GiGaBaNE's 4th - HydroGanics 600w HiD + Flouro

Per our last conversation, I came across this while checking out different RDWC ideas and thought, of all people, Giga could take this somewhere.

Small model of course, but great potential if materials could be had in the right proportions!:thumb:


ps- the dude's a bit annoying in a smarmy kinda way, but probably be more tolerable after a couple bingers. :rofl:


Gants love rockwool too ya know. Coco draws them even worse. GL and Keepem Green

ahh well its still worth it. right now when i water i have to move all 43 plants into tubs or the bath to water them. as we speak i have 35 litres or water bubbling so i can give them all about 800ml each with the rest of the entire bottle of nilnat all in one go. this should slow them down long enough for all this snow to melt and my h2o2 to arrive.

once i am using the new grow system, even tho gnats like rockwool, they wont like the fact that i can dripping h202 on them within minuits of noticing them rather than the 2 day battle plan i use for watering currently.

i am going to pick up a swimming pool and submersible pump to make water day easier as then i can do it all in situ and just pump away the waste. that should tide me over till this crop is done and i build my water tables. =)
Per our last conversation, I came across this while checking out different RDWC ideas and thought, of all people, Giga could take this somewhere.

Small model of course, but great potential if materials could be had in the right proportions!:thumb:


ps- the dude's a bit annoying in a smarmy kinda way, but probably be more tolerable after a couple bingers. :rofl:



thats very interesting. ill have to look into this, but i suspect all that is happening is that magnetic potential is being converted to electrical potential and its draining the magnet as if your draining a battery, if thats the case then it takes more energy to energise the magnet again than you managed to release from it in a usable form. its not free energy but it might be the way batteries move in the future =)
thats very interesting. ill have to look into this, but i suspect all that is happening is that magnetic potential is being converted to electrical potential and its draining the magnet as if your draining a battery, if thats the case then it takes more energy to energise the magnet again than you managed to release from it in a usable form. its not free energy but it might be the way batteries move in the future =)

Is it possible to demagnetize a magnet? I guess I just never thought about that. I could see your point about magnetic potential, but couldn't you just as easily wrap copper wire around the magnet to magnify its potential? Once you get the dynamo spinning it creates a loop of magnetism like the van Allen belts. You don't necessarily lose potential. Just possibly polarity I think. Then you just reverse the spin or flip it over or something. Ouch. My brain hurts now. :) I'm missing something in here, just can't bring forward. Been a while since I had a physics course.
Good advice as usual..I really respect your stance on doing your thing and paying your own way. Not many folks can do that. I found a few gnats flying around my tent today. I know they came in from the Depot soil I use for my house garden. I used some for my Sleestack X freebies. I had gnats from FFOF my first grow as well.. I would imagine if I tried heating up any nute rich soil I would kill its effect.
yes you can turn a magnet into a passive lump of ore by stealing all its energy. heat also speeds this process up immensly. its part of the reason that room temprature superconductors is such a holy grail. magnetism is used extensivly in power and electronics.

you cant 'magnify' anything. just like electricity, you could make a super duper machine that puts out a zillion volts...but you will ALWAYS have to pay for it somewhere else like the amps or total energy required to create your power.

there is a certain harmony (i dont know it, but there is almost certainly a law like ohms law and inverse square law e.t.c) between electricity-magnetism-kinetic energy in motors with moving parts. sometimes its near impossible to calculate all the maths, but what IS still certain is that you cannot make or destroy energy it all already exists. so far as we can tell there is currently no combination of these 3 energies that will produce an energy stream that is more that the contained energy...hell we still havnt cracked getting 100% out never mind getting something for nothing.

that 'free energy' device above is spending energy on producing friction, movement and electricity...and the entire lot is being paid for with the energy stored within the magnet, its not 'free'. that magnet will become weak ahead of its natural half life and lets say you managed to extract a thousand amps from will take at least that many but probably closer to +25% more to recharge the magnet. i would love to be wrong, but even without an education in physics e.t.c i have a pretty sensible grasp of the fundamental mechanics as we know them as a species ;)
No, I think your spot on!

