
I’ve been self-medicating with cannabis for the last decade, however I only recently became a qualified patient under Prop 215. I’ve switched from combusting to vaping full time and it’s wonderful. I have a desktop unit, but am conflicted at the ton of portable options on the market today.
Welcome to the @420 Magazine family. CL🍀 :welcome: :woohoo::party::420::Namaste:
@YourMedicationMakesMeHigh , Hi and welcome to 420.

Your post is great timing, I’m finding there are others out here that feel the same way about switching from puffing to vaping including my wife and I. You are not alone about which options is best suited and if you don’t mind, I’ll just tag along to learn as well.

Hope your day has gone well.
I’ve stuck to flower
Well then we have a S&B Mighty for daily vaping. It's a little larger than a deck of cards. It's a very good vape that has options of having a spare head so one can be clean at all times. Cleaning is a bit of a chore but is worth it. I run with two heads.

The other is a Pax 2 or 3 the 3 will do oil but in my opinion it does oil poorly. On the bright side, it vapes flower very well and is smallish, a bit larger than a bic lighter. We use the 3. Battery life was a positive thing at one time over the 2. I don't know now.

Both of these I'd get again unless something better comes along and that hasn't happened that I can tell. Have fun YMMMH

BTW there's nothing better than homegrown. Do you grow?
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