First BP Grow white widow

Re: First BP grow white widdow

That and it is pretty basic I think for the most part the next step he should take after eliminating all the others is a pH check.
Re: First BP grow white widdow

I always find it a little hard to distinguish certain problems from the way a leaf looks. Thats why I ask a lotta questions, as soon as I spot an issue in my grow, it's usually drain and replenish to eliminate "water" as the problem.
Re: First BP grow white widdow

yeah theyre both in the same bucket the roots looks and smell fine water temp not known for sure need to get to town for thermameter but i know its nice and cool i know water temps pretty good by feel good enough to know its between 67 and 75 or so no warmer though i keep a ice water bottle in there my water is hauled up here to where i live im up in the mountains but its pottable water the only thing that sounds like it could be maybe is ph levels i only have test strips but they havent been noticably discolored when pulled out of water so i figured it cant be that off to dis colorate my plant like that
Re: First BP grow white widdow

plus i dont feel shes def just cause i got that feeling ya know lol i talk to her everyday all day i get good vibes lol
Re: First BP grow white widdow

so im pretty sure its the ph levels now because what i think it was. After tryin some problem solvin it was rite under my nose lol i believe that when i spray those rags with a spray bottle to bring my humidity levels up is drippin out the bottom and i believe to be draining in my bucket under my cups with hydroton and the rags may still have soap resado or somethin in them so i move my rags and my humidity level goes back low so so as i can i guess im stuck buyin a humidifier
Re: First BP grow white widdow

so im pretty sure its the ph levels now because what i think it was. After tryin some problem solvin it was rite under my nose lol i believe that when i spray those rags with a spray bottle to bring my humidity levels up is drippin out the bottom and i believe to be draining in my bucket under my cups with hydroton and the rags may still have soap resado or somethin in them so i move my rags and my humidity level goes back low so so as i can i guess im stuck buyin a humidifier

Why don't you just use clean rags? We almost all do it.
Re: First BP grow white widdow

lol i feel kind of insulted beins that they are clean im just sayin could be somethin drippin of the rag in the bucket cause other then that i dont know what else it would be everyones tellin me its probably the pH i mean i know the test strips arent that accurate but they also cant be that off to do damage to the plants you said yourself in one of your threads you want your pH to fluctuate up a lil cause the plants take in different nutes at different pH levels and like i said cant be off by that much the strips look pretty close to the colors i need Im not tryin to argue or anythin just would like for my plants not to die
Re: First BP grow white widdow

lol i feel kind of insulted beins that they are clean im just sayin could be somethin drippin of the rag in the bucket cause other then that i dont know what else it would be everyones tellin me its probably the pH i mean i know the test strips arent that accurate but they also cant be that off to do damage to the plants you said yourself in one of your threads you want your pH to fluctuate up a lil cause the plants take in different nutes at different pH levels and like i said cant be off by that much the strips look pretty close to the colors i need Im not tryin to argue or anythin just would like for my plants not to die

what is your pH exactly? I don't think I saw it anywhere?
Re: First BP grow white widdow

well on the first page i had said i keep it around a 6.0 like i said i am usin test strips for the time being so i cant give you an exact number i can tell you its anywhere from a 5.8-6.1 with some fluctuations of course but thats where i keep it untill i can get to town waitin on snow to melt off
Re: First BP grow white widdow

well here are some updated photos of her other then the second set of leaves havin a lil yellowin in the coloration she looks healthy and good to go i drained and refilled yesterday so here are some pix
Re: First BP grow white widdow

16 days from seed and the baby 8 days from seed

top view

side view

another top view

and of course the baby i cant leave her out
Re: First BP grow white widdow

yeah sorry guys i been pretty busy tryin get a new license in this state and get my car tagged and insured but everything looks good i went on ahead and trimmed some fan leaves about 3 days ago ill post pix in a lil bit she already gettin back as big as she was before and the baby finally startin to do somethin i also and on monday i went on ahead and added 1/2 strength nutes to feed the spoiled one and told the baby get tough or die and its been 5 days almost 6 and i see no nute burn and the baby took to them nutes and has been growin good since pix up later today
Re: First BP grow white widdow

ok guys quick pic update gettin ready to go to a friends house he havin a fight party the pacquio fight tonight but as promised heres some pix

ok this is her 3 days before her hair cut



ok now this is her today her third day since her haircut
the two together lol

Miss spoiled by herself

and the baby by herself

oh and before anyone asks the soup cup is to full of water to help humidty which has been 52-60% room temp 72-75 depending on time of day and water temp stayin 62-68 i juts have to switch out ice water bottles but shes stayin nice like i said ill update better pix in couple days or so nthx for stayin intrested
Re: First BP grow white widdow

yeah i was kinda skeptical of the seeds beings this is my first time and i ordered em online they suppose to be feminized WW but im still goin to watch for males or the best i know of males lol
I bought white widow from nirvana and got 30 per cent hermies. They don't want to make it right , so i will never buy there again. Do you mind saying where you got the seeds ?? And i'll be watching and learning !! :surf:
Re: First BP grow white widdow

mine are feminized also and I'm worried (no probs yet--just one late bloomer that I'm watching closely). the prob with hermies is that it may happen all the way to the end, which I guess is always true, but when you subject yourself to elevated chances of it's occurence by ordering fem seeds like we did, well we run that risk or make it as easy as possible to check every little bud all the time...I'm just hoping for the best, since my space is cramped. I'd be sorely disappointed if everything came up seeded...(ironically, mine are Seedsman)
Re: First BP grow white widdow

yeah im hoping my shit comes out feminized but i wont know for a lil over a month or so, so im going to veg em for about another 2 to 3 more weeks the spoiled will be bout 7 weeks and the baby will be bout 6 weeks. All i can do is sit waite and hope nothin bad comes along. I feel my spoiled one will be a great harvest but the baby i feel might be a dwarf but im not upset somewhat my fault for startin her late. I got my seeds from Cannabis Seeds, Marijuana Seeds - Feminized Cannabis Seeds im a lil skeptical just because of how cheap they were, theyre having a sell and i bought em because of the price we'll see how they come out
Re: First BP grow white widdow

alright guys another update yesterday made 4weeks for my spoiled one and 3weeks for my baby and today i have been at 1/2 nutes for 9 days just yesterday i moved one of my my lil 42watt light right next to the spoiled one and moved my main grow light over the baby (but its still generating light to my spoiled one) to see if i can get her to stretch out a lil bit and catch up a lil bit, i also started foilar feeding two days ago and they sure seem to like it no burns yet on niether one im uploading pix now some input would be nice thx
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