DrZiggy's Low And Slow Drying: Maximizing Your Harvest

My main reason for making oil with only leaves is because oi lasts a long time for me and i work a lot. Smoking it only lasts 4 to 6 hous depending on how much i smoke therefore i can regulate better. I have experience with oil but wven with my experience it makes it harder to guage as even a small dose will last long if i dont take it on a regular basis. Therefore small batches of oil will be better as i dont use much of it.
May I ask your reasoning for making oil only from the leaves? Oil from the buds, either infused or CCO, will be a much better option for anything medicinal. Trim oil is useful, but nowhere near as therapeutic as a good infused oil taken as capsules or used in baking medibles.

You comment just stopped me in my tracks, so I had to ask. :laughtwo:

I need to learn how to do this, do you document it anywhere Sue? I thought you need some big press to make oil?


Commercial Freezer to Refrigerator conversion complete. Test run to calibrate the temperature controller for now. Also, testing the mini dehumidifier which I'll calibrate later tonight with the controllers. I'm still working on the diy humidifier, but may not need. The silver cylinder on top of the controller unit gives me remote viewing of the internal environment. If anyone is interested in the internal wiring of the controllers I pictures.
Wow that is awesome!! As others mentioned, the first thing I noticed was temps went way up after I put the bud in there and the humidity as well,obviously. You might have a much better way to dial in a specific temp and keep it there than some of us and that could be a game changer. Exciting stuff!


Commercial Freezer to Refrigerator conversion complete. Test run to calibrate the temperature controller for now. Also, testing the mini dehumidifier which I'll calibrate later tonight with the controllers. I'm still working on the diy humidifier, but may not need. The silver cylinder on top of the controller unit gives me remote viewing of the internal environment. If anyone is interested in the internal wiring of the controllers I pictures.

Nice set up Kreaton! Those STC1000's will work great for ya! I run 2 of those on a deep freezer turned fermentation chamber.
I'm interested to see how a much larger set up like yours does. Especially when it comes to the first few days of drying and the internal RH of the fridge.
I removed some of the GSC at two weeks and let it air dry. It lost half its weight in the air drying, to give you an idea how wet it was. So, about 60% dry.

These were better buds, from a little closer to the top of the tree, than some air dried buds I had been smoking. The difference in the smoke and high was substantial. The partially cured was a lot softer. The harshness was mostly gone, but it could use some curing time.

The strain is about 60/40 Indicia. Two weeks in the frig knocked the itchy eyes and couch lock out of it.

That is replaced or unmask with a very strong high with a few pleasant rushes on the way up. Short term memory is a problem but it is not like you can't function. It is surprising how calming it is for the intensity of the high and lack of drowsiness. Finished off it should be top shelf.

My thinking, for now, is that the time it takes to dry in a cold environment is as important as the cold temperature. There is some kind of melding going on. Even with air drying the idea is to stretch out the drying.

I was going to have this plant tested the end of the month but the only clone I had died. So, I am going to hold off until I can get a Nightmare Cookie plant through the frig and into jars, then have that tested.

The NC plant is at 66 days and the new frig is due to arrive next Tuesday. It is a ~65 day plant. It is going to be tight. At 80% Sativa, 65 days sounds short. I am confident it can go 3 or 4 days more, but beyond that I don't know.

I never know
You guys have me jumping with so much excitement I have to take an early morning walk. :laughtwo: I'll be back with capsule info in a bit.

Well got home from work to find my beer fridge at 70 degrees. . not ideal from a drying perspective. I suppose it's still in the parameters of normal drying, just less airflow I would think. Perhaps a computer fan would be a good thing to rig up in there.

I'm not sure my fridge is up to the task. I'd probably be better off with normal drying until I can get this thing tuned up or replaced. It hit upper 90's out here today so that little fridge is chugging along trying to keep cool.
Well got home from work to find my beer fridge at 70 degrees. . not ideal from a drying perspective. I suppose it's still in the parameters of normal drying, just less airflow I would think. Perhaps a computer fan would be a good thing to rig up in there.

I'm not sure my fridge is up to the task. I'd probably be better off with normal drying until I can get this thing tuned up or replaced. It hit upper 90's out here today so that little fridge is chugging along trying to keep cool.

