Fresh Harvest Infused Cannabis Oil

that sucks.
Those buds look pretty strong.
Are you supplying that Trump guy. no wonder he is always so happy. (joke)

If we could get even 30 mg a day into him with high CBD (to deal with obvious inflammation of his brain!) what a wonderful world this could be!
Hi SweetSue, I never thought to let my bud dry outside like that! Does the bud taste any different being dried like that?

I don't understand the question MsSinful. They were drip-drying over the sink, but then I clip all the buds from the branches after about three hours or so and dry them in the refrigerator. That's the last picture in the post. It takes two weeks or longer to get them dry enough to jar up with Bovedas, and let me tell you, the taste and euphoric effect is out of this world! I won't dry any other way from now on unless forced to.
I don't understand the question MsSinful. They were drip-drying over the sink, but then I clip all the buds from the branches after about three hours or so and dry them in the refrigerator. That's the last picture in the post. It takes two weeks or longer to get them dry enough to jar up with Bovedas, and let me tell you, the taste and euphoric effect is out of this world! I won't dry any other way from now on unless forced to.
Think she meant the pic of Stage4, I think it was, who was hanging his outside when he harvested and started his oil
Think she meant the pic of Stage4, I think it was, who was hanging his outside when he harvested and started his oil

Ahhh.... :laughtwo: It was confusing. Thanks for clearing that up Scorpio. :hug:
Over at the Making CCO thread KR and I were discussing using a cast iron pot without any oil for the decarb process of CCO, and the possibility of doing so with FHO.

VerdantSpires shared this thought which I believe may be the solution to the hot oil bath dilemma. I know we all hope to find a way to eliminate the hot oil, right? Listen to this brilliant idea.

I think you could use clean dry sand in place of the oil. Cheaper, safer, and easier to clean up and store. :blushsmile:

Soooo..... any thoughts guys?
Over at the Making CCO thread KR and I were discussing using a cast iron pot without any oil for the decarb process of CCO, and the possibility of doing so with FHO.

VerdantSpires shared this thought which I believe may be the solution to the hot oil bath dilemma. I know we all hope to find a way to eliminate the hot oil, right? Listen to this brilliant idea.

Soooo..... any thoughts guys?
:thumb:This I need to see:Namaste:
Very good idea. Maybe add a sprinkle of bigger stones to hold the inner pot off of the bottom.
2 other thoughts come to mind. Perhaps it will take a while if you needed to reduce the heat of your fresh oil, but I spose you could do what the chap in the video is doing, simply lift the fresh oil pot.

If you try this method, take the temp of the sand once you have got your fresh oil to 105C.
The next time round you could heat the sand to this temp, knowing you will hit your target once the fresh oil heats up.

Edit - I remember using kiddies play pit sand for some heating thing I did some time ago.
try it cos it`s been really well cleaned and it is pretty fine. Perhaps use a bit of tin foil on the top of the sand to help heat loss and therefore temp changes.

It seems the Turks have been using sand for making coffee for years.
Coffee on the sand in Jordan - YouTube
Very good idea. Maybe add a sprinkle of bigger stones to hold the inner pot off of the bottom.
2 other thoughts come to mind. Perhaps it will take a while if you needed to reduce the heat of your fresh oil, but I spose you could do what the chap in the video is doing, simply lift the fresh oil pot.

If you try this method, take the temp of the sand once you have got your fresh oil to 105C.
The next time round you could heat the sand to this temp, knowing you will hit your target once the fresh oil heats up.

Edit - I remember using kiddies play pit sand for some heating thing I did some time ago.
try it cos it`s been really well cleaned and it is pretty fine. Perhaps use a bit of tin foil on the top of the sand to help heat loss and therefore temp changes.

It seems the Turks have been using sand for making coffee for years.
Coffee on the sand in Jordan - YouTube

Well that was interesting. Play sand. Got it! I think this might work. Hehe!

Oh... Great idea about the bigger stones, but I think the sand will buffer it well enough. It'd be hard to get stones the proper size. I can use the lids like before.
Cannabutter. To stir, or not to stir?

Sorry, I apologise. I know this is not an "answer", but I haven't figured out how to make my own posts yet. I have a question that I have not been able to find the answer to anywhere.... And I've searched!! I'm making my butter a bit differently then you.... On the stove, after decarboxylation, now I'm at the butter water and flower simmer stage-my question is, do I cover the pot? Also, should I stir it, or just leave it be?? Why do some people say one hour, and others say 6 or so? If I cook to long I'm assuming I could lose some of the potency?? Idk if anyone will even see this, but hey, worth a shot!
Re: Cannabutter. To stir, or not to stir?

Sorry, I apologise. I know this is not an "answer", but I haven't figured out how to make my own posts yet. I have a question that I have not been able to find the answer to anywhere.... And I've searched!! I'm making my butter a bit differently then you.... On the stove, after decarboxylation, now I'm at the butter water and flower simmer stage-my question is, do I cover the pot? Also, should I stir it, or just leave it be?? Why do some people say one hour, and others say 6 or so? If I cook to long I'm assuming I could lose some of the potency?? Idk if anyone will even see this, but hey, worth a shot!

I'm certain someone will see it Samantha. Lots of experienced butter makers in the crowd. :laughtwo: Unfortunately for you, I'm not experienced in butters. My MB2 makes the butter for me. I'm an oil gal myself. Preferably infused. With infused you need agitation every now and then, and that's basically the same as what you're doing.

