First time grower


420 Member
Could someone please help me? My babies appear to be drooping and the tops drying out and I cant seem to find the problem.


Im a first time grower doing SOG and its a true adventure. Recently I pruned away some fan leafs that were getting in the way of other plants and Im thinking of flipping them to flower as some of them are already too big. The symptoms Im seeing are leafs on the top drying and wilting. I did change their water intake as they are growing quite fast and I suspect I might have given them too much water.

Day: 24
Strain: Critical Kush
Humidity: 45-50%
Lights: Spiderfarmer SE700 (40%)
CO2: 800

I suspect the humidity is low or maybe the lights are too close because I havent been adjusting them to the plants new hight. They seem to be dry on top and the leafs are wilting and slowly dying. This happened recently as I installed CO2 and increased the light to 40% im preparation of flower. Please help my girls.



Could someone please help me? My babies appear to be drooping and the tops drying out and I cant seem to find the problem.


Im a first time grower doing SOG and its a true adventure. Recently I pruned away some fan leafs that were getting in the way of other plants and Im thinking of flipping them to flower as some of them are already too big. The symptoms Im seeing are leafs on the top drying and wilting. I did change their water intake as they are growing quite fast and I suspect I might have given them too much water.

Day: 24
Strain: Critical Kush
Humidity: 45-50%
Lights: Spiderfarmer SE700 (40%)
CO2: 800

I suspect the humidity is low or maybe the lights are too close because I havent been adjusting them to the plants new hight. They seem to be dry on top and the leafs are wilting and slowly dying. This happened recently as I installed CO2 and increased the light to 40% im preparation of flower. Please help my girls.



Looks like light stress, try raising your light till the leaves stop tacoing down.
Could someone please help me? My babies appear to be drooping and the tops drying out and I cant seem to find the problem.


Im a first time grower doing SOG and its a true adventure. Recently I pruned away some fan leafs that were getting in the way of other plants and Im thinking of flipping them to flower as some of them are already too big. The symptoms Im seeing are leafs on the top drying and wilting. I did change their water intake as they are growing quite fast and I suspect I might have given them too much water.

Day: 24
Strain: Critical Kush
Humidity: 45-50%
Lights: Spiderfarmer SE700 (40%)
CO2: 800

I suspect the humidity is low or maybe the lights are too close because I havent been adjusting them to the plants new hight. They seem to be dry on top and the leafs are wilting and slowly dying. This happened recently as I installed CO2 and increased the light to 40% im preparation of flower. Please help my girls.



Good morning @men4e Great garden.
Welcome to 420magazine. :welcome:
Couple questions.
What is in your pots?
What are you feeding?
How often?
What ph are you feeding at?
It doesn't look to bad.
Possibly move your light up a bit till they acclimate.

Stay safe :cool:
Good morning @men4e Great garden.
Welcome to 420magazine. :welcome:
Couple questions.
What is in your pots?
What are you feeding?
How often?
What ph are you feeding at?
It doesn't look to bad.
Possibly move your light up a bit till they acclimate.

Stay safe :cool:
Hello Bill, thank you for the warm welcome!
My pots are full of Virgin Peat Substrate (Soilless substrate)
Im feeding them with a bunch of Advanced Nutrients for veg (Sensical, VoodooJuice, SensiGrow) two times a week
Water ph is 6.3 , soil ph is 6
Havent adjusted the lights at all since I planted them so that might be the issue.
At this point Im not sure if its the lights or they are thirsty, I try to let the soil dry out completely before watering again.
i don't think it's the light unless he's an inch above the plants. he's only running it 40%. by now i'm at 60 -75, 24 inches above, at 200w.

rh is a touch low, but not bad at all. i'm thinking they are just a bit dry. i notice the media is dry enough to pull away from the bucket sides.

this may help

the leaves can also act that way if there is a fan direct on them. fat indica leaves show it more.
in a peat - hp type - media, you can follow a f/f/w, or f/f/f/w schedule to avoid salt build up on bottle nutes.

it's a good looking grow.
Hello Bill, thank you for the warm welcome!
My pots are full of Virgin Peat Substrate (Soilless substrate)
Im feeding them with a bunch of Advanced Nutrients for veg (Sensical, VoodooJuice, SensiGrow) two times a week
Water ph is 6.3 , soil ph is 6
Havent adjusted the lights at all since I planted them so that might be the issue.
At this point Im not sure if its the lights or they are thirsty, I try to let the soil dry out completely before watering again.
Good afternoon my friend.
We just have to clarify if that's soilless peat, it's similar to BX.
Any soilless medium needs fed at 5.8 ph exactly, with full strength according to the schedule nutrients.
You should be putting calmag in your plain water mix well and let sit for 15 minutes.
Then add your nutrients according to the schedule.
Then set your ph to 5.8 then feed.
It's hydrophobic so it must be kept wet or it repels water.
Feed Then water at 5.8 then feed, then water....
Promix is kept wet at all times..
If you have a soilless peat mix in your pot ^^^^ that's how you water it.
Check any journal with soilless peat that's how they feed.
2 cents. :Namaste:

Stay safe :cool:
Any soilless medium needs fed at 5.8 ph exactly, with full strength according to the schedule nutrients.

i think this is one the mfgr tried to balance with dolomite. it can't hurt to ph, but there's been nothing suggesting ph is an issue either.

i would ph personally, but i've been known to do it even if not necessary. err on the side of caution etc etc ...
i don't think it's the light unless he's an inch above the plants. he's only running it 40%. by now i'm at 60 -75, 24 inches above, at 200w.

