First time grow - Brown spots please help


New Member
My first seed failed to sprout in a cup, so after a few weeks i discarded and tried again using the same soil (kindsoil) used the first time in a plastic cup. The lights were about 4 inches away and I sometimes did get water droplets on the leaves. I noticed brown spots today while it was still in the plastic cup, so my first thought was light too close so i transplanted it into 5 gallon so it sat further from lights. Now I wonder if the soil in the cup might have just ran out of nutrients. Also read it could be a calcium deficiency .. Havent checked PH and have not added any additional nutrients. Dont want to spend $30 on cal-mag :( trying to grow this on low budget for the first time :( any help appreciated thank u for ur time.

1 plant
Vegetative 2 weeks
5 gallon transplanted from plastic cup
2 x 40W 'daylight' CFLs
2 x 42W 'soft white' CFLs
18/6 light schedule
Shown on thermometer picture
Not testing PH
Watering once a day
Walk in closet grow room

Hi Mizzle,

I am using kind soil. It is meant to be used on the bottom of the pot only. You should not be using this to plant seedings. The company does recommend coco loco. I have 2 using coco loco on top of 2.5lbs of kind soil and 2 using OF on top of kind soil. Kind soil is meant to create a water only system. If you use it correctly you need NO NUTES OR CALMAG, but your water needs to be between 6.5 and 7.0 ph. Let me know how you are doing on this. As I am using kind soil, I am quite interested.
Hi Mizzle,

I am using kind soil. It is meant to be used on the bottom of the pot only. You should not be using this to plant seedings. The company does recommend coco loco. I have 2 using coco loco on top of 2.5lbs of kind soil and 2 using OF on top of kind soil. Kind soil is meant to create a water only system. If you use it correctly you need NO NUTES OR CALMAG, but your water needs to be between 6.5 and 7.0 ph. Let me know how you are doing on this. As I am using kind soil, I am quite interested.

I am upset with the health of my plant, and I hope it pulls through as I am trying to do this on a budget :/ I guess thats what I get for being cheap.. NOW the leaves are VERY DROOPY (will post pic later tonight). I am almost 100% sure ive over watered them (watering everyday), so Ill back off a little bit to see how it does. Also I have not been checking my PH. Maybe I should ATLEAST bite the bullet and get a PH test kit from amazon.. with ph up and down. Dont want to spend any more money darn
IMO, you are loving your plant to death. It's a weed, not an orchid.

No nutes at all for 4 weeks. The cotyledons provide all the seedling needs until it uses them up and they fall off.

Water, let dry, water, let dry. The roots need oxygen.

Too much light on a seedling gives them sunburn, hence the brown spots. Nute burn does this, too.

Next time you water, water till it runs out the bottom of the pot, then leave it alone until the pot become light-weight. This will dilute the nutes in the soil. Go easy on the lights. You can get away with 2 - 23 watt CFL's until the second or third pair of real leaves appear.
There is no such thing as growing cheap. If you want, come to my journal ( see my signature) for some ideas.
AKgramma has a point :
IMO, you are loving your plant to death. It's a weed, not an orchid.

Easy done no doubt. Have done it myself

No nutes at all for 4 weeks. The cotyledons provide all the seedling needs until it uses them up and they fall off.

Autos can take 1/3 dose of seedling/veg nutes on the 2nd week earliest.Only one feeding per week. See how it goes and then go to 1/2 the dose on the 4th week around.
UPDATE!!! I stopped watering it so much and turned off 1 of my light fixtures, now i have new leaves at the bottom and what looks to be dead leaves at the top? QUESTION: Should I cut the stem above the new leaves at the bottom so new ones grow or just leave the dead ones alone? I am not sure what to do, I thought pruning might be a good idea but if it is then I dont know if or where I should cut...
Hi Mizzle,

Just wanted to give you an update on my Kind Soil grow. I started over today. 7 out of 8 did not make it. The one remaining is about 1.5" tall and in full flower. No stretch whatsoever. It will probably yield 1-2grams if I am lucky. I had 2.5pound in the bottom of each of the 3 gallon pots. WAY too rich. The taproot stopped as soon as it hit that layer. This time, instead of following the instructions, I place 1" at the bottom of only 1 pot. The other 3 are being grown using my regular method.
May be time for you to pull the plug and start over......a bit older and a bit wiser :) :)
Back to basics, gentlemen! You must not overfeed or over-water indoor-grown cannabis, or it dies. A simple 50/50 mix of Black Gold indoor potting soil + coarse Perlite will tide your babies over for at least one, if not two, months without nutes. The cotyledons give the babies all they need in the way of nutrients. Once they dry up, THEN you can start nutes at 1/4 strength, and work your way up as they mature.

When I up-pot, I now go with 3 gallon waste bins, which are 14" tall, but take up very little floor space. I can get 6 bins in a 24" x 48" space with some room for sideways growth. If you have the headroom, a 5 gallon waste bin will be better. This prevents the Autos' roots from hitting bottom too soon.

So far, after 2 years of growing, I have not killed any plants with off-the-shelf veg and bloom nutes and Black Gold potting soil. Miracle Grow, in spite of negativity among some growers, works very well. MG would not stay in business if their nutes killed their customers' plants.

Just sayin......:Namaste:
I got your message before u deleted. Thanks for the info! I assumed Kind Soil was just another fancy-dancy name to get our $, when a basic soil would do.:love:

Yeah, I have actually been trying to work out a method that requires no nutes for a little while....not super soil. I have come very close to getting all the way through a grow. Right now I have to grow more for the "supply" but as soon as this run is though I will be back to experimenting:) I think I have it down though. I think I can get through without nutes AND not trying to depend on things like this Kind Soil.
Does it look like it might pull through? Ugh, if not Ill have to get more seeds and soil and that means $. I was really hoping this would work, ide love for it to get bigger and produce :(
no sir not yet anyways lol! The new leaves are very green (see previous pics on page 1). When I looked at it this morning I thought to myself "I should name it fluffy" because of all the new leaves growing in one spot makes it look fluffy at the bottom. There are more new leaves growing at the bottom even more than the pics on the last page I posted a few days ago. I'll post a new pic tonight.
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