Gtrmike's GDPurps & Triple Cheese Run - 600w 4x4 Ebb & Flo Show!

Gtrmike's GDPurps & Triple Cheese Run - 600w 4x4 Ebb & Flo Show!

Hey Mike do you think you can take a small video of the feeding? Like the table filling up or whatever, I'm curious at how that works exactly
Truthfully, there's not really much to video. Soooo...
The reservoir is under my tables. 12 gallons, but I can get away with 10, and am cheap enough to do it. Hence two tables instead of 1 4x4. Bigger table would require a double sized rez and twice the volume of weekly nutes for the same number of plants . Inside the reservoir, there is a circulation pump, a 12" long airstone, and 2 pumps(1 for each table) that run off separate timers. The tables fill from the bottom one after the other. Black lines are fill/drain, and green are overflow. The water will drain back through the pump when it shuts down. I can set the overflow to accommodate various depths of fill in the tables.
I could run 2 strains with different finishing times, but again, that would require a second reservoir, and everything but a pump. And again, it would double my nutrient consumption.
You can see the fill and overflow at each ends of the tables above.
Once the ladies go in, I fill around the pots with hydroton right to the inner rim of the table, or just above the lowest point of the overflow. I do this for 3 reasons. 1) the roots are serious escape artists. The ENTIRE beds of my tables were a solid 2'x4'root mat. 2) I find if the hydroton is too shallow, it floats on top, and can end up rolling onto the ledges. And 3) The more hydroton there is to displace the water, the more fill cycles I can achieve before needing to top up the reservoir. Pump protection.
When I need to top up, and I can usually tell by the ppm values, it's as easy as pouring 2-3gal of straight ph'd water right into the table. Drains into the bottom, mixes...good to go! See ya in 48hrs! Tables flood for 10mins each, one after the other, every 3 hours of light.
I'll bet you I spend less than 40 mins a week feeding.
Ha!! Don't be so sure brother. We haven't seen what your new build can do all dialed in. I think you'll surprise us all. Especially yourself.

I hope so. Just focused on getting something into jars here. I can see though that I really hindered their growth the first run. The new batch are so much stronger and thicker. I really stunted that first batch. Never new it bc I had no other frame of reference. Although I did always look at others plants and think mine never looked like that. Learned a lot here as I've gone and will apply to this Grow. I'm sure the results will show on the scale. I agree once it is all dialled in perfect it will be a great room. Also looking at getting a next level led for the next run which will help. I have been asking a lot from that 600w Viparspectra.
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