Dark Devil Auto: A Community Grow Record

I thought about this also. I have only 2 beans left. My germination rate for DDA seeds was 1 out of 3 but 100% since then. Oh well. I'll cross that bridge when i get there.:love:

Mine were 3 for 3 with one mutant.

If only one germs, use the CS and spray one or two lower sites. Put a small fan, like a CPU fan, below her blowing up (stops to imagine the classic Marilyn Monroe image) when pollen drops. Viola! Hundreds of S1 seeds in 4 or 5 weeks. Clean the heck out of your tent/room when done.

If you get both it's up to you. But I recommend selfing each because you don't know if or which purple expression you have until pretty late. I was lucky that both plants were purple flowers and leaves.

I was mainly interested in not having to spray everyday, that's why I tried STS. With STS you can be in coma for 2 weeks and still have success.....


My sick humor is all I have ATM. It's always been my defense mechanism in bad times. Makes for awkward moments sometimes.
Well that one was a winner Heirloom. I'm still laughing. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

When we were in recovery, the day they took Dale's foot, he and our daughter were laughing about how he could finally bring reality to the peg-legged pirate costume on Halloween. :laughtwo:

By the way, love that idea. I could do that with one in my closet. I grow my DDAs in a completely separate space under their own special little sun.
Couldn't resist more DDA.....


It's been really hot hence all the curling leaves and I think the yellow spotty leaf was a result of the pH being a bit low when I transplanted it into it's own NFT system.

Ok I'll trust your judgement, because those spots screamed "thrips" to me, but I'm battling them, so I'm super vigilant.
Isn't it amazing how easy it is to dismiss this when you're right in front of the plant? I've had someone in the gallery point it out to me three times over the past year, while the entire time I had myself convinced it was nothing.

This is one of those things we do really well in this community.
Thats a great heads up! Im clueless. Hahaa :volcano-smiley:
I wanna try this dark strain soooo bad! :volcano-smiley::volcano-smiley::volcano-smiley:
Been looking for pests but only live beasties I can find in my attic are a couple of house spiders. Dead beasties include a bee, a moth in a res and a few tiny black flies dotted about.

Always worth checking......especially when there's soil about and I've no experience of pests inside, yet! I still think it was more of a hydro problem than a soil one as it's taken all week to get the pH up to 6.2 by just adding water and then this morning the EC had dropped from 0.5 to 0.4 so plan of action is to get more nutes in and get better pH swing going.

I start these NFT ones in quarter strength (0.5 EC) Ionic hydro grow nutes and then as the plants grow large enough to get the pH drifting up I add more nutes to bring it back down. I don't want to add so much on the EC that the pH swing start going the wrong way though.

Fingers crossed it's a hungry DDA rather than hungry beasties:hmmmm:
Been looking for pests but only live beasties I can find in my attic are a couple of house spiders. Dead beasties include a bee, a moth in a res and a few tiny black flies dotted about.

Always worth checking......especially when there's soil about and I've no experience of pests inside, yet! I still think it was more of a hydro problem than a soil one as it's taken all week to get the pH up to 6.2 by just adding water and then this morning the EC had dropped from 0.5 to 0.4 so plan of action is to get more nutes in and get better pH swing going.

I start these NFT ones in quarter strength (0.5 EC) Ionic hydro grow nutes and then as the plants grow large enough to get the pH drifting up I add more nutes to bring it back down. I don't want to add so much on the EC that the pH swing start going the wrong way though.

Fingers crossed it's a hungry DDA rather than hungry beasties:hmmmm:

Thrips are so difficult to see. You have to look on the back of the affected leaves to see if there're any microscopic droppings. The black spots of those droppings will jump out at you instantly if they're there. Let's hope you're right about that. Even so, it's a relatively easy fix.
My Dark Devil Day 19 how do you think the growth is going? Its my first auto i topped once two days ago just as an experiment nodes are pretty tight i placed more soil around the stem. One leaf just dried overnight last night and died plant appears healthy to me so im at a loss

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sareciag, it may have been something as simple as the leaf got damaged. It looks like a healthy plant. Run with that assumption and watch for any more signs.
28 days later dun dun dunnnnnn haha :rofl: had to that silly movie came to mind haha and I don't think I have managed to watch all of it anyways she's starting to get some color not sure if it's visible in the pic but here she is :thumb: other then my pH being a little off I think is the cause of the spots as out of tap it hits a hard 7.1 so gunna have to bring that down


Had to show off this pic of my Sweet Seeds Red Poison.


I had intended to post her every week, but failed to find the time apparently. Only tangentially on-topic anyway. :)

She's 7 weeks old today.


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