Crocodocs First Photoperiodic - Ice Kush & Cream Caramel - 250W DS-HPS - Daily Update

Re: Crocodocs First Photoperiodic - Ice Kush & Cream Caramel - 250W DS-HPS - Daily Up

Day 35

Temp: 20,7-25,5°C, 69,3-77,9°F
Humidity: 41-56%

Arround 6 Hours after they woke up

I was busy today, getting some new Toys, install a new Ventilation to my Autoflower Closet, getting my Ladys out of the Box, Train them, getting them back in, feed two of them and some Special for you Skoon :)

First things first, i went to Home Depot today and bought a small IR-Thermometer, which became very useful to me already. I´m asking myself why i didn´t got this earlier.

I was able to check Leaf Temperatures with that and some other useful stuff. First, Temp of the Cooltubes Glass directly close to the Bulb

Leaf Temperatur at Ice Kush #1 at the Point exactly in the sweet Spot between the two bulbs

And here at Ice Kush #2, where there is mostly only light from one Bulb

But now, lets check out the Ladys. They now clearly suffer from Pest treatment and dried out Pots, Ice Kush #1+2 more then Cream Caramel 1+2. Let´s check that in more detail

Cream Caramel #1

Size: 16 cm before LST, 14 cm after LST
Bulb Distance: 40 cm
Watering: none
Feeding: none
Training: LST, heavy defoliation
other: Pot slightly lighter then yesterday, but still heavy

Before LST and Defoliaton

After LST and Defoliaton

very bushy with a lot of new growth

Cream Caramel #2

Size: 16,5 cm before LST, 14 cm after LST
Bulb Distance: 40 cm
Watering: none
Feeding: none
Training: LST, gentle Defoliation
other: Pot feels light, feeding tomorrow

Before LST and Defoliaton

After LST and Defoliaton

Ice Kush #1

Size: 20 cm before LST, 17 cm after LST
Bulb Distance: 40 cm
Watering: 3000 ml
Feeding: 3,75 ml/l TNT Complex, 1 ml/l PowerZyme, 5 ml/l Root Complex, 1 drop Supervit at 5000ml
Training: LST, gentle Defoliaton
other: PowerZyme to clean earth from rot roots after Fungus Gnats, Root Complex to help Roots getting stronger again, overall slower growth, very dry leaves

Before LST and Defoliaton

After LST and Defoliation

Clear need for more Nitrogen here, lower leaves yellowing

Middle leaves start to yellowing too while top leaves stay dark green

Ice Kush #2

Size: 19,5 cm
Bulb Distance: 40 cm
Watering: 3000 ml
Feeding: 2,5 ml/l TNT Complex, 1 ml/l PowerZyme, 5 ml/l Root Complex, 1 drop Supervit at 5000ml
Training: LST, defoliaton
other: PowerZyme to clean earth from rot roots after Fungus Gnats, Root Complex to help Roots getting stronger again, overall slower growth, dry leaves

Before LST and Defoliaton

After LST and Defoliaton

Skoon, you wanted to know the difference between regular 400W HPS and Colltubed HPS, here we are with changed setup for the 400W Box

I got the Temps from The bulb without Cooltube, forgot to take a Pic, but it was arround 230°C at its surface. As you can see, the Glass of the Tube only gets to arround 70°C, what a difference

To compare, a 250W HPS of the same Modell is arround 50°C

Now to the more interesting part. here are the Temps after installation of the Cooltube. It is an overall maximum of 25,5°C, with the Bulb at arround 35 cm distance to the Plants tops. To compare, it was hard to keep it below 28°C without Cooltube at a distance of 60 cm. Surface Temperature of the Bud closest to the Bulb is 25,9°C which is indeed very very nice.