I guess I was viewing from a polarity standpoint. As in what would result in an energy drop could only be an equalization of the free electrons to the + side, thereby negating polarity and thus the ability to transfer energy because there is no charge to give.

So re: the example in the video, I think you are totally correct and it would burn itself out in time.

That said, there are anomalous examples of electromagnetic kinetics that don't fit the paradigm.

The Sun for one. :)

This dude always gets my lil' brain spinning.

Just want to see you get that grid free farm going buddy!:high-five:


im a couple of mins into that vid, i will go through it in chunks as im currently watering my plants and looking after the little ones while missus naps.

whats the anomoly with the sun you mentioned? from the perspective of my previous post, the sun puts out energy and then uses up all its fuel. im sure it will be in that vid but ill take any shortcut to the main topic i can atm, time is short ;)
The anomoly lies in heat transfer. The exterior of the sun is hotter than the interior, therefore it is not the radiation that is producing heat, but an interaction at that point with an unknown force. By standard model physics reasoning.

theres also something to do with angular motion I think. Not sure he goes into that stuff in this lecture. But he has a hypothesis to explain it all. His website would have better info re: his theories.
ahh right. lol i guess my theory is too simple then :rofl:

i know that hot stuff expands and when you compress it gets cold. stuff (cant remember if its atoms or particles or one of them thingies) that has a lot of energy like room to move about and the energy is bouncing all over the place. i just pictured that the sheer mindboggling pressure at the center of the sun is working like a compressor applying a straight jacket to all that energy making it appear cooler, but as it gets closer to the surface of the sun it is under less pressure and expands releasing all of its surplus heat energy through the typical physics of such things.
:) simplicity is always the key.

It's been a while since I've brushed up on this particular theory. In essence the basis of everything in this cosmology IS electricity. A passive flow of, I want to say protons but not sure, streams through, at the least, our galaxy and is the catalyst of all mechanical phenomena. The reason, according to this cat and his band of merry men, that the suns surface is hotter than the interior because the cme's are smacking into this static field (plasma) being impeded by it causing heat at the point if impact. Or something like that. It's actually pretty interesting.

Now his cohorts are what might be his demise, considering the current cultural lens. The money guy takes this research and concludes that the earth, mars and venus are actually a former satellites of Saturn, which is a uncharged dwarf sun. As well as an interloper into our solar system! And by that reasoning in conjunction w/ thornhill's theory, can explain all "religious" mysteries dating back to the global petroglyphs time through the biblical.

I'm a hear all the answers kinda guy. The first theory I'm gonna question is the institutionalized one.:) I won't dismiss anything out right until I hear it out. But I won't subscribe necessarily without my own experiential data to back up the assertion. :)

And I'm a bit kooky too :rofl:

are you thinking of neutrinos?

i know one thing you have to be careful of wit these youtube science can push a theory hard enough that you start to find facts to fit it.

our own moon is alien to our solar system, i dont have much time for trying to find religeous connotations in anything. if there was a 'god' out there that wanted to give us free energy then they probably would have done so by now...and besides, look at promethius, he didnt fare so well taking something th gods declared as god only property ;)

i think far too much weight has been given to these mysterious particles flying through space. the energy levels we are talking about if they were 'hitting' the sun, well quite frankly would be able to contribute enough force to smakc that sun not only out of our solar system but out beyond the confines of the known universe, every action has a reaction and all that, so that leads us to thinking that the energy comes unidirectionally....well that doesnt make any sense. we know the universe has a center and an edge beyond which there is no matter (unless there is another universe at range) so does it come from our known source of matter or from out in the nothing.

naw im sure nutrinos and dark matter and all of that do exist and have some effects on the universe...but ockams razor still applies and the simplest answer is usually the right one.

particles at the center of the sun are too tightly packed together to get excited, therefor are cooler than the surface. thats what I think is going on...simple as that ;)
are you thinking of neutrinos?

i know one thing you have to be careful of wit these youtube science can push a theory hard enough that you start to find facts to fit it.

