Double strawberry diesel

that's a tough situation with the grow room, i know how you feel.
thanks guys, glad to hear your feeling better Pan.
I think I will return it and if the store gives me back my money I will buy a roll of panda film to create a partition in my room for the ladies to grow. I'm not real happy about having to do this but its all I could come up with thus far. I think it will work well, I cant do anything till the weekend is over though.
Late yesterday I contacted the store that actually sold me the Habitat, and at first he was like "its been too long to return" and "blah, blah, blah" then I mentioned that Hydrofarm said it was cool and that they new him by name, he was flattered I guess because he said as long as they said ok, he would honor their return policy. LoL He was probably worried about losing his biggest supplier. They have the Panda Film though and I will be revamping the room big-time on Monday; I may bump the size up to 4x8.
The guy at the store was a jerk, and would only give me half cash and half store credit, so I bought a few things I needed. I didn't get the Panda film as it resembled the tent too much, so I made my closet a walk-in by adding 20 square feet to it; using studs and drywall. It was a large task to do in one day, and ran out of cash so its not painted or mylared yet; but other than that its ready to roll. Total closet space is 30 square feet with 1400 watts = 46.66666667 watts per sq/ft. I have the 6" exhaust fan hooked up inline to the 1000 watt hps with two 6" passive intake holes just off the floor. I also have the 4" exhaust I will hook up to the 400 hps eventually but if the temps require it I can do it anytime. It really turned out well, I barely got the plants in before lights out so pics will have to be late tomorrow night.
that sucks, but sounds like you're doing a good job. i know how tough it is when you've been working all day on the garden, then you realize "shit they need to go to bed soon!" lol, such a rush to finish the job.
Thanks Untamed, time does fly when working on something you love.
Heres a pic update as I had a few minutes this morning:nomo:
the closet isn't finished completely but will be relatively soon.
overview, its L shaped.

Lita one day till shes one month in flower


Jolene one month less 2 days in flower

Angie 3 days away from a month in flower, not sure why one pic is red, lol


Choco Chunk, blue berry and purple passion (fan caused the blurries, lol)

A few shots of the new room, its 4'x5' the one around the corner is 2.5'x4'
one of the passive intakes

a shot of both areas

this is the original closet, around the corner

Soon I will paint or Mylar, but probably not for a few weeks. Hopefully the plants that are sickly snap back, I am not sure if they will but am very hopeful.
very cool man, you should be impressed with your room. if i had the facility to do so, mine would be very close to yours
Thanks fellas, I am very happy thus far with the room. The temps are maxing out at 74 degrees (even with outdoor temps at 80), and the fan gets to take a break now and then. In the tent it ran all the time to keep it under 79 for a max temp; I attribute this to having an extra 18" in room height in the closet even though there is also another 400 watts in there. The tent was actually .25 square feet bigger than what I built, but then the sides of the tent sucked in 2 or 3 inches each because of the fan. lol :peace:
The ladies were looking a bit deficient so tomorrow I will feed them with 2 tsps of the neptunes fish n seaweed. I fed them last week a 1/2 strength mix of ff's BB, TB, cha ching, cal-mag straying from my all organic approach.:hmmmm: I think I might alternate between the two for feedings. The neptunes is 2-3-1 the 1 worries me as i think I am/was getting k deficient.
It does sound tasty, too bad I gotta wait.....
I have'nt decided if I want to make some Double Strawberry Diesel Squared, I probably will though. I have a ton of pollen from bono as well as two other stallions waiting in the wings (vegging clones from the two other nice looking dsd males). The Choco-dsd seeds are starting to form as are the top 44-DSD's. The purple passion is budding nicely and the Grape Crush is only a few days in but it was nicely lst'd through veg and is really going to be a bushy plant.
The DSD's are bulking up every day, seem to be doing good but still have some slight yellowing from the tent. One of the grape crush looks like the yellowing may be terminal, only time will tell.
IDouble Strawberry Diesel - top 44-DSD's - purple passion - Grape Crush
Dang fly, sounds like you have plenty to pick from!! :grinjoint:

It's always nice to have different flavors and buzzes to choose from. :smokin:


Thanks Fellas; I'm really looking forward to trying some of these. I agree Harry, I guess I was spoiled with some of my earlier strains and want to find another that is in my eyes "the perfect plant". :adore:
I wont feel this way at harvest, but I actually think I have too many varieties going. Thats one of the reasons I am doing all the crosses, I want to sock some away, thin the strains a bit and then learn what I can from each strain; right now I feel like a jack of all trades master of none. lol For the most part they aren't requiring a huge difference in fert requirements, but their heights are all over the place; and none of them are getting the individual attention they deserve. :thedoubletake:
I want to find something comparable to the super silver haze or the grape ape in quantity and quality; as these were both wonderful specimens. I need something which helps with moderate to intense pain and to increase my appetite. My hope is to either find an existing plant or to "create" one. The person I am caregiver for has arthritis real bad and is thus in a wheel chair, so I would also like something that works well for him. Fortunately we are both patient people, and in it for the long haul.

Dang, this is some good coffee! lol Got me babbling on and on.........Happy Easter Everyone!!
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