I know your room is not much bigger than mine Skoon, i would think about a cooltube too. Overall it´s a huge improvement.
Re: Crocodocs First Photoperiodic - Ice Kush & Cream Caramel - 250W DS-HPS - Daily Up

Day 36

Temp: 20,5-26,6°C, 68,9-79,9°F
Humidity 53-60%

After they woke up this morning

I installed that Fan you see here last night, to give them additional airflow to support my Ladys while beeing overwatered. As you can see to, i turned arround the wood where the Pots stands on, to let more Air flow through the Pots Bottom.

All the Ladys are suffering from overwatering due to Pest Control. Cream Caramel 1+2 and Ice Kush 2 were watered and fed one Day before Watering with Neem. This wasn´t optimal. But i had to do this. Now, overwatering causes more issues. First, youre roots begin to drown because they are not able to get any Oxygen due to the high amount of Water in the Medium. Leaves begin to droop, Leaves begin to start yellowing because of the Plant doesn´t suck in any more water, and with that no more Nitrogen too.

You have to wait till your Pots begin to dry out to get rid of the Water again. You want to get them well dried but not to dry, this would damage the roots. So, it´s hard to hit that sweet spot and even harder when you want your Medium really dry to get rid of Fungus Gnats.

The Fungus Gnat problem seems to be solved, didn´t found a single one the Last two Days. With that out of Mind, i now have to Pay attention to the overwatering issue.

It has turned out, that i´ve maybe waited a little to long with Watering my Ice Kush #1 She was watered the same Day as Ice Kush #2, with her Pot very very light. Ice Kush #2 had a more heavy Pot that Day. While Ice Kush #1 suffers still badly, beeing very droopy and fighting back for it´s colour slowly. Ice Kush #2 adopted much better to the Watering. Maybe i hit that sweet spot for watering after overwatering.

So my decision was clear for today, i should not wait any longer and Water today. As the other two Ladys, booth Cream Caramel got 3000 ml of Water to flush out the Neem. This was also the final Test for my new Watering installation, which works just perfectly fine. It really is a huge step up from Watering with a Water Can.

I raised the Temp by 1°C to 26,6°C by regulating down the Vents rpm with this rpm Controller the Postman brought today. Turned down rpm´s by arround 1/3

Cream Caramel #1

Size: 14,5 cm
Bulb Distance: 50 cm
Watering: 3000 ml
Feeding: 1,25 ml/l TNT Complex, 1 ml/l PowerZyme, 5ml/l Root Complex, 1 drop SuperVit at 5000 ml
Training: none
other: no more Training till she has fully recovered from Overwatering, raised TNT Complex to build up some Nutes in the Soil again


more Detail

Cream Caramel #2

Size: 17 cm
Bulb Distance: 50 cm
Watering: 3000 ml
Feeding: 2,5 ml/l TNT Complex, 1 ml/l PowerZyme, 5ml/l Root Complex, 1 drop SuperVit at 5000 ml
Training: none
other: no more Training till she has fully recovered from Overwatering, raised TNT Complex to build up some Nutes in the Soil again


more Detail

Ice Kush #1

Size: 20,5 cm
Bulb Distance: 50 cm
Watering: none
Feeding: none
Training: none
other: no more Training till she has fully recovered from Overwatering, maybe damaged roots after Overwatering, slowly getting back green colour


more Detail

Ice Kush #2

Size: 14,5 cm
Bulb Distance: 50 cm
Watering: none
Feeding: none
Training: none
other: no more Training till she has fully recovered from Overwatering, looking better today, Leaves begin to raise again


More Detail
Re: Crocodocs First Photoperiodic - Ice Kush & Cream Caramel - 250W DS-HPS - Daily Up

Looks like they are recovering nicely brother. They just needed a little TLC
Re: Crocodocs First Photoperiodic - Ice Kush & Cream Caramel - 250W DS-HPS - Daily Up

Yes they seem to recover, Ice Kush #1 is looking better every time i look at her.[/B] I had some time and i didn´t like the solution how the fan was fixed to the bottom of the Box, and i don´t liked the Way the Pots standing on these Wood. It wasn´t very solid. I made same improvements, that added 4,5 cm in height

