Help! Yellowing tops - First hydroponic setup


New Member
Hi, this is my first time to grow hydro.

I'm growing in 1x1x2 Homebox with 2x600hps and i keep my temp at 27c-28c (on purpose).
I have good setup for watering the plants (after many tries and re-calculations).
I kept the PH arround 5.5 - 5.7 during veg and i have let them veg for about 6-7 weeks and also have clones
with same condition.. I have started flowering period about 6 days ago so i keep the PH arround about 5.6 - 5.8.

Since i started this grow, 90% of the time i kept getting yellowing tops.
I tried flushing with Ph fixed clean water from my r.osmosis, time after time but it did not really help..
I keep temps arround 27c - 28c to keep the plants thirsty and i tried to lower it to 25-26c, no change..

My bulbs used to be 35cm from plants and now they are about 65cm from the plant's ground, no change..

The plants are females and they have showed their sex before the flowering stage and now they are about
1 week into flowering with no difference at all.. And they keep yellowing.. I barely use ferts and when i do, i add more water to the mixture so i won't over-fertilize

I use Bio-Nova fertilizers for Coco.
Fresh air and ventilation- No problem there.
I use 6.5 L container for each plant.

I have 2 starins in my Homebox. 1 is more Indica dominent and the other is Sativa dominent.
The indica dominent is dark green, always looks healthy

I have been defoliating the most yellow leaves but you can still see they are yellowing.



And these pictures are just for fun and for people's curiousity-
(Yes, i am flowering my mother plant!)



Any ieda? Thanks for any help
I have also noticed that there are many leaves ripped in the middle or in their edges..
Maybe Iron deficiency?
The R.Osmosis is clearing all the iron from the tap water.
Therefore, i need to buy mixture of Calcium, Iron, Zinc.

I Hope it helped anyone else
The BN Micro Mix is the closest to calmag i could find in my country. But i found it by looking for calmag :)
Also, i have been suggested- meanwhile to wash the plants with tap water because tap water are full with iron and some other minerals
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