Homemade hash: coffee K cups


420 Member
I stumbled upon this easy, very easy way to produce hash...crumble your buds very well (keep those seeds)....go to Wally world and check out those plastic k cups...check out the screen in the bottom...so, do you see that little port on the side? Lift the lid, put some of the crumbled cannabis in there, close the lid...put a pickoff tape, etc over the large hole in the middle...shake vigorously...the trichomes will fall off into the very bottom of the K cup...turn the keypad over and the hash comes right out...surprised the hell out of me...believe this...it’s super easy...immediate hash...screw that dry ice method! Try this instead!!!

I like it!
Can't picture it in my head, but I like it
Whats a plastic K cup?
Can you post pictures?
Dude...you can have easy, quick hash....immediately...damndest thing...I was sittin in my shop and was looking at a kcup insert...if you go to Walmart you’ll see them...look at the ones that have a metal screen with very small holes...there’s a collection space for the smaller stuff to fall through...it has a small port for the smaller stuff(which is hash) to come out of the sideport
Ok...your ground up cannabis ...it goes in the k cup...close lid(put your finger over the hole where the cannabis is)...tap the bottom onto something hard so the hash falls through ...do it for a minute or less...see the little porthole on the side? That’s where your hash is waiting for you
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