Re: Crocodocs First Photoperiodic - Ice Kush & Cream Caramel - 250W DS-HPS - Daily Up

Day 37

Temps: 19,5-25,3°C, 67,1-77,5°F
Humidity: 49- 67%

Not too much to do today, everything is a little bit at idle at the moment, cause the Ladys still need a little time to recover i guess. But at least they all do recover. Groth has started again and tomorrow will be more to do. At least i could make some environment optimisation today early, I turned the Plants arround again. It was a stupid Idea to let the Screen fill from the Outside to the inside. It´s better to go from the inside to the outside. I will not move them arround any more, only a gentle LST or defoliation here and there.

After overwatering them, i wanna make sure it not happens again, so i looked arround the Internet and found this:

I ordered 4 of this today, should be here in two Days. It´s all you need to know whats going on with watering and feeding.

Lets check out the Ladys now

Arround two ours after they woke up


Cream Caramel #1

Size: 16 cm
Bulb Distance: 50 cm
Watering: none
Feeding: none
Training: none
other: just placing large Leaves under smaller ones

Before workover

After workover

Cream Caramel #2

Size: 18 cm
Bulb Distance: 50 cm
Watering: none
Feeding: none
Training: none
other: just placing large Leaves under smaller ones

Before workover

After workover

Ice Kush #1

Size: 22 cm
Bulb Distance: 50 cm
Watering: none
Feeding: none
Training: none
other: growing again, getting colour back, Pot light again, feeding tomorrow


More detail

Ice Kush #2

Size: 17,5 cm
Bulb Distance: 50 cm
Watering: none
Feeding: none
Training: none
other: just placing large Leaves under smaller ones

Before workover

After workover
Re: Crocodocs First Photoperiodic - Ice Kush & Cream Caramel - 250W DS-HPS - Daily Up

Let me know how you like that new soil monitor. I am always skeptical of those types of things for some reason.

Got the 1 gallon and 5 gallon air pots in that I ordered. I will use them on my next grow....maybe a side by side comparison vs the smart pots.
Re: Crocodocs First Photoperiodic - Ice Kush & Cream Caramel - 250W DS-HPS - Daily Up

Let me know how you like that new soil monitor. I am always skeptical of those types of things for some reason.

Got the 1 gallon and 5 gallon air pots in that I ordered. I will use them on my next grow....maybe a side by side comparison vs the smart pots.

I saw a comparison grow at youtube. Booth performed about the same, showing the same advantages for the Root-Zone. Maybe Air-Pots are slghtly better for repotting, because will do absolutely no damage to the Roots at all.
Yes I´m skeptical about these things too. Because of that, i will not do it like: Putting that thing into the Soil, and from now on don´t lift my Pot again to see when it´s time to water. What i will do, is put that sensors in the Soil, and then continue Watering with the old technique, lifting the Pot. I will write down the Sensors readings and compare it to my feel about the Pot.

Per example, Pot fresh watered, Sensor reads out 89% Soil moisture. One Day later Sensor read out 67%, two days later 43%, three Days later the Pot feels light, Sensor reads out 20%. After a few Waterings, let´s say the Pot was always light at arround 20-25% Soil moisture at the Sensor. I then know that i have to Water arround 20-25% read out.

Of course i will write down ever Sensors read out every Day for every Lady in my Box. So everyone here can see how it works, if it works right here. Personally, i do hope that it works well, because it gives me the oppertunity to have every single watering just in time without touching the Plant or the Pot a single Time.

These Sensors can be abused further if you want to. In my Country, where everyone seems to be addicted to technology, i read of growers that connected this Sensor to a Raspberry Pi Micro-PC, and let The PC take care of Watering while it´s beeing connected to Pumps. The Code needed to make it work was attached as .txt aviable for everyone there. It seemed to work well so I´m thinking about that kind of solution too. You could connect it to the internet too and be able to RC your Ladys. even more with your kindsoil, this could be something for you Brother, cause your on the road often. If i handle to make it run, i will be very detailed here how to make it work.

