Mars-Hydro LED Grow Light Discussion

here is a pic with out the light in there. ok 420 guys and gals I will be growing in 32''x32''x63'' grow tent with a mars II 400w the same room that I sleep in do any of you have any experience with growing in a grow tent in the same room you sleep in. I would love to hear any advice on the subject like things I should look out for and stuff like that if this is in the wrong place for this post please move it but I hope it is not.... lol

Hi db003, nice chunky material overlap around the zip (should keep the light out!) what make is the tent?
hey @WasabiPeas I am not sure what make it is I got it off eBay when I first received it there was some missing poles and I contacted them they had no extra poles so the sent me a whole new tent now I have two tents lol @nobodyuknow I have some ratchet ropes on the way and im still waiting on my ventech inline fan and a few more things but this is what I got so far its a work in progress
Looks like you got most the bases covered then. You will learn as you go. I learned mostly from reading the journals here, and then on Youtube theres so many videos, and I picked up on a lot of things there. You will do fine. Did you order your beans yet?
@nobodyuknow I did not get to order any beans this month I am on ssi disability so getting extra money is hard it took me a few months to get what I got now but its all good I will be picking up a two clones from my local clinic since I have my mmj card I will try to order some beans maybe next month if I have any money left after paying to smog my old jalopy aka the car that smokes more then I do... lol
I understand being broke. I use Herbies, and he has a pick and mix website, so its good if you just wanna order a couple of seeds at a time. I've done that before :laugh: Herbies is a sponsor here so I can talk about it. I dont like ordering a lot of just one strain. Now that I'm good at popping seeds haha I've wasted so many seeds its not funny.

Look here when you have time: Herbies Pick And Mix And Single Cannabis Seeds

I've always gotten my seeds from them fast too. I wish we had one of those places you could buy clones here. One day I'm sure we will.
My dead diode :(

and my girls on day 40. under LED Mars II 700W (it is not 700W any more :))


No need to bum out about the dead diode. It's actually a live IR LED. Your eyes can't see the IR light. If you look closely, you can see a very dim red glow in the IR LED when they are lit.
There's also more than one :)

ok I just pick up my clones and transplanted them in 3 galloon roots pots I have not watered them yet the light is about 26 inch's for the top of the clones the only nutes I have are a bottle of earth juice cal mag a bottle of earth juice hi brix and a bottle of tappin roots all stages plant fertilizer that they gave me at the hydro shop should I add any of these or just water with plain tap water and if so add how much
ok I just pick up my clones and transplanted them in 3 galloon roots pots I have not watered them yet the light is about 26 inch's for the top of the clones the only nutes I have are a bottle of earth juice cal mag a bottle of earth juice hi brix and a bottle of tappin roots all stages plant fertilizer that they gave me at the hydro shop should I add any of these or just water with plain tap water and if so add how much

I would not add any nutes yet. Let them settle in and show what they need. What did you use for soil? Did it have nutes in it? :peace:
well I just watered them both with plain tap water I had sitting out for a few days I used a gallon and a half between the both of them I don't think that's was to much should I water them any more I still have a half of gallon I can use ??? sorry for over posting these are my new baby's I am there dad you know how first time grower like me get hahahahaha
Sounds like plenty of water! I would take them out of those bottom trays because you want the water to drain out, you dont want the soil waterlogged. Now don't water them till the pot feels light again!

As I learned and it seems everyone goes through.. Over watering and overfeeding.

BTW, did you check the pH of your tap water?

No need to bum out about the dead diode. It's actually a live IR LED. Your eyes can't see the IR light. If you look closely, you can see a very dim red glow in the IR LED when they are lit.
There's also more than one :)


I actually have some burnt out diodes at the moment, they will send new ones to me but I do t have the ability to fix them myself...and can't really take it to a shop haha
thanks @Wahtoogee you were right I lifted the pots and the tray was full to the brim with water I dumped the trays and lifted the pots over the trays till all the water ran out then put them back on the trays just in case the pots still had more water I don't want water all over the bottom of my grow tent I don't have a water ph meter but I do have a rapitest soil ph. meter I think there both testing at 5.1 - 5.6 im not 100 percent sure im doing it right
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