Indie Grower's First Ever Grow In Closet: White Widow Auto In Regular Garden Soil, 50W LED Bulb, Advice Always Appreciated

You are seeing how important pH is... but I can see how well the foliar application is working too... those leaves look very green for leaves suffering from magnesium shortages... the foliar is working.
Keep being patient and let the containers dry out. Drowning roots react just like what you are seeing... the plant shuts down. Patience is the best cure...

I tell myself the same. Also I have noticed that some pistils are drying, is it okay?


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That is odd so early, but maybe not in an auto... they mature crazy fast in certain ways. As long as there is no pollen flying around in there, you are fine... but that is also what they do when they get pollinated. I think it is just a normal maturing of the bud though, she is going to be very colorful it looks like.

I praying for her to pick growth again! Really want to see her making buds.

Her pot feels light today but still I will give her a day or two to be complete dry and then I will start with calmag and her last dose of growth booster as from next week it'll be bloom diet. Magnesium deficiency is under control now, it's not spreading but I have lost one bud and many sweet leaves.



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This deficiency won't stop spreading, even when I am misting her with espom. @Emilya can we say it is cal deficiency, I have never given her cal nutrition and I think this is that. I genuinely want her to get fine and resume her growth. She hasn't grown a new leaf since 10 days and have stopped shooting pistils.


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This deficiency won't stop spreading, even when I am misting her with espom. @Emilya can we say it is cal deficiency, I have never given her cal nutrition and I think this is that. I genuinely want her to get fine and resume her growth. She hasn't grown a new leaf since 10 days and have stopped shooting pistils.
This is clearly a magnesium deficiency that is being managed. Compared to what a magnesium deficiency that is unchecked develops into, you are in very good shape. The burnt areas will never come back, but what is significant is that there is green in those damaged leaves, and it appears to be getting stronger.
You just started giving calmag yesterday. Don't expect an instant fix of this problem, it is going to take some time to get this nutrition into all the leaves... and most certainly will take at least 3 wet/dry cycles. Also, it is no wonder that the problem has continued to spread around the plant until you were able to start proper nutrition yesterday. Continue giving calmag... and then if it is as you believe, a calcium deficiency, it will also fix that. The epsom salt was not intended to cure this problem. Epsom salt is a band aid, that saved your plant from a very ugly destruction until you could start giving her calmag... and I stress that I can see the difference that it made.
Keep on with the calmag... it won't hurt anything to give it with every watering, whether that is with the other nutes or not. Let us know if one of those leaves totally withers away and falls off... because that is what would have been happening by now if you had not taken quick action. It is not uncommon to have lost 8 or 10 leaves by now, and in a very ugly way. Be proud of how those leaves look now... you have done a very good thing... you held off a magnesium deficiency...not an easy thing to do.
This is clearly a magnesium deficiency that is being managed. Compared to what a magnesium deficiency that is unchecked develops into, you are in very good shape. The burnt areas will never come back, but what is significant is that there is green in those damaged leaves, and it appears to be getting stronger.
You just started giving calmag yesterday. Don't expect an instant fix of this problem, it is going to take some time to get this nutrition into all the leaves... and most certainly will take at least 3 wet/dry cycles. Also, it is no wonder that the problem has continued to spread around the plant until you were able to start proper nutrition yesterday. Continue giving calmag... and then if it is as you believe, a calcium deficiency, it will also fix that. The epsom salt was not intended to cure this problem. Epsom salt is a band aid, that saved your plant from a very ugly destruction until you could start giving her calmag... and I stress that I can see the difference that it made.
Keep on with the calmag... it won't hurt anything to give it with every watering, whether that is with the other nutes or not. Let us know if one of those leaves totally withers away and falls off... because that is what would have been happening by now if you had not taken quick action. It is not uncommon to have lost 8 or 10 leaves by now, and in a very ugly way. Be proud of how those leaves look now... you have done a very good thing... you held off a magnesium deficiency...not an easy thing to do.

Thanks but I have not started with calmag as yet because I wanted her pot to be complete dry before I start giving her water. Soil is dry till third knuckle but gets darker if I dig little deep where it isn't moist but not dry either, her first 3 inches are like Sahara, no sign of moisture at all. Should I wait for some more time or just water her right away. I have brewed a drink for her.

Banana water + Molasses + Calcium phosphate

I hope she likes it! But not sure when to start with it.
Thanks but I have not started with calmag as yet because I wanted her pot to be complete dry before I start giving her water. Soil is dry till third knuckle but gets darker if I dig little deep where it isn't moist but not dry either, her first 3 inches are like Sahara, no sign of moisture at all. Should I wait for some more time or just water her right away. I have brewed a drink for her.

Banana water + Molasses + Calcium phosphate

I hope she likes it! But not sure when to start with it.
my advice then is to continue to let her dry out for a proper watering, continue doing the foliar feed of epsom salt until then, and relax... you are doing all you can do at the moment...
She is going to be ok...
my advice then is to continue to let her dry out for a proper watering, continue doing the foliar feed of epsom salt until then, and relax... you are doing all you can do at the moment...
She is going to be ok...

I am sticking to your plan, leaves are looking healthy and aren't drooping anymore.

When do you think she'll pick her growth again, once the pot is dry or when I will start the nutrition?
And as this is my first grow and I do not have much information on how a strain behaves and have certain attributes when you are growing them. I have seen people growing different strains and almost all of them have huge leaves (fan leaves) but my WW's biggest fan leaf is little over than 3 inches. I personally feel it's normal as she has grown like this only, but I still thought of posting it here to get a feedback on the same.
I am sticking to your plan, leaves are looking healthy and aren't drooping anymore.

When do you think she'll pick her growth again, once the pot is dry or when I will start the nutrition?
I think she had shut down because of having water pooling in the bottom of the container. After not seeing oxygen for a while, the plant seals off its roots, trying to survive the flood, and it goes into a sort of hibernation until the flood is over. This is where you are at. The first time those roots see oxygen way down in the bottom of the container will be the eye opener that those roots need, and they will get back to business soon after that. Now, the best medicine you can give is patience, waiting for this to occur
And as this is my first grow and I do not have much information on how a strain behaves and have certain attributes when you are growing them. I have seen people growing different strains and almost all of them have huge leaves (fan leaves) but my WW's biggest fan leaf is little over than 3 inches. I personally feel it's normal as she has grown like this only, but I still thought of posting it here to get a feedback on the same.
Yep, every strain is different, and there are variations within a strain too. WW is a hybrid, so you will see part indica and part sativa in her expression... she wont have the huge leaves of an indica nor will she have the narrow skinny leaves of a sativa, and after growing her out a couple of times, you will recognize her when you see her growing in someone else's tent, just like I can now recognize certain distinctive lines that I have grown out.
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