Raspberyy Pi 3

Day 38

Temps: 18,9-24,3°C, 66-75,7°F
Humidity: 45-58%

Temps were a little low last night, i will take care of that this night, i connected the bottom fan to the timer and it will shut off with the Lights now, while the smaller Fan keeps running. Day Temps are optimum right now, seems to be a mater of bulb distance to hit that sweet spot exactly at arround 24-26°C.

The Ladys are still recovering, but i had to do some defoliation today, i was very Gentle with it, except at Ice Kush #2, which was a huge mess before. Her Leaves where so grown into each other, no Air was coming through it. Should be easier now for her to breath. Booth Cream Caramel got watered and fed today. More Detail below.

Speaking of feeding, i ordered a TDS tester which arrived today. from now on, there will be Data about fertilizer ppm too. pH-Tester should be here tomorrow or the Day after. Along with that, updates will become much more detailed in the future, I´m happy about that:)

5 Hours after they woke up


Cream Caramel #1

Size: 17 cm
Bulb Distance: 55 cm
Watering: 2000 ml
Feeding: 1,25 ml/l TNT Complex, 2,5 ml/l Root Complex, 1 drop of SuperVit at 5000 ml, 180 ppm
Training: Defoliaton
other: Recovering

Before Defoliation

After Defoliaton

Still Recovering

Cream Caramel #2

Size: 19 cm
Bulb Distance: 55 cm
Watering: 2000 ml
Feeding: 1,25 ml/l TNT Complex, 2,5 ml/l Root Complex, 1 drop of SuperVit at 5000 ml, 180 ppm
Training: Defoliaton
other: Recovering

Before Defoliaton

After Defoliaton

Recovering better than #1

Ice Kush #1

Size: 24 cm
Bulb Distance: 55 cm
Watering: 2000 ml
Feeding: 2,5 ml/l TNT Complex, 2,5 ml/l Root Complex, 1 drop of SuperVit at 5000 ml, 263 ppm
Training: very Gentle Defoliaton
other: Recovering

Before gentle Defoliaton

After Defoliaton

More Detail

Ice Kush #2

Size: 19 cm
Bulb Distance: 55 cm
Watering: 2000 ml
Feeding: 2,5 ml/l TNT Complex, 2,5 ml/l Root Complex, 1 drop of SuperVit at 5000 ml, 263 ppm
Training: Defoliaton
other: Recovering, Defoliaton needed, Plant wasn´t able to breath because of her Leaves

Before Defoliaton

After Defoliaton

Almost fully recovered

Last but not least, i wann give you a quick look into my Autoflower Box. The one on the left is a Dark Devil Auto, one of the very rare Green Phenotypes. It is usually a purple Strain, but sometimes it stays green. People tell that it has a mindblowing effect when it stays green, i will see. Ahead of that, I´m not happy with her. She will yield very low. After i have grown three of this particular Strain now, i will not grow it ever again. It is a nice Smoke, turns the High in very gentle and releases the High gentle too without making you tired at all. Taste smell and Bud-appeal is very good too, BUT it is far away from beeing Genetically stable at all. I had three of that seed, ordered from the same seller, grown in the same soil from the same package, All three of them where different Phenos. I´m smoking this weed at the moment and it is indeed nice, tasting and smelling like no other weed i discovered in my 14 years of smoking, but it gives me no steady results.

The other Lady on the right is a Blue Dream Auto from 1000 Seeds Genetics. I´m very Happy with her. It is my second of that Strain so far, and it looks exactly the same as the one i had grown before. Same reaction to Nutes and everything too. I ordered 10 more Seeds a few Days ago. There will be 3x Dutch Passion AutoXtreme in the package, 3x 1000 Seed Genetics Auto AK and 5x Tangie also by 1000 Seeds Genetics

But take a look
Re: Crocodocs First Photoperiodic - Ice Kush & Cream Caramel - 250W DS-HPS - Daily Up

Day 39

Temps: 19,4-24,8°C, 66,9-76,6°F
Humidity: 39-60%

First off all, this update is splitted in two Parts where it comes to Details about the Ladys. This happened because i started work at them, then had to leave and came back a few hours later.
Humidity is falling low, i switched my Air-Washer to maximum to fight against. Hopefully this is enough, otherwise the Postman will have some work once more. Got some new tools delivered by him at hand now, a simple pH-Meter.

