How Mary's Garden Grew

Re: HoW MaRY's gARdEn GrEW... my silly soil grow

:cheesygrinsmiley: Aww.. thanks guys.

I would, but seeing as how I dont know anyone else to provide me with my 'meds' I really do have to salvage what I can b/c otherwise I will be out for a looong time. Its like pulling teeth to get a bag around these parts. So.. if anyone wants to come visit and take a vacation at the beach, hit me up. I will be here.

I am going to try and keep the heat and humidity up a bit so that rooting will hopefully take place before my beautiful top dies.

Yeah. I finally got some serious nails in the wall with hangers[the eater bunny put some strange things in my basket] My cheap ass only had push pins holding the chains before... duh.. no wonder it fell. It was doing good for a while though..
Its a cheap fixture in the first place. I am hoping that when I get my tax refund I can find a better one.
Re: HoW MaRY's gARdEn GrEW... my silly soil grow

Party at Shavvvys!!!!! When it is cold and snowy, I would kill for a cheap holliday in Florida.... aaahhh the heaven of it all....
Re: HoW MaRY's gARdEn GrEW... my silly soil grow

SERIOUSLY! EVERYONES INVITED! Bring it on! I say we have a pot luck... everyone bring their favorite nuggs and come to my house for a major smoke session and go hang on the beach! :allgood: Its summertime!
Re: HoW MaRY's gARdEn GrEW... my silly soil grow

Oh for sure I live In Florida and i smoke blunts everyday we should alk sometime.
Re: HoW MaRY's gARdEn GrEW... my silly soil grow

Picture Update Time!!!

my outside garden (from the plants I started inside)

And here is the poor girl that got destroyed in the catastrophe of April 23rd.

she is still making buds, but they are on long stretched vines of the lower stems left. The top never rooted-obviously- its the dead thing in the background.

and now a group photo....

here is Phish and her many buds doing the LST


bud shots



Re: HoW MaRY's gARdEn GrEW... my silly soil grow

I hope that it will be mid-June for harvest--- but we will see. I think the girls are coming along nicely. I bought more lights for the area and will install them one day next week. Its going to take a lot of time. I will take the plants out before touching the lights so that there wont be another fatality. Cant afford that.
Take care guys!:allgood:
Re: HoW MaRY's gARdEn GrEW... my silly soil grow

I added 5 more CFL's to the room. I now have total of abbout 7000 lumens in fluoros lighting my bitchess. mMMMMmmmm they are looking niice!! Some of the hairs on the lower parts of the buds are beginning to turn amber... CANT WAIT FOR HARVEST TIME!!! I NEED SOMETHING GOOD TO SMOKE!!!! [Dirt weed is bad for you. It should not be in circulation...but when in need, weed is weed.]
Re: HoW MaRY's gARdEn GrEW... my silly soil grow

How Are The New Lights Working???
Looks Like Your Going To Have A Sweet Harvest In June...
Keep Up The Grow...
P.j. Out:theband:
Re: HoW MaRY's gARdEn GrEW... my silly soil grow


Everything seems to be moving along smoothly....I have a fixture of 3 CFL's on the ground pointing up so that the underbuds can get some good light too. The tops are going crazy! All kinds of buds....Its pretty.

I am going to make ghetto rigged reflectors for the cfl's... cardboard and mylar.. its going to be tonights project [pending motivation, of course]

... nevermind
:headbanger: :headbanger: :headbanger: :headbanger: :headbanger: :headbanger: :headbanger:
Re: HoW MaRY's gARdEn GrEW... my silly soil grow

PICTURE UPDATE!! ....almost 3 1/2 weeks into flowering.

These are my beautiful babies.. doing fairly well. I gave them some fertilizer and they got a touch of nute burn, but not too bad. There are going to be many larger buds, if you notice....i will be happy when they are fully mature.

Here are the ladies mugshots:

Big Green and Beautiful (BGB) in all her glory

Phish and all her buddage


Miss. Stinky and her efforts

And now for the group pics:




and thats it for now...:allgood:
Re: HoW MaRY's gARdEn GrEW... my silly soil grow bad news.. BGB went hermi and pollen is exploding everywhere (before I even noticed). I was wondering what those weird looking flower things were and the massive bulbous growths.. but I didnt know... here are some pics...

BGB's Hermi Pics:
the weird looking yellow flower things

bulbous growths and otherwise

full bud pic of male and femals genitalia


the pollen spooged leaf
Re: HoW MaRY's gARdEn GrEW... my silly soil grow

haha, messy leaf.

Well, on the bright side of things you get more seeds, and most likely 100% feminized ones. XD

Other than that, the budding looks spectacular! I hope you enjoy the grow, 'cause it's even nice for me to look at.
Re: HoW MaRY's gARdEn GrEW... my silly soil grow

So.. does that mean all your plants are ruined?:hmmmm:
Re: HoW MaRY's gARdEn GrEW... my silly soil grow

I added a small fan the other day to help in the air circulation factor. Its smells really good when I first open the curtain in the morning. MMMmm. I know if Miss Stinky hadnt got chopped in half, I wouldnt be able to control the odor. She was some bomb ass skunk. And thankfully, the buds that are forming on the remainder of the plant are realllllly pretty. Lots of resin, and have yet to be effected by the nasty nasty pollen. Its beautiful.
Im still upset about the hermis. But oh well... nothing I can do about that but bleach the place after its all said and done. Who knows how that happened *shrugs*
The day I start my new job is going to be the alleged day of harvest (if the beautiful babies are ready, and they should be in a month). So that will be great. I know I am going to cheat and quik dry a bud or two to last me the two weeks or so that it takes to dry and cure. I am going to need it bad anyways since I cant smoke until then (my drug test is on the 14th and I want to be 110% I am clean. This job pay $14/hour! and has mucho benefits. The hellhole I am working at now is only $8/hr with no benefits....)

And there is a veggie loving iguana on the loose and lets hope he doesnt find the plants before I find him.....
Re: HoW MaRY's gARdEn GrEW... my silly soil grow

Glad you found it! That could have been disasterious. First time I grew the cat got into the plants.
Re: HoW MaRY's gARdEn GrEW... my silly soil grow

lol, my bearded dragon likes to take a few hits when he's on me. Then all he wants to do is chill by his food dish and chase around crickets.

Cats on the other hand get feisty as hell when there's plants around. Which is why I suggest growing a few catnip plants as well. :D
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