First Grow Fluxing Test - THC Bomb Mars 400W II - Hydro DIY Flowtank

Day 6 just the pic update, i'll take mesure in one hour.

PH 5.8
EC 0.61
temp : 72 F
RH : 49 %

My thcb other seed that was relaxly making first roots, 48 hours after seed popped, accidently died today, thrown by my lovely neighboor cleaning up the balcoon we share, she offered a coffee apologizing a lot, doesn't matter, i papered a CRITICAL + seed.

I still like my neighboor :)

Day 6 just the pic update, i'll take mesure in one hour.

PH 5.8
EC 0.61
temp : 72 F
RH : 49 %

My thcb other seed that was relaxly making first roots, 48 hours after seed popped, accidently died today, thrown by my lovely neighboor cleaning up the balcoon we share, she offered a coffee apologizing a lot, doesn't matter, i papered a CRITICAL + seed.

I still like my neighboor :)


Your a better man than most.... It was an accident pure and simple.

How are you my friend...
Of course an accident, but i'm more this kind of people who laugh in this cases, sent u a pm to answer your question,

Update comes in few min. i've just saw the light switched on
Day 7

it's growingggg, i was a little bit worried because normally it must be taller than that said my little soil experience, but nope everything looks normal

PH 5.8
EC 0.68
temp : 72 F
RH : 39 %

Day 8, day 8

I was writing everyday a 5,8 PH corrected PH because before each watering (3 a day) i used to correct PH from 6.6 to 5.8. Some of you can say not so bad BUT, i want to perfectly control my water without 3 correction a day.

Of course hydroton is involved, 48 hours waching it with PH 3 water finishing with hot water for 12 hours and still PH variations. Apparently wasn't enough.

I wrote several time my EC was also moving up, a little bit, everyday so it may be done by PH .

I told that today to my growshop buddy, who received two days ago little 4 pots aero systems, i'm a very good client here so he gave me one for free to test it and give him comments.

As my feminized baby just has roots going out from rockwool, i decided to transfer the little cube in the aero system, here the last pics in my DIY hydro, i will wash hydroton to PH 5.8 for time it needs and keep the system for next grow.



Sun and Rum

Here she is, the aero 4 pots and baby inside.

EC : 0.77
PH : 5.8
Temp : 78 °F
Hydro : 40 %

Just a question, water is on for 15 minutes and off for 30 min all day long,

What do you think about this cycle ?? i'm gonna read right now on 420. but if someone can answer before :ganjamon:

And now :



Sun and Rum

Day 7, day 7

I was writing everyday a 5,8 PH corrected PH because before each watering (3 a day) i used to correct PH from 6.6 to 5.8. Some of you can say not so bad BUT, i want to perfectly control my water without 3 correction a day.

Of course hydroton is involved, 48 hours waching it with PH 3 water finishing with hot water for 12 hours and still PH variations. Apparently wasn't enough.

I wrote several time my EC was also moving up, a little bit, everyday so it may be done by PH .

I told that today to my growshop buddy, who received two days ago little 4 pots aero systems, i'm a very good client here so he gave me one for free to test it and give him comments.

As my feminized baby just has roots going out from rockwool, i decided to transfer the little cube in the aero system, here the last pics in my DIY hydro, i will wash hydroton to PH 5.8 for time it needs and keep the system for next grow.



Sun and Rum


You perked me up with that freebie comment. Any time you can get some freebies to try out I say go for it. You have nothing to loose. Do you have enough seeds to play with.

Oh, and a pic of the pots would be nice.
Here she is, the aero 4 pots and baby inside.

EC : 0.77
PH : 5.8
Temp : 78 °F
Hydro : 40 %

Just a question, water is on for 15 minutes and off for 30 min all day long,

What do you think about this cycle ?? i'm gonna read right now on 420. but if someone can answer before :ganjamon:

And now :



Sun and Rum


My bad...LOL. Me likeee.... What size is the res? And the break down on the res... Drip system with aerator? IMO its the best because it gives you water at the roots as they grow AND provides water for the root system when it grows down in the res.

Nice score...

