My 1st Grow (Soil)

Oh ok brett. Yeah i am from South Africa. And i think you are right Stix, it will be more up to Mother Nature, but there are nutes i can buy to speed up the flowering stage.

Ill post the new pics i just took in the next few minutes, my brother just needs to upload them to his Pc.

Stay tuned folks. :D
Here we go guys.





Hehe, aint she looking pretty? I still need to get a better camera for closer up shots. :D
Macro mode? You mean like Zoom? Yeah, it can zoom, but its a 2 megapixel camera phone. So it doesnt take super nice close ups. But they arent bad.
I doubt the phone has Macro Mode, but damn those are some good pics for a phone dude, I know mine are not that good. That babie is gonna be huge when she gets to flower, good luck man, hopefully that pot will be big enough and she wont get root bound.
I got my new phone (and it has macro mode). So ill be taking some nice new pics tomorrow and uploading them!

Stay tuned! \../
Well i took some more pics with my new phone (Sony Ericsson w800i). They seem to have come out quite well. :D




Peace! :D
Your plant is looking really good bro. Its fatteining up quite nicely. Do you know about how many houres of sunlinht are there a day?
Thanks dude!!! >:D

Not really, when it was on the porch it was only getting 4 hours direct sunlight a day. So thats why i moved it back behind the shed. The shiny surface of the shed acts well to reflect the light onto the plant. It loves it. And all the rain we been having. But i aint sure exactly how many hours it gets.
Well im back again, decided to try take some more pics. After the rain my plant looking especially healthy. Tell me what you guys think. Is it starting to flower? Looks like it to me! :)



You can tell if it is beginning to flower if there are white hairs growing on it, or if there are grape like clusters growing. You don't want the grapes because that means it is a male, the female is the white hairs. Take a few more pics of other parts of the plants, I think the white hairs appear at the joints where the branch meets the main stalk.
Sweeet. Yeah its got those white hairs everywhere already! :>
But its hard to get a photo of it. Ill keep trying.
Yeah I don't see any pistils on there. If you could get a shot of what your refering to then we'll be able to tell you if you have a female or not. Looking very healthy though, either way. :peace:
Hehe NDW4M, ask and you shall receive.


I think those are pistils. o_O
What you guys think?
There are more white hairs all over the stems and plant. Ill take more pics if you guys arent convinced. But you are the experts! :D
Here a few more pics... please tell me what you guys think.
Is she a female?!?! :D :D :D


Nope sorry bro no signs yet those little hairs all over the stems are nothing and those little green hair looking leaves are just part of the plant. The pistils will be round white hairs from a quarter inch to a half inch long.
Those will turn into branches, mine has those spikes all over at joints. I'm waiting for sex too bro, its been in flower for 2 whole weeks and is now on its 3rd, as of last night still with no signs. I'm getting antsey too, mainly because I'm afraid they are going to out grow their space and I have no where to move them. Be patient bro, you have unlimited space so remember you get let her grow large giving you a fat yeild. I just hope she doesn't out grow your pot.
Ok sweet, thanks guys! I also hope "she" (we hope) doesnt grow too big for the pot. Cause then im gonna have a problem. Thats my biggest pot, and i dont really have anywhere to put it in the garden! Can you make a plant flower quicker? When do you think mine will flower? Do i need nutrients or what?
Where did everyone go? o_O
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