Gtrmike's GDPurps & Triple Cheese Run - 600w 4x4 Ebb & Flo Show!

Gtrmike's GDPurps & Triple Cheese Run - 600w 4x4 Ebb & Flo Show!

I love getting ready for flower!

Me too!! I think it's my favorite time. I mean, don't get me wrong. I love harvest. But it can be overwhelming with all the work, and, well let's face it, expectations. Self imposed of course. This is like shaping the future. The art part. Full of excitement and wonder at the wonderful things to come.
Gtrmike's GDPurps & Triple Cheese Run - 600w 4x4 Ebb & Flo Show!

Gathering steam for sure Suntana!! Did my first round of folding on the Cheese before bed last night. Exciting as hell!! It's gonna be packed in 3 days. The Purple will be smaller, but I'll have no choice but to flip them a little early as the Cheese will be too big. Not sure about mixed hauls in the future. Canopy and all ya know. We'll see how this plays out.
Would other hydro systems give you more flexibility with alignment of the canopy? Ebb & flo seems like such a great system and you've had some amazing results with it, but I guess the inability to adjust the canopy and feeding by plant is the main drawback?
Gtrmike's GDPurps & Triple Cheese Run - 600w 4x4 Ebb & Flo Show!

I think that the scrog over tables gives the best chance of an even canopy if I'm doing different strains. Since strains vary so much, I guess deep water buckets with adjustable height my do it but, unlikely. I'd be fine if I had the patience to top the Cheese once more. Ha! But I need to flip before month's end.
I like ebb and flo conceptually a lot, so I could see it in my future. Want to stick with individual smart pots for a little longer and really feel like I know what I'm doing before switching to anything else though. I'm sure I'll hit you guys up with tons of questions when the time comes! :laugh:
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