Jandre2k3's Candy Bubba Bean Poppin' Fun!

What strain is it? Candy Bubba
Is it Indica, Sativa or Hybrid? What percentages? Indica dominant
Is it in Veg or Flower stage? Germination
If in Veg... For how long? 0 days
If in Flower stage... For how long? 0days
Soil or Hydro? Hydro
Size of light? 360w of unnamed LED
Is it aircooled? yup
Temp of Room/cab? 72~74
RH of Room/cab? 40~50
PH of media or res? 5.8~ish
Any Pests ? GAWD NO!
How often are you watering? I'm not, yet.
Type and strength of ferts used? Will be using Cutting Edge Solutions.
So, since the last Nutrient fiasco with Corey, I've been looking for a good nutrient line... I've tried GH in the past, and now that they're owned by Miracle Grow, I'm sure that the formulation will be changing. I've used AN's Jungle Juice, and found it wanting in some areas. So, I have quietly been testing Cutting Edge Solutions in the background. My last flower was performed under these nutes, and I'm quite satisfied. So, I'll be using them for this grow, in the public eye.

It's a three-part with some boosters, but unlike the other nutrient lines, they don't have a million different additives. They have the base nutes: Grow, Micro, Bloom. After that, there's a Calcium supplement, a Magnesium supplement, a bloom booster, and a pair of finishers, both are a sugar flush, one sour, and one sweet.


I am very quickly falling in love with this stuff. I've only used the base nutes so far to get an idea of how they perform, before I invested in the extras. I can safely say, judging from the previous journal's results, things are quite frosty. I can only imagine what the bloom booster will do.

just do a google search for Cutting Edge Solutions. Check them out for yourselves.
You can count me in :) excited to watch and will be cheering ya on!
Looking forward to following along :thumb:

Yeah, the Corey situation sucked. I bought quite a bit from him, a couple pretty big orders. I still have some but it's not doing well. It's seen high heat as well as freezing. In my move from Cali I lost the vitamin supplement. The couple gallons of bloom booster I have, have had crystals form in the winter and redissolve this spring/summer. So I've had turn the page on that supply, and in doing so I've decided no more salt nutes. I'm going outdoor natural/organic (though I hate to use the term).

Still like following the techie indoor stuff though!

Actually Brotha there are times when you should turn it down :rofl:
I came across a few times I wish I passed :rofl:
and a few im glad I did :rofl:
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