I just want to make sure I'm hearing you right, putting the amount of bud in there that you did, raised the temp to 70? That's an insane amount. I've not noticed my fridge raising in temp while I have bud in there. Only the humidity went up.
I just want to make sure I'm hearing you right, putting the amount of bud in there that you did, raised the temp to 70? That's an insane amount. I've not noticed my fridge raising in temp while I have bud in there. Only the humidity went up.

Well, I'd say it the fact that I have a mini fridge in an unfinished garage in upper 90 degree weather. It could be the temp probe wire between the seal and frame. I'll close it up tight and keep an eye on temps before pulling the plug.
I just checked my fridge. It has been almost 6 days and it is at 54% humidity and 6.9C/44F.

How do the buds feel to the touch? Have you tried to grind any up? That's a good indicator as to their readiness. I need to go check mine.
How do the buds feel to the touch? Have you tried to grind any up? That's a good indicator as yo their readiness. I need to go check mine.

I just tried to snap a branch and it didn't snap. I think it's still way too wet. Can't wait for it to be ready to try. I can tell a huge difference in the smell, smoke, and smoothness of the air dried compared to the oven dried. I'm trying to work my way through the oven dried clone. A couple hits in the evening is making me feel a lot better but not going through it very fast.
I just tried to snap a branch and it didn't snap. I think it's still way too wet. Can't wait for it to be ready to try. I can tell a huge difference in the smell, smoke, and smoothness of the air dried compared to the oven dried. I'm trying to work my way through the oven dried clone. A couple hits in the evening is making me feel a lot better but not going through it very fast.

You're not going through it quickly? That's a good thing. You won't have to grow as much to fill your med needs. :hug:

I checked my bags and everything dried overnight in the bags after being out in the open on racks for a week. I think I'll dry the next harvest in bags.

I ended up with 14 grams of DDA7


and 10 grams of CBD Critical Cure 2, which I added to the previous batch. I have a nice jar of lo and slow CBD CC. :slide:


I'm getting ready to taste the DDA. I have too much Malawi and Panama Haze in me to do it justice in evaluation, but I want to taste it. :laughtwo:

Hmmm..... I get a strong whiff of obviously limonene, something I've never distinguished in my DDAs, but this was my first sativa pheno. Interesting. On exhale I can taste the berry I couldn't smell. How cool. :laughtwo: That's a new experience. Let me try another........ Yep, there it is again.

:slide: This will be better cured. I'll do my best to keep some aside for three months.

Ahhh..... This is going well. Ziggy believed in it and I believed in Ziggy. It's reassuring to have so many back him up.

Thank you Ziggy. :hug: :love:


Commercial Freezer to Refrigerator conversion complete. Test run to calibrate the temperature controller for now. Also, testing the mini dehumidifier which I'll calibrate later tonight with the controllers. I'm still working on the diy humidifier, but may not need. The silver cylinder on top of the controller unit gives me remote viewing of the internal environment. If anyone is interested in the internal wiring of the controllers I pictures.

Nice set up Kreaton! This is the size unit I would need to do. I like your approach!

I'm very interested in this thread and all of the results you folks uncover. You guys rock!

I thought that 45-50% humidity was the target for lo and slow. Have they dried enough already to put into jars? I did jar up the excess I had drying above the lights and put the jars in the fridge without lids.

The is what I am trying to figure out. ;)

When I dry normally, I hang the trimmed branches till they are dry (usually 2 or 3 days) Then jar them. I put a small RH meter in one of the jars. If the jar (after sealing for a little while) is over 62% I leave the jars open. I check it at least 2x per day. Once I hit 60-62% the jars get sealed and then just burped once a day over the next week or so.

So, with all that being said, my fridge was at 11% the last time I check (with nothing in it) When I put my next harvest in, I will see where the RH goes to. I expect it to shoot way up. I will see how long it takes to bring it down to 60%. When it is there, I will jars some and see where it is at. If it shoots way up in the jars, I will put it back. With a little trial and error, I should be able to tell where the RH needs to be in the fridge for the buds to be finished. :circle-of-love::peace:
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