yesterday
Temperature, Moisture Level, EC in Soil:

Watering Timepoint

Very droopy, seems like she was really dry. Minimum EC- lvl shows that too. EC level faded in at this Minimum and the rate with that she drinks water decreased with that too.

Cream Caramel #2

Size: 6 cm above 1st Screen
Bulb Distance: 94 cm
Watering: none
Feeding: none
Training: none
other: Reacted with increased growth rate to Foliar Feeding yesterday. EC in Soil down to 36 us/cm, we will see where the bottom end is soon
Temperature, Moisture Level, EC in Soil:

Looking happy to Grow

Ice Kush #1

Size: 7 cm above 1st Screen
Bulb Distance: 93 cm
Watering: none
Feeding: none
Training: none
other: Leaves got their color almost fully Back, she feels not so weak anymore
Temperature, Moisture Level, EC in Soil:

Increased happiness Level here too

Ice Kush #2

Size: 5 cm above 1st Screen
Bulb Distance: 95 cm
Watering: none
Feeding: none
Training: none
other: Looking very good in my opinion, good colour, happy to grow
Temperature, Moisture Level, EC in Soil:

Looking ready to Flower soon
Re: Crocodocs First Photoperiodic - Ice Kush & Cream Caramel - 250W DS-HPS - Daily Up

Day 69

Humidity: 49-56%

-Lollipopped anything under the 1st Screen today

-2nd Screen installed

- All Ladys made it half the Way to the Second Screen, which is 12,5 cm above the first

-My plan was that i want to Flower at this Point, so i flip the switch today. Lights off 8 am instead of 10 am, Lights on at 8 pm instead of 2 pm. Choosen this schedule to prevent Lights on during the extreme Summer Heat.

10 hours after Lights on

Cream Caramel #1

Size: 7,5 cm above 1st Screen
Bulb Distance: 92,5 cm
Watering: none
Feeding: none
Training: none
other: growing nicely again, good color
Temperature, Moisture Level, EC in Soil:

Healthy again

Cream Caramel #2

Size: 7 cm above 1st Screen
Bulb Distance: 93 cm
Watering: 3 x 500 ml, 22°C
Feeding: 347 ppm, EC 690 us/cm 2,5 ml/l Bloom Complex, 1 ml/l PowerZyme, 1 drop/5000ml SuperVit
Training: none
other: none
Temperature, Moisture Level, EC in Soil:

Watering Timepoint

Ready to start Flowering

Ice Kush #1

Size: 8 cm above 1st Screen
Bulb Distance: 92 cm
Watering: 3 x 500 ml, 22°C
Feeding: 347 ppm, EC 690 us/cm 2,5 ml/l Bloom Complex, 1 ml/l PowerZyme, 1 drop/5000ml SuperVit
Training: none
other: none
Temperature, Moisture Level, EC in Soil:

Watering Timepoint

Some little spots left, but she made it to be strong just in Time for Flower

Ice Kush #2

Size: 6,5 cm above 1st Screen
Bulb Distance: 93,5 cm
Watering: 3 x 500 ml, 22°C
Feeding: 347 ppm, EC 690 us/cm 2,5 ml/l Bloom Complex, 1 ml/l PowerZyme, 1 drop/5000ml SuperVit
Training: none
other: none
Temperature, Moisture Level, EC in Soil:

Watering Timepoint

Ready to go, looking good
Re: Crocodocs First Photoperiodic - Ice Kush & Cream Caramel - 250W DS-HPS - Daily Up

Hi just on the off chance I have 5 nirvana papaya seedlings 3 have there first leaves sprouted other 2 are almost ready at what height would you place the 250w hps light I have up to 2.5m to play with space is 2 ft x 4ft x 8ft this is my first grow
Re: Crocodocs First Photoperiodic - Ice Kush & Cream Caramel - 250W DS-HPS - Daily Up

Hi just on the off chance I have 5 nirvana papaya seedlings 3 have there first leaves sprouted other 2 are almost ready at what height would you place the 250w hps light I have up to 2.5m to play with space is 2 ft x 4ft x 8ft this is my first grow

Welcome onboard Brother, i would place it at a distance around 1 m at the very start till all of them sprouted, after that i would lower the distance day by day a little. You can go as close to 30 cm, but be aware of High Temps. What kind of Bulb are you using m8? Your Plants would absolutely love some Blue in the spectrum while they are in early Veg and Veg. Maybe you can add some t5s or cfl to give some more Blue. Blue Prevents them from stretching too much at that age
Re: Crocodocs First Photoperiodic - Ice Kush & Cream Caramel - 250W DS-HPS - Daily Up

I have a 250w hps dual spectrum and a cfl has just arrived to be put up to. So about a meter to begin with then lower as they grow and as they get bigger maintain a steady height
Re: Crocodocs First Photoperiodic - Ice Kush & Cream Caramel - 250W DS-HPS - Daily Up

I have a 250w hps dual spectrum and a cfl has just arrived to be put up to. So about a meter to begin with then lower as they grow and as they get bigger maintain a steady height
I would lower it around 5 cm a day from day 1 on, Till you reach that Point where your temp says no more
Re: Crocodocs First Photoperiodic - Ice Kush & Cream Caramel - 250W DS-HPS - Daily Up

I would lower it around 5 cm a day from day 1 on, Till you reach that Point where your temp says no more
Nice one mate appreciate it have them set up in cupboard lights now running all seems ok hopefully first ones recover from to much heat. Looking forward to seeing how this goes
Re: Crocodocs First Photoperiodic - Ice Kush & Cream Caramel - 250W DS-HPS - Daily Up

When they are fresh sprouted, they do need some warm temps, i kept mine at around 28°C or at least i tried that. They do Burn from Lights faster then from Heat at that Point. If you setup includes a fan to take out the air, just shut it off the first days while the light is high. That should keep Temps and Humidity acceptable
Re: Crocodocs First Photoperiodic - Ice Kush & Cream Caramel - 250W DS-HPS - Daily Up

You have to look at your strain too. If it´s more common in the southern regions, it do like warmer temps and can stand the heat better. Especially at the roots. It´s the opposite with strains more from the north
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