As i checked my Ladys this morning, i lifted their Pots and all four of them feels very Light, Ice Kush #1 was almost Bone-dry. i thought, what the f...? How can that be? I figured out a problem with my Water system, or with the style i used it. I was running the Water through it Gently, but that was a mistake. Turned out that i watered just half of the Pot that way. I need to open the Valve fully, Water flows out faster then and covers the Soil more even. There had to be adjustments done to the tube positioning aswell. But everything works fine now, i checked the Bottom of the Pots after Watering to make sure they drain evenly. Then i started feeding my Plants beginning with Ice Kush #1. After that i had to leave and was not able to feed the other three. That turned out as luck later because of the pH-Meter that was in my Postbox when i came home.

But first when i came back Home i worked over my drip to waste System. The wood was affected by the moisture of watering much more then i thought overtime. So i grabbed my saw and made the hole bigger and remove all of the wet wood. After that done, i drilled some Channels at each Corner of the new hole to make it more easy for the Water to runoff. After that, i sealed all the cuttings and every bit of the surface with a layer of silicone. That should prevent moisture from getting inside of the wood in the Future. Along with that, the Fan is now below the floor of gthe Pots, what makes Airflow more Gentle.

In case of Watering, i discovered an even bigger Problem after calibrating my pH-Meter. Water is very hard where i live, Tap Water pH is 8,1, and if i add my fertilzer at foll dosage, it lowers to 7,4 but is still way too high. I didn´t want to water my Plants one single more time with that pH, so i used citrus concentrate to lower the pH to 6,3 beginning with a pH of 7,4, i needed 24 drops of it to lower pH to 6,3 for every liter i fed them. If there was less fertilzer added, i needed less concentrate. But more Detail over that below.

I raised the Bulb by another 5 cm, to make them stretch a little more and keep the temps a little lower

Lets check out the Ladys :love:

Arround 20 Minutes after wake up

Cream Caramel #1

Size: 18,5 cm
Bulb Distance: 60 cm
Watering: 2000 ml, 20°C (68°F), pH 6,3
Feeding: 265 ppm, 2,5 ml/l TNT Complex, 2,5 ml/l Root Complex, 1 drop of SuperVit at 5000 ml,Citrus Concentrate 20 drops/l
Training: none
other: Recovering faster

Today early

Arround 8 hours later

Cream Caramel #2

Size: 20,5 cm
Bulb Distance: 60 cm
Watering: 2000 ml, 20°C (68°F), pH 6,3
Feeding: 269 ppm, 2,5 ml/l TNT Complex, 2,5 ml/l Root Complex, 1 drop of SuperVit at 5000 ml,Citrus Concentrate 20 drops/l
Training: none
other: Recovering faster

Today early

Arround 8 hours later

Ice Kush #1

Size: 26 cm
Bulb Distance: 60 cm
Watering: 2000 ml, 20°C (68°F), pH 6,3
Feeding: 325 ppm, 3,75 ml/l TNT Complex, 2,5 ml/l Root Complex, 1 drop of SuperVit at 5000 ml,Citrus Concentrate 24 drops/l
Training: none
other: Recovering faster

Today early

Arround 8 hours later

Ice Kush #2

Size: 21 cm
Bulb Distance: 60 cm
Watering: 2000 ml, 20°C (68°F), pH 6,3
Feeding: 253 ppm, 2,5 ml/l TNT Complex, 2,5 ml/l Root Complex, 1 drop of SuperVit at 5000 ml,Citrus Concentrate 21 drops/l
Training: none
other: Recovering faster

Today early

Arround 8 hours later

This is how they looked today after 8 hours of light, Ice Kush #1 is very close to the Screen now

Last but not least my Autoflower Box :)
Re: Crocodocs First Photoperiodic - Ice Kush & Cream Caramel - 250W DS-HPS - Daily Up

Day 40

Temps: 19,9-24,4°C
Humidity: 44-62%

Let´s keep it shorter from now on. No more Walls of text:)

-Humidity was better today, but i have to keep an eye on the Water Level in the Air-Washer. It should never run empty.

