Dark Devil Auto: A Community Grow Record

My DDA. Still a long way to go....
My DDA. Still a long way to go....

But looking so lovely dirt. Don't you love the sheen on the leaves? Beautiful dirt. Time for me to drop my next one. :cheesygrinsmiley:
DDA5 (Day 48)






I'm hoping this one yields well. I won't be starting the next one for a month. I'm switching the grow to Doc's kit and the soil won't be done for a month. I can't even entertain the thought of running out. :laughtwo: That would be all wrong in the universe and we know that can't be. Lol! So far, I've been able to stay on track. I trust the universe to keep me going strong. :cheesygrinsmiley:

She still has another month, at least. I'll let her go as far as I can, but the next pan of brownies is the bottom of my stash. Awk!!!
:laughtwo: I just realized my DDA5 slotted right in behind your DDA4 Rifleman. Lol!
I wish mine had a few more weeks on them. First pistils yesterday, so only 10 wks to go. :rofl:

:laughtwo: The hardest part, the interminable waiting when you've run out. Lol!
:laughtwo: The hardest part, the interminable waiting when you've run out. Lol!

I've got 6oz left in my stash. Three or four weeks from harvest. What's going to save me ?... I have six nug jars full of previously ground bud waiting for me. I knew it'd be close this year, so when I was flush with bud I ground till my jars were full. Two large and four half sized, about 4oz I suppose. They are put away in a separate place. Aging like fine wine. Can you tell I was a boy scout ? :rofl:
I've got 6oz left in my stash. Three or four weeks from harvest. What's going to save me ?... I have six nug jars full of previously ground bud waiting for me. I knew it'd be close this year, so when I was flush with bud I ground till my jars were full. Two large and four half sized, about 4oz I suppose. They are put away in a separate place. Aging like fine wine. Can you tell I was a boy scout ? :rofl:

"Always Prepared." :rofl: I married an Eagle Scout. Lol!

I envy you. Thank goodness I'm swimming in Carnival. That'll keep me spiritual blissed until I can get the next harvest in. I'm working on a perpetual machine of DDA for the tiny closet. I've been planning to switch the grow entirely to Doc's system, but I'm sitting here thinking the autos may continue to do best in my LOS. I might be able to keep two running at all times with the next pair vegging in another space.

To be honest, if I were forced to choose between the two strains the DDA would win, no contest.
.......To be honest, if I were forced to choose between the two strains the DDA would win, no contest.

Too many strains out there for me to choose from, I HAVE to try them all. :biglaugh: I've got so many different seeds here now that it would take a decade to try them all. It's really killing me that I've only grown one of my own F1 crosses too. I want to try them until I see a purple one and reverse her too. So many projects, and only the rest of my life to finish them. Doesn't hardly seem fair. :)
Pretty Pictures :battingeyelashes:

She's 52 days old. A few more weeks to go. :slide:



Oh Lucas, you're such a tease. :rofl:
Oh Lucas, you're such a tease. :rofl:

I'm just amazed at her structure. All I've done was a weeks worth of ponytails. That is second and third node growth sticking out. She is pushing out ninth node currently.

Have you ever gotten the all green pheno Sue ? I'm wondering what else is different in it. Flavors, smells, high. :hmmmm:
You wouldn't believe how hard that stuff is for the newb mate lol. Looks great and I've tried aiming for it even after reading, I've got a plant growing that's lay on her back producing some beautiful bud. But she's literally laying on one side of the pot, could never find anything else to tie down after that one. One thing I've never seen yet is a how to and why of LST or mainlining, fluxing etc. I'd love to see it though as I reckon that's what this place is about. Maybe we need some stickies if they're already written :goodjob:
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