I am overwatering right?


New Member
I think I may be overwatering, its 2 weeks old last water was Saturday night not thinking of watering again til Wed night if I am over watering. But what do y'all the also do have a little burn spot
Those are some pretty darn big leafs for a 2 week old plant :thumb:

Looks like ya got a little defeciency going on... might be time to add a little feed !

A lot of time you can learn to water by weight of pot that is pretty easy as dry pot weight less than wet pots, but applying enough water to soak soil should lead to run off...

In less so dry that a wetting agent is required or you need to stand your plant pot in water for several hours to rehydrate !
Fuzzy duck is right again, or at least in my opinion. There's a little deficiency going on there and yes, those be some big leaves in that momma!
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