And the answer to your question regarding the water on or off.... The AG had continuous water...drip system. The 6 gal setup I have in the waiting for the next grow also has a drip system and you can adjust the water flow.

So lets see what the SME's have to say about a drip system...

Looking closer at your careful with the too much water on that cube. It just looks a little more wet then I'm use to seeing here online. SME's????

Damit...too much editing...LOL. I bet you can put the hydoton in the new pods as well. Just like you had it in the first setup. Just my two cents and would love for and SME to chime in.

Ok, done with editing my comments...I'll chill to see what the pro's have to say.
Hi my friend

First of all need to transalte drip system and i come back

Yes forgot to tell the rez is 12 litres for roots and 10 litres above for soup and yes i thought i was better to aerate the nutrients so add a pump and two air stones.

Nutrients :
Element 1 : 5 ml / 5 litres
Enzymax Booster : 5 ml / litres

EC 0.77.

Thx for your comment, i was looking at the tent and yes i more clear and clean.

Do you think i need to change pot size or a big plant can happen is this tiny pot ?
Hi my friend

First of all need to transalte drip system and i come back

Yes forgot to tell the rez is 12 litres for roots and 10 litres above for soup and yes i thought i was better to aerate the nutrients so add a pump and two air stones.

Nutrients :
Element 1 : 5 ml / 5 litres
Enzymax Booster : 5 ml / litres

EC 0.77.

Thx for your comment, i was looking at the tent and yes i more clear and clean.

Do you think i need to change pot size or a big plant can happen is this tiny pot ?

Damit...math. Ok, lets see 12 liters equals about 3 gals. With a total of approximately 5 gals? I would say it may be too small for multiple BIG plants. Remember my AG issues...1 gal res.

But hey don't make too many changes. If your only going to run 1-3 plants at a time it may....will (the AG proved it) work. I'm certainly not a fan of making so many changes.

But it's your grow and you gotta do what you gotta will only learn from it either way.

The more I look at your new setup the more I say what the hell...go for it. 4 plants total and keep them short. The root ball is generally 2-3 times the length of the plant itself. 4 plants will fill that res but they will be breathable.

I'm interested to see this progress so keep up the good work my friend.
That's absolutly true, in fact i'm searching the "simpliest" and "funniest" way to do it, i'm forty so i've got the right to change my mind when i want in order to match my goals and of course, desires :)

So i just want to grow two plants i don"t change my plan for that, so there's a possibility it works ?
Renegade, my friend, i was worried about the very watered rockwool cube, and you were right, i use instead the neoprene lid.

Renegade, my friend, i was worried about the very watered rockwool cube, and you were right, i use instead the neoprene lid.


Very good.... I am cautious about the rockwool since I saw a few posts about having to PH them before use and you run into the problem with your PH because of them. Now don't get me wrong cause others will jump in here but with all the things we have to monitor I would rather eliminate as many of them as I can and not worry about it.

That is why the next go round I will be using plugs instead of rockwool and I will be using AN's ph'd balanced nutrients.

Oh, and please settle in on something...LOL. Not for me but for your plant. Seedlings don't like to be handled to much. And your plan of 2 for the unit is perfect IMO. Although I have a 6 pod unit I went back to the people I got them from and ordered a specialized lid of 5 (like the 5 in a dice). I can cover the holes that I am not using and grow a combination of 1-6. I really like that flexibility.
I have not enough knowledge in english langage for your reply my dear Bud :) Roots ok i understand, i'm a leg man i think it's ok that's mean you've got legs but the through and through stuff, :scratchinghead: this kill my mind after a 14 hours day working. All of this may be a metaphore and i'm so frustrated. i want to understand the subtility.

Sun and Rum

Update day 9

Edit sorry for reds pics no flash, low battery, so new update in one hour

Yeah !! Ph only rised from 0.3 going from 5.8 to 6.1.
Ec falled from 0.77 to 0.33. Does the little roots eating involved ?

Add 5 Ml of Element 1

PH : 5.8
EC : 0.65
Temp : pb today clim did'nt auto start
Hopefully it was 82 F all day. The panel was on without cooler for 2h30 at 91 F.
Temp now 78 F

This kind of stress is going to slow my baby but i'm sure she'll be quick to recover.



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