rh is a touch low, but not bad at all. i'm thinking they are just a bit dry. i notice the media is dry enough to pull away from the bucket sides.

this may help

the leaves can also act that way if there is a fan direct on them. fat indica leaves show it more.
in a peat - hp type - media, you can follow a f/f/w, or f/f/f/w schedule to avoid salt build up on bottle nutes.

it's a good looking grow.
Your plants also have more than 2 nodes at this stage. Look at his plants, look how closely the nodes are stacking. It's too much light for His plants at this stage of growth. Effectively, his plants are still in early veg due to extremely stunted growth. Remember, we're not growing goose livers, so feed accordingly and since plants eat light, that's where the crux of his problems lie. He's giving too much light.
I don't care about no 1 inch rule, the plants tell you everything.
Hope I didn't offend, because I have learned a lot from you the last year but I believe you are not right in this instance.
Your plants also have more than 2 nodes at this stage. Look at his plants, look how closely the nodes are stacking. It's too much light for His plants at this stage of growth. Effectively, his plants are still in early veg due to extremely stunted growth. Remember, we're not growing goose livers, so feed accordingly and since plants eat light, that's where the crux of his problems lie. He's giving too much light.

meh. it's indica in a low pot. i've seen the exact same countless times in outdoor green house.

can we get the sun to back off a few billion km please ? :cheesygrinsmiley:
there's piles that is strain / pheno related as well.

everything mostly looks good. check the wind and let run.

I don't care about no 1 inch rule, the plants tell you everything.
Hope I didn't offend, because I have learned a lot from you the last year but I believe you are not right in this instance.

not sure what a 1 inch rule is and i don't offend too easy.

i actually run my grows all through at 24 to 18. raising the light to 24 as the canopy hits 18. i also triple lighting power from 200 to over 600w going from veg to flower. i stop on the final stretch at 18. i definitely over light in a 4 x 4. it's a hard push, and i watch for light stress constant. it's a super old school way to do it.

Yes, it is ph balanced, the manufacturer recommends to treat it like soil. So ph 6.3-6.5.

it looks it. but it looks dry. notice the media pulling from the bucket edges.
i don't see any ph issues at present. and it's not what the op was asking after.

still not a bad grow at all.
@men4e .. if you wanna run fast sog run 12 / 12 photo from go. they flip at the fifth node so be ready with nutes etc. indica is a good sog choice.

i'm not sure how deep the pots are but a 3gal is generally good for it in that media type. roots could get bound which is why you run the 12 / 12 for early flip. it's better than autos.

love the square pots. that's space effective and smart sog planning. some don't like the shape for the plant root system but don't listen. good job.

you are on track.
Good morning @men4e Great garden.
Welcome to 420magazine. :welcome:
Couple questions.
What is in your pots?
What are you feeding?
How often?
What ph are you feeding at?
It doesn't look to bad.
Possibly move your light up a bit till they acclimate.

Stay safe :cool:
I was thinking the Co2 and lack of moisture in the pots would definitely cause drooping. Me4e...What is the ph of the solution you are watering at? We have found that a little higher humidity is better with LED lamps as well. Just something to think about.
I was thinking the Co2 and lack of moisture in the pots would definitely cause drooping. Me4e...What is the ph of the solution you are watering at? We have found that a little higher humidity is better with LED lamps as well. Just something to think about.
Thanks :thanks: love the pic in your icon BTW.:yahoo:
Hope your good Amigo.

Stay safe :cool:
Knock up a bucket of nutes and give them a good dunk til the pot sinks, drain and watch it go crazy for the next few days
Thank you all for the comments and the help.
Im starting to think they are just dry because Ive been so cautious not to overwater them that I have been giving them too little water. How much water should a 25 day plant be getting bc I will need a tank or something for my whole garden.
I did raise the lights to 20 inch and rearranged my flowers so they are more or less the same hight in every garden.
Will start giving them a lot more water and hopefully the issue will be resolved. My humidity is around 45-50% and at this point I dont have a humidifier so increasing it will be troublesome.

Will update soon and show you guys some healthy plants :)
I have been giving them barely any water for what they need because Im so scared of drowning them :oops: Also I water them everyday which I learned is a mistake, I will start giving them enough water to last at least one day.
Growers talk about watering until run-off, what they really mean is watering the entire pot thoroughly
Pouring rivers through it occasionally is not the answer, flood and drain is more effective
I have been giving them barely any water for what they need because Im so scared of drowning them Also I water them everyday which I learned is a mistake, I will start giving them enough water to last at least one day.

make sure to read the tutorial link on watering
Thank you all for the comments and the help.
Im starting to think they are just dry because Ive been so cautious not to overwater them that I have been giving them too little water. How much water should a 25 day plant be getting bc I will need a tank or something for my whole garden.
I did raise the lights to 20 inch and rearranged my flowers so they are more or less the same hight in every garden.
Will start giving them a lot more water and hopefully the issue will be resolved. My humidity is around 45-50% and at this point I dont have a humidifier so increasing it will be troublesome.

Will update soon and show you guys some healthy plants :)
May I ask what are those buckets? They look like Bato buckets. Is there a drain in the bottom or are they nursery pots that are rectangular?

as far as worrying about how to have enough water. Here is a tip. Use a 5 gallon bucket and make a batch of nutrient solution. Get a 4 cup or quart sized measuring cup, and you can add a quart at a time to each and allow it to settle before proceeding. As "Roy" mentioned, you need to water until you have some runoff.

Let us know what you are using for the pots.
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