Let's Attempt A 1lb Grow!

Nov 23 til now look how much my buds have swelled!! The blue line is November 23rd red line is now..


Oh yeah I don't think those lux meters are right. I didn't know my phone can do the same thing I used my phone I was getting the same thing and all areas except the corners which gets less light. Krissi full blast said she was getting like 42,000 like I said pretty much even except around the corners and edges. Broken ass is getting half that with half light I bumped hers up she got around the same thing. But I left it with just 50% on broken ass.
Will add it to the other 7.39 g. Lmao I'm telling you this shit here skipped the grass smell!! Still smells like a dead fucking skunk. This time it's not broken ass by herself it's Krissi and these were very small itty bitty branches I mean really tiny you seen them hanging up.






Are you thinking another week, and is that a seed in the last pic?
I don't know what that is in the picture but you bet your ass one thing tomorrow I will most definitely take some tweezers to that and I'm going to plucj it right out..

I don't know about harvest time if it's looking like a week I will water them one more time and do drought.
Might want to drought now depending on how long it takes between watering. The closer to harvest the less they drink, but you want to drought while they're still drinking healthy.
Well they are taking less and less to suck everything down I checked today they can go till tomorrow evening for water. That will make day four without water I've been getting a full gallon of piece!
Why not let it go without water longer and watch for the leaf angle to droop? 4 days between water sounds like it's slowing down enough not to try to push the start of drought another 4 days.
But I remember you saying 76-day flower time.
Mine grow outside in the sun so they may not be comparable at all. I see mostly cloudy trichs and no ambers, so I'd say don't water it if you're going to drought it.
Why not let it go without water longer and watch for the leaf angle to droop? 4 days between water sounds like it's slowing down enough not to try to push the start of drought another 4 days.

Mine grow outside in the sun so they may not be comparable at all. I see mostly cloudy trichs and no ambers, so I'd say don't water it if you're going to drought it.
Yes sir here we go drought begins! Or has it already began since the last time I've watered them is that when it starts?
Yup! It starts the last time you watered and should end when the angle of the leaves droop 50% of the angle they were when you watered.
Well I don't remember what they was when I watered so I guess you can help me keep an eye out. Thank God we got friends. So I guess today is day 4 of drought. Poor little darlings here they go. I guess after drought no more 12:12 straight up darkness for a couple days and then hang them up going there with the pain of dropping off all those damn leaves shit I'm going to have to smoke a big old fat joint cuz I'm going to be held up in there for a good 2 hours! If not longer I really dread that day but it's going to be well worth it hopefully it'll be on a Monday.. if they can go at least eight days without a drought I can keep them in darkness for 2 and 1/2 days and harvest them on my off night so I can stay up later! Seems like it'll work out just fine.
I guess after drought no more 12:12 straight up darkness for a couple days and then hang them up
After drought you water them as usual, and keep an eye on the trichomes to determine when to chop. There's no chop timing that's specific to the drought.

And if they can go 8 days that's great, but 9 is better, as is 10. Keep an eye on the drooping leaves rather than the calendar. :)
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