-pH correction seems to work, all Ladys showing better Colours and increased growth. Maybe Soil buffer had run out so high pH could not be compensated by the Soil any longer

-Sensors should arrive tomorrow, Watering should also be tomorrow.

Today before working on them

Cream Caramel #1

Size: 19 cm before LST, 18 cm after
Bulb Distance: 60 cm
Watering: none
Feeding: none
Training: LST, Defoliaton
other: droopy Leaves but growing, better colour



Cream Caramel #2

Size: 22,5 cm before LST, 19,5 cm after
Bulb Distance: 60 cm
Watering: none
Feeding: none
Training: LST, Defoliaton
other: better colour, increased growth, good appeal



Ice Kush #1

Size: 26 cm before LST, 26 cm after
Bulb Distance: 60 cm
Watering: none
Feeding: none
Training: LST, Defoliaton
other: droopy Leaves but growing fast, better colour, better appeal



Ice Kush #2

Size: 25 cm before LST, 21,5 cm after
Bulb Distance: 60 cm
Watering: none
Feeding: none
Training: LST, Defoliaton
other: good colour, very fast growth, very Sexy overall



After that beeing done, i only had to adjust the light properly

Done for today
Re: Crocodocs First Photoperiodic - Ice Kush & Cream Caramel - 250W DS-HPS - Daily Up

Day 41

Temps: 18,5-23,9°C
Humidity: 49-79%

Arround 4 hours after wake up

- Humidity was too high with lights off, connected the Air-Washer to the lighting timer. Should solve that problem. Bottom Fan is connected to that Timer now too

- all Pots were very dry, Watering was needed

- Feeding was increased again, want them to explode and so far they doing just fine with this Nutes

- growth is back at normal speed at all of them

- just defoliation today, LST tomorrow

- weather report announced Temps arround 33°C for next Week. Hopefully my Box stays cool enough. If not, i will insulate the room where it´s in. More cost effective than an AC and creates no extra heat. My Headroom for Temps is definitly there, arround 8°C when i add a CO² Bag. Temps at the tallest Lady top are good. Measured immideatly after opening the door.

to Compare, same moment and Temp at the external Sensor. Not much difference at all, pretty acurate. Inside of the Box stays cooler than the outside due to passive cooled air from the bottom of the room

Cream Caramel #1

Size: 20 cm
Bulb Distance: 60 cm
Watering: 2000 ml, 20°C, pH 6,3
Feeding: 305 ppm, 3,75 ml/l TNT Complex, 2,5 ml/l Root Complex, 1 drop SuperVit at 5000 ml
Training: Defoliaton
other: almost fully recovered, looking good and juicy again

Before Defoliaton


Another 4 Hours later

Cream Caramel #2

Size: 24 cm
Bulb Distance: 60 cm
Watering: 2000 ml, 20°C, pH 6,3
Feeding: 305 ppm, 3,75 ml/l TNT Complex, 2,5 ml/l Root Complex, 1 drop SuperVit at 5000 ml
Training: Defoliaton
other: healthy

Before Defoliaton


4 Hours later

Ice Kush #1

Size: 28 cm
Bulb Distance: 60 cm
Watering: 2000 ml, 20°C, pH 6,2
Feeding: 367 ppm, 5 ml/l TNT Complex, 2,5 ml/l Root Complex, 1 drop SuperVit at 5000 ml
Training: Defoliaton
other: almost fully recovered, looking good again