Keep the lid off and stir every now and then. Be careful not to lick the utensils. Haha! You laugh, but everyone here has made that mistake without thinking about it, at least once. Lol!

If you tend to it and agitate regularly you should have a decent extraction after an hour, in my opinion. I like the action of a regular dinner fork myself. Any longer and you might pull more, but how much? The mash can always be used in a couple pans of brownies, blended up real fine, if you're intent on getting every last cannabinoid.

Other more experienced minds may speak up. If they contradict anything I've said I'd follow their advice. Good luck with the extraction.

And :welcome: to the. :420: community Samantha. If we can be of any more assistance don't hesitate to ask for help. :hug:
Hi everyone,
I have made my 2nd batch of `fresh harvest`.
This time I had the Lecithin at hand so was able to add the tablespoon during the cook as per sweetsue`s instructions. This foamed a lot and seems to have a heat cycle of it`s own as it foams and rises (spilled over my pot a bit)
and then falls back down and took a further hour or so to complete the de-carb.
But yeah no problems.
I used the produce from 2 critical kush plants, if you could please check my numbers regarding the strength of the finished oil.
275g greens
400 ml olive oil
275 grams wet = 68.75 dry
Using an efficiency multiplier of 0.17 we get
.17 x 68.75 = 11.6 x 1000 = 11.60 mg / 400 ml oil = 29 mg/ml.

Compare that to the 18.63 mg/ml of my 1st batch.
Today I will be filling capsules. lots of them. :thanks:

Are any of you using the stems and roots for anything ?
Hi everyone,
I have made my 2nd batch of `fresh harvest`.
This time I had the Lecithin at hand so was able to add the tablespoon during the cook as per sweetsue`s instructions. This foamed a lot and seems to have a heat cycle of it`s own as it foams and rises (spilled over my pot a bit)
and then falls back down and took a further hour or so to complete the de-carb.
But yeah no problems.
I used the produce from 2 critical kush plants, if you could please check my numbers regarding the strength of the finished oil.
275g greens
400 ml olive oil
275 grams wet = 68.75 dry
Using an efficiency multiplier of 0.17 we get
.17 x 68.75 = 11.6 x 1000 = 11.60 mg / 400 ml oil = 29 mg/ml.

Compare that to the 18.63 mg/ml of my 1st batch.
Today I will be filling capsules. lots of them. :thanks:

Are any of you using the stems and roots for anything ?

You catch on fast Grasshopper. :high-five:

As I read that I found myself wondering if the lecithin contributes to the foaming. My last two batches barely foamed, and in both cases I didn't remember the lecithin until the end. But your first batch foamed too, correct? Maybe it's an indicator of the amount of water bound up in the cells. Some plants must hold more than others. Or there's something we don't yet understand going on. My impression is that the foaming happens at that critical point when the last of the water boils off. I figure the oil gets so hot at that point that it bubbles that water right out of the pot.

Your experience mirrors mine. From the point of foaming there's approximately an hour or so before I'm satisfied that it's done. How much do you figure you got back?

Most use the stems and roots in a compost heap or a worm bed. I hear you can make a pain salve from the roots, and stems make great smoker fuel if you're cooking meats. Oldbear doesn't press the plant material. He lets the mash gravity strain until he's satisfied nothing else will drip and then he refrigerates the leftover plant material and eats it, in small doses.

I'm thinking of doing the same with my next batch. I've noticed a loveliness to the first strain oil that gets lost when you squeeze the plant material. I can find ways to make that mash palatable. :cheesygrinsmiley:
As I read that I found myself wondering if the lecithin contributes to the foaming. My last two batches barely foamed, and in both cases I didn't remember the lecithin until the end. But your first batch foamed too, correct? Maybe it's an indicator of the amount of water bound up in the cells. Some plants must hold more than others. Or there's something we don't yet understand going on. My impression is that the foaming happens at that critical point when the last of the water boils off. I figure the oil gets so hot at that point that it bubbles that water right out of the pot.

Your experience mirrors mine. From the point of foaming there's approximately an hour or so before I'm satisfied that it's done. How much do you figure you got back?

I had no foaming at all in my 1st go, so it has to be the lecithin.
I did weigh my oil and can tell you I had a total extraction of 282g of infused oil. Lets call it around 280 ml not sure of the specific gravity of infused oil.
I'm harvesting a Purple Kush today
Debating on some fresh oil or not
My original 6 plants are in the final stages of flower now, at 87 days.
Also my White Widow is close
May test the TEST bud of the Purple Kush today , it's in the low n slo fridge, then see what I'll do with the harvest
Hmmmm..... We may have stumbled onto a clue. From now on I'll hold off on the lecithin until the oil is strained.

I'm harvesting a Purple Kush today
Debating on some fresh oil or not
My original 6 plants are in the final stages of flower now, at 87 days.
Also my White Widow is close
May test the TEST bud of the Purple Kush today , it's in the low n slo fridge, then see what I'll do with the harvest

Good luck with the harvest Scorpio. Starting to feel like a natural event, isn't it? :laughtwo: It doesn't take long. I prefer one every other week myself.

Ooooo...... Have you smoked any of the PK dried conventionally, so you have a point of reference? You're gonna be surprised. :cheesygrinsmiley:
Scorpio, we're actually hoping we can find a way to let the low and slo dry replace much of the fresh harvest oil. I like having it all tucked away by the end of harvest day though, so I may continue making oil on harvest day and drying a portion of each harvest for smoking. I supply patients that enjoy vaping and smoking, as do I. I'll be hard pressed to give up my bong.
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