Help - trying my luck

Re: $$Help ....trying my luck

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up to 14 days after that I would try again. also depends on how you are trying to pop it
thanx yea because it's been about 8 days now and still nothing i just have some all purpose dirt and 3 lamps with cardboard folil house what do you think can be the problem also ..if a seed doesnt sprout can i dig it up and replant or will it be damaged goods??
Try sprouting the seeds by first shaking them for about 30 seconds in a matchbox with a piece of sandpaper, then dropping them into a shot glass filled with 24hr old water. If it floats just tap it with something and it should sink. Within 24 to 48 hours the seed should have cracked open. Take it out and drop it into a plug, cube, or dirt about 1/2 an inch deep and cover. Keep the light on so it knows which way is up and you should see it come through the surface in a two to three days. If it takes longer it may be too cold, or it may be an old seed. If most are up and a few still lingering, it is a good indication that these will be your runts, so I would toss them before wasting any more supplies or time on them. Hope this helps!

As for the ones you have now, did you just drop them in a whole in the dirt? How deep? Temps? If they are not out in a few days I would try again with the above method.
There is also a common method requiring the use of a wet paper towel folded around the seeds. I had done it this way, but the dryout times on a papertowel can be unpredictable. I have lost seeds by simply not checking on them more than once in a 24hr period. many methods will work, you will have to see what works for you. Good luck!
what green said:)
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