favorite place to smoke


  • Indoors

    Votes: 45 60.8%
  • Outdoors

    Votes: 29 39.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Indoors...in my tool shed...my own little paradise
yeah i think warm and dark is the best. i think everything is better at night. maybe its just cause im in vegas and the whole city is lit up lol. but i think the outdoors is definitely the best place to smoke. i miss the trees where im from, because its great to get stoned in the woods! or by a river or creek, that would be fun also..
I agree with Schultz. When it's nice out and warm ill smoke outside and go swimming if its summer. I also like to smoke in my room and just veg in my bed and watch tv or a movie, its very relaxing and therapeudic
i mostly smoke indoors bc we have a grav bong... i like it cuz it gets me stoned and it also saves weed. in the summer time i love to sit in the backyard and burn a blunt, day or night. for some reason i love driving around and smoking, but i dont do that too much bc too many cops have bene out lately. over the summer i went to wildwood and at night after we came back from the boardwalk me and my boyfriend would sit on the porch of our "rental" house and smoke... i loved that, the fresh sea air, nice warm night, and it was so quiet, not like it is round here. it was awesome.
Every thing is better outside, nothing like smokin a doob on the mountain or on hole 5 of the disk course.
Yeah for real bro ^^. There is nothing better than parking the car on a cool/warm summer night chillin on the hood with your girl starin' up at the stars just smoking that spliff.

Thats like pure heaven right there.
I smoke mostly indoors but outdoors is by far the best. Me and a couple of my buds went out lastnight and layed on hay bales smoking a blunt and looking at the stars. Im fortunate to have great outside smoking spots within walking distance. My favorite is sneaking tokes on the chairlift when im snowboarding.
Haha thats pretty awesome Jake. Forchunatly in Michigan we dont have ANY snow yet (it's insane) so I can still sneak one outside, but the wind is really cold and it's hard to spark anything.
smoking on a beach is great. just a few days ago when i was in hawaii, i scored some AMAZING bud from some locals and smoked on this giant cliff on the edge of the beach. here in boston my favorite places to smoke are my hottub, in the woods that are next to my house, and lying down in my backyard. smoking by a campfire is also awesome.
ok i think its about time to post on my own thread =]....tonight i head off to work in about a half an hour....now the moral of this is my job has the most kickass place in the world to smoke weed...also hella dangerous and if you dont play your cards right...you fall and die haha..

well i am one who looves to smoke indoors...just for the fact of you being secure...that nobody can catch me kinda thing...but i am in love with smoking oudoors...usually in the woods...but about a month ago ive been chilin at this spot i got at my job...

i am a security officer at the baltimore aquarium....now..this is an awsome job...but the building is idk ide say 5 or so stories tall probly more... butwhen im going around checkin the place out i night i noticed that theres a door that ive never even opened before...
i open this door and before me theres a lader...up this lader is the room of the building
now....i go even higher....the roof yet has another lader that takes you to the top of the ledges of the building...its so beautiful at night smoking a fat ass blunt overlooking the lit up city and looking at the inner harbor...its actually kinda spiritual somehow but idfk cool place though =]
I enjoy sittin in my room in the peace in quiet without any distractions and fireing up, it seems like when you stoned and its quiet and peaceful it takes your mind off anything else besides that fact that your enjoying the hell out of yourself at that moment
I love smokin outside, I hate the wind though. Makes it hard to light the bowl.
surrounded by horses on sandy white beaches as far as the eye can see!!
yea thats my fav. place to smoke.....
oh you mean realistically?? ummmmmm
It has to be indoors man. Outdoors is ok only, if you're up in the air, like a couple of stories up. if you smoke outdoors, you're just asking for trouble.
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