GiGaBaNE's 4th - HydroGanics 600w HiD + Flouro

here is one for you. theory of relativity is pretty strong and hold up against all tests so far.. if time/gravity and the speed of light are all related to each other (my understanding is that in a universe with no mass there is no time flow) and im pretty confident about the center of the universe as it not only covers einsteinian theories but central points of the 'creation' of matter sit quite nicely with string ttheory and multiple bubble universes' anyway...basically MY theory goes that if you took a space ship and traveled outwards to the edge of the universe...and then kept going. you would eventually come upon a giant sphere of light surrounding us. now we cant see this light because its all heading outwards...but as you come away from the universe you also come away from the exertions of gravity therefor time slows down and light no longer travels at the 'speed of light' as we know it on 1G earth.

this sphere of light is every lightwave since the big bang that has been trying to escape. firstly i believe that there is so much energy in this light wall that it will prettymuch vapourise anything it touches...however lets assume you got a heat prrof ship and did manage to burst beyond it. time wouldnt really exist outside except for the rate of flow caused by the mass of your ship. you could then do a nice big u-turn to some distance away from where you breached the wall, if you then lined up some magnificent zillion pixels camera and edged closer to this wall of light from the outside, your mass would cause the light to start moving again and in your direction, this light feed would be time liniar like the rings of a tree, but would be very compressed...anyways i think theoretically, in the distant future and assuming we dont pollute it before we have the technology to study it...i believe its possible to actually record and watch the big bang happen AND everything that occoured in history from that point onwards. basically anything made of light that hit that wall is recordable if you can 'focus' on it.

there we go, something to sink your teeth into :rofl:

GiGaBaNE's very own expanding universe sub theory....

I need more coffee and a big fat toke to get on this one. :)

But as I said before, I won't argue against your beliefs. I have my own that are equally as valid or incorrect as anyone else's.

One belief I have is in an organic universe. Not a dead one. It is still "growing" as evidenced by my existence. One cannot be without the other. (here's the simplicity part of my view) We (us, birds, rocks, planets, galaxies, quasars, infinitum) ARE the universe. There is no possible way to argue against that concept. You can ascribe whatever conceptual crutch you like to it and it still stands. And THAT is the basis of it all. Thereby "KNOWING" that this is an absolute and inescapable fact and that all things
are the universe, then the universe itself must also be an organism. We are aspects of this universe. In a Zen Buddhist view, "we are the universe looking at itself from within." All physics must ultimately derive from THIS perspective and be figured backwards. The thing that prevents most of us from realizing this is their belief in the constructs we (humans) have built to describe this truth. Linear time is a construct as there are no straight lines to be found ANYWHERE in nature that haven't been shaped by a force of will. It APPEARS that time moves in a linear fashion, but it doesn't go anywhere. Time (to me) is merely our perception of the pulse of it all. On/Off. Binary. When the 12:00 light flashes on your vcr. Does it go anywhere? No it just lights, then not-lights. Our awareness of the last blink is what gives the impression of movement. In essence, time is an archetypal symbol. Not a real thing. You can do the same thing to numbers. Numbers are merely another way of describing phenomena. They are not phenomena in themselves. An easy way to destroy ones belief in the infallibilty of numbers, let alone their existence, is pi. Pi never resolves. That is impossible. ;)

One thing I definitely agree w/ Thornhill on, though he doesn't hit the mark either, is that anomalies alone will disprove any theory. If you have an anomalie, you have something wrong in your equation. :rofl:

I love these lil' games. :)

please don't be offended, I'm not trying to be an ass or anything.
Just exercising.




Multiverses: A herd of universes trampling through the Megaverse. :slide:
Hey gig, what footprint does a 150 watt hps have?

Seeing as I have one I will let you know that I found it to have an effective foot print of 18"x18" to 24"x24". I could only keep the light about 8-10" from the tops of my girls otherwise it was to hot. I also had a fan blowing the heat through the top of my self-contained unit to force the hot air above the hood. Hope this helps.
Seeing as I have one I will let you know that I found it to have an effective foot print of 18"x18" to 24"x24". I could only keep the light about 8-10" from the tops of my girls otherwise it was to hot. I also had a fan blowing the heat through the top of my self-contained unit to force the hot air above the hood. Hope this helps.

Thanks TG, I've never used hps.....til now.LOL
Seeing as I have one I will let you know that I found it to have an effective foot print of 18"x18" to 24"x24". I could only keep the light about 8-10" from the tops of my girls otherwise it was to hot. I also had a fan blowing the heat through the top of my self-contained unit to force the hot air above the hood. Hope this helps.

8 inches on a 150? 8 inches is my limit on a 600 and im using nothing more than a half sized desk fan blowing on and just under my light.

i reckon 4 inches should be fine, you could probably push to 3 inches with decent cooling. in an ideal world, i think 150s are best used vertically about 11 inches away( with a side brancher, much closer for a lollypop) from the main trunk, but then who wants to start buying and organising lots of ballasts =/
8 inches on a 150? 8 inches is my limit on a 600 and im using nothing more than a half sized desk fan blowing on and just under my light.

i reckon 4 inches should be fine, you could probably push to 3 inches with decent cooling. in an ideal world, i think 150s are best used vertically about 11 inches away( with a side brancher, much closer for a lollypop) from the main trunk, but then who wants to start buying and organising lots of ballasts =/

My unit had a self contained ballast and hood so it got hot. Also the last time I used it was summer, well before I changed how my closet is set up. I noticed that I had to keep it way higher up than I originally thought as it would burn the tops of the plants. I now keep my 400w at 9" from my tops as it did burn when it was closer and that is running with the ballast outside the room and a cool tube hood.
Yes, yes, all this info is exactly what I need to know, I'm setting up a 150hps for a friend and this will give me my parametrs. Thanks guys!

If you run into any more questions refer to my first grow (link in siggy). That is when I used it from seedling all the way to flower. I am going to be using it in my tent with my T5 in my 3rd grow. It will be running over my autos.

Thanks for the reps. :)
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