Before Defoliaton


4 Hours later

Ice Kush #2

Size: 28,5 cm
Bulb Distance: 60 cm
Watering: 2000 ml, 20°C, pH 6,2
Feeding: 367 ppm, 5 ml/l TNT Complex, 2,5 ml/l Root Complex, 1 drop SuperVit at 5000 ml
Training: Defoliaton
other: healthy overall

Before Defoliaton


4 Hours later

After work had been done

4 Hours later
Re: Crocodocs First Photoperiodic - Ice Kush & Cream Caramel - 250W DS-HPS - Daily Up

Day 42

Temp: 19,1- 24,6°C
Humidity: 52-66%

- got some new HPS protecion Glasses. One for my self, one for the Camera, 15 flat for booth incl. shipping. Method 7 glasses are 80 flat here for the same effect. This are called ActiveEye Growroom Glasses. No more ugly Pictures from now on

- just defoliaton today

Arround 3 hours after wake up

Cream Caramel #1

Size: 21,5 cm
Bulb Distance: 60 cm
Watering: none
Feeding: none
Training: Defoliaton
other: none



Cream Caramel #2

Size: 25 cm
Bulb Distance: 60 cm
Watering: none
Feeding: none
Training: Defoliaton
other: none



Ice Kush #1

Size: 28 cm
Bulb Distance: 60 cm
Watering: none
Feeding: none
Training: Defoliaton
other: none


Very close to the Screen now


Ice Kush #2

Size: 26 cm
Bulb Distance: 60 cm
Watering: none
Feeding: none
Training: Defoliaton
other: wrong size written down yesterday, i´m sorry



After todays Defoliaton
Re: Crocodocs First Photoperiodic - Ice Kush & Cream Caramel - 250W DS-HPS - Daily Up

Day 43

Temp: 21,2-26,7°C
Humidity: 54-63%

- Outside Temps raise, Inside Temps raise. Exhaust Air still at 40% rpm, Leaf Temps max 25,7°C

- Humidity hits the sweet Spot

- Watering/Feeding today, all got less nutes then the last time

- LST and defoliation today

Arround 2 hours after wake up time

Cream Caramel

Size: 23 cm
Bulb Distance: 60 cm
Watering: 2000 ml, 21°C, pH 6,2
Feeding: 263ppm, 2,5ml/l TNT Complex, 2,5ml/l Root Complex, 2ml/l PowerZyme, 1 drop SuperVit at 5000ml
Training: LST, Defoliation
other: none



Cream Caramel #2

Size: 25,5 cm
Bulb Distance: 60 cm
Watering: 2000 ml, 21°C, pH 6,2
Feeding: 263ppm, 2,5ml/l TNT Complex, 2,5ml/l Root Complex, 2ml/l PowerZyme, 1 drop SuperVit at 5000ml
Training: LST, Defoliation
other: none



Ice Kush #1

Size: 28 cm
Bulb Distance: 60 cm
Watering: 2000 ml, 20°C, pH 6,2
Feeding: 315ppm, 3,75ml/l TNT Complex, 2,5ml/l Root Complex, 2ml/l PowerZyme, 1 drop SuperVit at 5000ml
Training: LST, Defoliation
other: none



Ice Kush #2

Size: 26,5 cm
Bulb Distance: 60 cm
Watering: 2000 ml, 20°C, pH 6,2
Feeding: 266ppm, 2,5ml/l TNT Complex, 2,5ml/l Root Complex, 2ml/l PowerZyme, 1 drop SuperVit at 5000ml
Training: LST, Defoliation
other: none



After todays Training and Feeding
Re: Crocodocs First Photoperiodic - Ice Kush & Cream Caramel - 250W DS-HPS - Daily Up

They are looking great Croc! Have you been watering via your irrigation set up?
Re: Crocodocs First Photoperiodic - Ice Kush & Cream Caramel - 250W DS-HPS - Daily Up

They are looking great Croc! Have you been watering via your irrigation set up?

