First HPS 600W grow - How am I doing?

There are other ways like lemon juice and such. But its easier to learn with up and down.

Cool temps (during lights out ) enhances the purple color, usually of strains that are genetically inclined that way already. Do a search for purple strains and you'll find lots. Here is a blurry picture of a pineapple chunk I harvested a couple months ago. It isn't normally a purple strain- but this particular one I have does purple a bit under the right conditions.

that is a beautiful photo weaselcracker! i hope mine purple up like that, i have my intake fan ducting end pinned to my windowsil with the window open all night it gets to around 8-10c on a night here at the moment so would that be cool enough to turn them purple? no fan on intake just sucks from the pressure of the outtake fan on the top of the tent and tht only runs when lights on so 12/12 for this grow. oh and something im very excited to talk about with you today is my tent stinks of fruity berry goodness this morning :) even the misses realised as soon as she woke up and popped her head in to see how they are, she doesnt even smoke but loves growing, i cant complain at that lol but they havent even started to pre flower yet and where only two weeks old saturday gone? is that normal? i checked through a jewllers loupe this morning aswel and they have tricomes on the leaves already, what does all this mean please lol thanks :-D
Yeah you can get a little odor and a little bit of stickiness during veg. Yes there are trichomes if you look with magnification.
Those temps are definitely low enough for purpling, though I wouldn't expect much from the Blueberry. Still, it will bring out the natural colors- same as places with cold fall weather get dramatic color changes in the plants. I definitely wouldn't let it get much lower than that.
The problem I run into with cool temps is mold in late flowering because I have high humidity. This keeps me away from letting temps get low. They were a bit cooler than usual when that plant flowered though. The other thing that I think caused it was that I reduced my lights on time down to 11 on (13 off) so my sativas would finish better, since that's more of a natural timing for them.
I don't mean to bomb your thread with my pictures, hope it's ok- here are a couple pictures of one of my Blueberries from the same harvest as that PChunk.


i wont let it get any lower than that the and we get really high humidity sometimes so maybee i should buy a de humidifier for flowering to be on the safe side, and i dont mind at all i welcome them infact, that blueberry looks delicious, you said you cure for around 6 weeks with blueberry, i was panning on doing 2 weeks as im speding money on smoke up until then, will the bud taste nice and like blueberry after two weeks or should i go longer with the cure? i love the blueberry bud taste so thats why i want th bud i dont care how high i get if i dont get that flavour it was all for nothing in my eyes. thanks again hope i can grow mine like your's
I have a dehumidifier and made the mistake of putting it inside my tent. The warm dry air blowing over one of my plants caused some slight hermy problems so just keep an eye out if you install it inside. Its a bit of a ball ache but setting it up inside a cardboard box outside your tent and ducting it up so it supply's your tent from afar takes the edge of the danger.
i like that idea thanks vy001, but i have a question on that...could i not just get de humdifying blocks to hang in the tent would that keep humidity low enough to avoid bud rot or mold or mildew or any nasty humidity problems? or just be a waste of time effort and money? thanks
morning everyone on the wonderful 420 website! :) new question today, so my plants will have been on 12/12 for 2 weeks on saturday coming, i actually forgot myself so didnt mention the blueberry plants had had a week on 18/6 before the money makers popped the soil so i turned to 12/12 after money makers popped so the blueberry plants are 3 weeks old this saturday and have been on 12/12 for two weeks and the money makers are 2 weeks old on saturday and been 12/12 from seed the afghani plant was born around 4 days after the money makers, i didnt want to start all my seeds at once but after realising i could have a tent full under a 600w hps i figured i might aswel or im just wasting light by having only 3 in there, so the question is how long til i see pre-flowers? and weaselcracker when should i start a scrog if im going to do one? i only want to scrog the blueberry ones though so i can see and experience myself the difference between plants grown scrog and plants left to do as they would naturally, thanks 420 guys and gals :)
hey whats the humility in the room the second pic of the wrinkle leaves on top,my zombie kush did that as the humility was at 35% fix it by turning on the mister lol back at 50% sorry sideways pic


now you can see the last pic where I'm back at 45% humility
Hey serpent I'm not sure what it is at the moment as have no way to test but I'm sucking air in from outside and today humidity is 89% so definitely going to need to sort it out soon
Thanks I love to give my plants lots of room to grow I find if I can do two big plants I can usually get a pound per plant 2 pounds can last me till next grow
Re the Blueberry- after six weeks cure is when I find the herb really starts getting good. 3 months is better. Honestly though- I don't get much blueberry taste in the smoke- definitely not compared to the great flowering smell.
I have a veg room and a flowering room, and the veg room is a bit on the small side. It's hard to scrog a plant in veg and then wrestle it through the door into the flowering room, so I just put the screens on at the time I put them in flowering. This works just fine. Most people put the screen on in veg though. You need some room to work under the screens- to prune and to water. 10" is about the minimum to be comfortable. In that case you'd put the screen on when they're 10-14" high and train the limbs into the screen. In order to scrog well you should top the plants at least a couple times so that you have several branches to spread. Otherwise you'll just have one stalk. Check the first page or two of my green hole journal if you want to see what I made for individual scrog screen setups. It allows me to shuffle the plants around as I like, and add/remove plants when I want.
However, since you are doing 12/12 during veg- your plants won't get very large, and you can't expect to fill a large screen area.
I have a dehumidifier running. They use quite a lot of power to dry an area- depending on how large your space is. Mine runs on a timer - only at lights off. It creates quite a lot of heat- which I think, in my case, is the main thing that keep the humidity down. Low temps and high RH go hand in hand and the RH drops when the lights are on and it's warmer. If I had a higher wattage one maybe it would be doing a better job and I could vent the heat outside. I started a thread on it - in it you can see what it takes to run one on a timer. Looking for help sizing dehumidifier for 8x8' room

I don't think you can expect dehumidifying blocks to work, except maybe in a tiny space.
Ideally your RH should be below 60 in flowering. Mine is higher even with the dehumidifier, and I still get a bit of mold now and then. Having oscillating fans going 24/7 for lots of air movement is essential and helps a lot.
Thanks Weaselcracker invaluable info as usual :) I have topped the three blueberry plants took the very top of all 3 and on the bigger one did the two branches that are on there second node on the bottom aswel so should hopefully have 6 tops on the big one now and will do the sme to the lower branches on the other two as they get bigger. And yeah as you said being 12/12 from seed I was starting to think after doing a bit of research that a scrotum may just be a waste of my time effort and cash. May save that for my next grow as planning to veg for Month and a half at least next grow and just do a few rather than 7 like this time until I get a bit more experience. Problem I have with dehumidifiers is the noise at night I don't want the neighbours knowing what I'm doing and it would probably keep me up do you know of any other ways to alter humidity? Thanks
I don't know of another way to reduce humidity- unless you can start intaking your air from a drier place.
a scrotum may just be a waste of my time effort and cash.
Hang on to it! might come in handy :rofl:
hahahaha i hate the auto correct on this phone it gets me every time :-D scrog I mean a scrog would be a waste oh it's to late damage is done lol!!! And if I move the intake ducting from where it is my temps go straight to 30/35c so I'm kinda stuck on that one at the moment. My house is always warm so it's hard to keep temps down when my house is usually 20c sorry not sure what that is in ℉
Also I checked out your green hole grow nice looking plants definitely thi k I'll do a scrog similar to yours next grow looks a lot easier than meshing the entire tent I'll never be able to do anything in there
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