our own moon is alien to our solar system, i dont have much time for trying to find religeous connotations in anything. if there was a 'god' out there that wanted to give us free energy then they probably would have done so by now...and besides, look at promethius, he didnt fare so well taking something th gods declared as god only property ;)

i think far too much weight has been given to these mysterious particles flying through space. the energy levels we are talking about if they were 'hitting' the sun, well quite frankly would be able to contribute enough force to smakc that sun not only out of our solar system but out beyond the confines of the known universe, every action has a reaction and all that, so that leads us to thinking that the energy comes unidirectionally....well that doesnt make any sense. we know the universe has a center and an edge beyond which there is no matter (unless there is another universe at range) so does it come from our known source of matter or from out in the nothing.

naw im sure nutrinos and dark matter and all of that do exist and have some effects on the universe...but ockams razor still applies and the simplest answer is usually the right one.

particles at the center of the sun are too tightly packed together to get excited, therefor are cooler than the surface. thats what I think is going on...simple as that ;)

Right on. I won't argue against your beliefs. I don't know the answer. :). As far as what we know. That's a different debate entirely. There aren't very many things I'm comfortable qualifying as known. We don't KNOW there is a center or periphery to the universe. That's an assumption based in current scientific Einsteinian understanding and perspective. There are many other theory's to consider before Ill make that claim. There's a physicist named Harriman, I believe who presents the universe as a giant feedback loop. And what we perceive as "center" and "edge" are merely the curvature of the universe as it feeds back in itself in an everlasting exchange if its own essence. :)

It's a very interesting place to be! And none of us will really know until we know. Lol!

So, in the meantime, I'm gonna try and grow me some dank ass weed, to settle my mind and help facilitate my ponderings. :)

Too much Brandy tonight methinks.


Is it possible to demagnetize a magnet? I guess I just never thought about that. I could see your point about magnetic potential, but couldn't you just as easily wrap copper wire around the magnet to magnify its potential? Once you get the dynamo spinning it creates a loop of magnetism like the van Allen belts. You don't necessarily lose potential. Just possibly polarity I think. Then you just reverse the spin or flip it over or something. Ouch. My brain hurts now. :) I'm missing something in here, just can't bring forward. Been a while since I had a physics course.

A magnet can either be charged to an extent by creating a magnetic field around the subject magnet then interrupting the current suddenly, the field drops on the magnet and stays. You can discharge the magnet by shorting out the magnetic field, either completely, or enough to change magnetic charge of the magnet. This process is done with permanent magnet generators, a part of another generator to control the level in which stator windings are exited to initiate electricity generation.
here is one for you. theory of relativity is pretty strong and hold up against all tests so far.. if time/gravity and the speed of light are all related to each other (my understanding is that in a universe with no mass there is no time flow) and im pretty confident about the center of the universe as it not only covers einsteinian theories but central points of the 'creation' of matter sit quite nicely with string theory and multiple bubble universes' anyway...basically MY theory goes that if you took a space ship and traveled outwards to the edge of the universe...and then kept going. you would eventually come upon a giant sphere of light surrounding us. now we cant see this light because its all heading outwards...but as you come away from the universe you also come away from the exertions of gravity therefor time slows down and light no longer travels at the 'speed of light' as we know it on 1G earth.

this sphere of light is every lightwave since the big bang that has been trying to escape. firstly i believe that there is so much energy in this light wall that it will prettymuch vapourise anything it touches...however lets assume you got a heat prrof ship and did manage to burst beyond it. time wouldnt really exist outside except for the rate of flow caused by the mass of your ship. you could then do a nice big u-turn to some distance away from where you breached the wall, if you then lined up some magnificent zillion pixels camera and edged closer to this wall of light from the outside, your mass would cause the light to start moving again and in your direction, this light feed would be time liniar like the rings of a tree, but would be very compressed...anyways i think theoretically, in the distant future and assuming we dont pollute it before we have the technology to study it...i believe its possible to actually record and watch the big bang happen AND everything that occoured in history from that point onwards. basically anything made of light that hit that wall is recordable if you can 'focus' on it.

there we go, something to sink your teeth into :rofl:

GiGaBaNE's very own expanding universe sub theory....
what if dog was spelled C A T ?
and they had bush
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