Yes i do. It needed a few adjustments, but it works perfectly fine now :high-five:
Re: Crocodocs First Photoperiodic - Ice Kush & Cream Caramel - 250W DS-HPS - Daily Up

Yes i do. It needed a few adjustments, but it works perfectly fine now :high-five:

Thats going to be my next project.....coming up with a watering system for mine because its going to be a pain in the arse when the Scrog nets are in place.
Re: Crocodocs First Photoperiodic - Ice Kush & Cream Caramel - 250W DS-HPS - Daily Up

Maybe my solution is one for you too. It is very easy to use and works well. You can indivually feed every single Plant. Guess that doesnt matter with your Kindsoil.

Update later, sorry for not updating yesterday. It was a busy Day:lot-o-toke:
Re: Crocodocs First Photoperiodic - Ice Kush & Cream Caramel - 250W DS-HPS - Daily Up

Maybe my solution is one for you too. It is very easy to use and works well. You can indivually feed every single Plant. Guess that doesnt matter with your Kindsoil.

Update later, sorry for not updating yesterday. It was a busy Day:lot-o-toke:

LOL...hey we all have lives, sometimes we have to miss a day or two every once in a while! Gotta enjoy life brother! Though for me, growing my girls is a lot of enjoyment!
Re: Crocodocs First Photoperiodic - Ice Kush & Cream Caramel - 250W DS-HPS - Daily Up

LOL...hey we all have lives, sometimes we have to miss a day or two every once in a while! Gotta enjoy life brother! Though for me, growing my girls is a lot of enjoyment!

I got my notes at least, i will integrate them into todays update.

Day 45 (and 44)

Temp: 20,4-25,7°C
Humidity: 53-64%

- Humidity Control was a problem, because if i open the door of my Box, it almost instantly beginns to change. Inspired by Skoons Timelapse videos, i decided to put a Cam into my box too. a simple app on an old Smartphone allows Streaming of Video in local Networks. It is called IP Webcam, very simple to use and no other plugins needed on your computer.


- The Ladys starting to need a Watering daily, guess i have to water up to 3 Times a day when in full flower. Need an automated solution if so.

- Put the Fan back up above the floor, it circulates air arround better like that. And i dont need to remove it when watering

Arround 2 Hours after wake up


Cream Caramel #1

Size: 27,5 cm
Bulb Distance: 60 cm
Watering: 2000 ml, 21°C, pH 6,2 yesterday; 2000 ml, 20°C, ph 6,3 today
Feeding: 113 ppm tap Water yesterday; 211 ppm, 1,25 ml/l TNT Complex, 1 drop SuperVit at 5000 ml
Training: LST, Defoliation
other: none



Cream Caramel #2

Size: 26 cm
Bulb Distance: 60 cm
Watering: 2000 ml, 21°C, pH 6,2 yesterday; 2000 ml, 20°C, ph 6,3 today
Feeding: 113 ppm tap Water yesterday; 211 ppm, 1,25 ml/l TNT Complex, 1 drop SuperVit at 5000 ml
Training: LST, Defoliation
other: none


2 cm left to touch the Screen


Ice Kush #1

Size: 28 cm
Bulb Distance: 60 cm
Watering: 2000 ml, 21°C, pH 6,2 yesterday; 2000 ml, 20°C, ph 6,3 today
Feeding: 113 ppm tap Water yesterday; 266 ppm, 2,5 ml/l TNT Complex, 1 drop SuperVit at 5000 ml
Training: LST, Defoliation
other: none



Ice Kush #2

Size: 27 cm
Bulb Distance: 60 cm
Watering: 2000 ml, 21°C, pH 6,2 yesterday; 2000 ml, 20°C, ph 6,3 today
Feeding: 113 ppm tap Water yesterday; 266 ppm, 2,5 ml/l TNT Complex, 1 drop SuperVit at 5000 ml
Training: LST, Defoliation
other: none


She is almost there...


After todays work
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