My 2nd Grow Bubblelicious/California Orange Bud

re: My Very first grow 12/12 Mango

even higher res lucy cola, and how could i forget becky!! she's the bubblelicious and growing really weird, the leaves are spiraling down, hmm i've got to watch this one

re: My Very first grow 12/12 Mango

How cool brother!!! So are you going to school to be a taxman, oh great now that Beatles song is stuck in my head :p?
re: My Very first grow 12/12 Mango

Lucy is looking great! and the girls are off to a good start.
I've heard that ph problems could cause twisting. But, I've also noticed that young plants sometimes do that, and then straighten out as it gets bigger. Might want to check into it though.
I like your grow boxes; gives me ideas. Nice work!
re: My Very first grow 12/12 Mango

Looking good Pericodaking.:smokin:
You've got some nice plant's.:cool:
Your doing great.:grinjoint:
I just posted this in another thread.
To clone find a branch with at least 3 nodes. Cut at 45 deg about 1/2" to 1" from the node. Then strip back the lowest 2 leaves then slit the stem about 1/2" up scrape away the bark on one side of the stem. Dip in cloning gel and put in your medium or for rooting powder dip in water then rooting powder.;)

re: My Very first grow 12/12 Mango

congrats on graduation. hopefully i will be smoking some lowryder for my brothers graduation coming up on the 8th. that bubblegum looks really sweet.

Nice work bro:smokin:
re: My Very first grow 12/12 Mango

How cool brother!!! So are you going to school to be a taxman, oh great now that Beatles song is stuck in my head :p?

yup, youve got that right, hopefully working for a big4!

Lucy is looking great! and the girls are off to a good start.
I've heard that ph problems could cause twisting. But, I've also noticed that young plants sometimes do that, and then straighten out as it gets bigger. Might want to check into it though.
I like your grow boxes; gives me ideas. Nice work!

i know, but they haven't even gotten nutes yet and the ph of the soil is about 6.5-6.8, same as the first grow, and she's the only one like that, makes me think its genetics.:rollit:

Looking good Pericodaking.:smokin:
You've got some nice plant's.:cool:
Your doing great.:grinjoint:
I just posted this in another thread.
To clone find a branch with at least 3 nodes. Cut at 45 deg about 1/2" to 1" from the node. Then strip back the lowest 2 leaves then slit the stem about 1/2" up scrape away the bark on one side of the stem. Dip in cloning gel and put in your medium or for rooting powder dip in water then rooting powder.;)


hmmmm.. ok Pan thanks, got it now, it's lights out now so i'll try tomorrow morning, i was previously scraping the entire bottom of the branch, i'll try this way with the gel next.

congrats on graduation. hopefully i will be smoking some lowryder for my brothers graduation coming up on the 8th. that bubblegum looks really sweet.

Nice work bro:smokin:

:thanks:appreciate it, it's been a looooong road but it's finally here and i'm fu**in excited! congrats to your brother as well :ganjamon:!
re: My Very first grow 12/12 Mango

I find this absolutely hilarious

Editor's note: The name of the student in the story has been changed to protect the individual from legal repercussions.
Prom night serves as a rite of passage for many high school seniors, but for Simpson student Jay Peters the peer pressure to smoke marijuana finally overcame him and he started on a journey down a winding path of drug use.

Peters said his first high led to a habit of using drugs at least three times a week for his past two years at Simpson, trying an assortment of drugs and leading to numerous failed relationships among family, friends and significant others.

"After the first time my eyes opened," said Peters. "There's an underlying code of silence because you're not going to narc anyone out and you realize you'll narc yourself out in the process."

The code of silence is what Peters said keeps drugs on the outskirts of society. The unacceptability of drugs in society also deteriorates relationships among users and non-users.

"I know it affects my family because I go home, and I'm either on drugs or trying to hide the fact that I do drugs," said Peters.

Des Moines Area Community College president, David England's recent drug arrest brought drug use on college campuses back into the public eye.

"This (the David England case) shows that drugs know no boundaries," said Marvin Van Haaften, the director of the Iowa Office of Drug Control Policy in Des Moines.

After starting to use marijuana Peters' circle of friends also began to change. Throughout high school Peters resisted the pressure to smoke marijuana until a couple of female friends convinced him to try it at an after-prom party. After that his first experience with drugs he began to make develop friendships with other drug users.

Peters attributes his friendship changes to the idea that activities bond friendships. He said that drugs are now his version of varsity basketball. Peters has seen the harmful effects of cocaine on a close friend.

"I lost a best friend because she's so hooked on coke," said Peters. "She supports herself with two jobs and she's this beautiful girl who's letting the drug control her."

According to Peters, people must control the drug and not let the drug control them. But he concedes, "Most people are controlled by their drug."

After a year of consistent marijuana use Peters began to experiment with other drugs. Not unlike many other users, he has experimented with an array or drugs - ecstasy, mushrooms, heroin, cocaine - and dubs himself a "walking pharmacy."

"After assisting on autopsies, it's obvious that marijuana users' lungs are worse," said Van Haaften. "The alveoli sacs get mucus filled, which comes from the dead white cells."

Van Haaften also said that the weight of the organs in drug users is much lighter because they are shriveling.

Peters has consciously noticed some of the negative aspects of drug use. He instantly knew that some of the harsher drugs were not for him.

"The taste of coke is what you would imagine to be the same as orangutan vomit and you feel like a moron sniffling all of the time," said Peters. "I'm fully aware of the fact that E (ecstasy) is putting holes in my brain so I won't do it again anytime soon." Peters said his last use of ecstasy was in November 2002.

Along with those health problems, the combination of illegal and prescription drug use caused Peters to miss two days of school earlier this semester. He also suffers from the beginning signs of ulcers.

Obtaining a balance between college and drugs is not a struggle for Peters, who claims to earn A's after taking most tests and writing most papers while under the influence of illegal drugs. Unfortunately for Peters, his frequent class absences lower his grades significantly.

According to Dennis Wiggins, the program planner for the Office of Drug Control Policy, the use of drugs limits the potential of each person.

"Don't let people dispute the facts with exceptions," said Wiggins.

As for the availability of drugs in Indianola, Peters said students can get anything they want here if they know who to go to, especially since the school is located so close to Des Moines.

"It's 8 p.m. on Sunday night and I could get a half a pound of marijuana, a highly illegal amount of 'shrooms and a snow mountain of cocaine here (to Simpson) by 10 p.m.," said Peters.

In uniform crime reports from the Department of Public Safety, the possession and distribution charges increased in the past five years in overall substance abuse. Wiggins said more treatment is available to drug offenders due to the tobacco settlement Iowa received. Approximately 70 percent of offenders take advantage of treatment, but for most it is not by choice.

"Usually someone says they have to go and many go to shorten their stay in the criminal justice system," said Wiggins.

Peters tried to quit smoking marijuana last year. He made this choice to raise his grades, but throughout his two-month hiatus Peters found himself to be more withdrawn from his peers and irritable.

"When I'm bored I'm just begging to smoke," Peters said. "I will not stop smoking (marijuana) until my heart stops beating."
re: My Very first grow 12/12 Mango

very nice plants man. sometime i need to upload a few pics of mine... Im growing outdoors and about 2 months into it. Any tips?
re: My Very first grow 12/12 Mango

sure man!!!, that's awesome, get some pics up so we can see what you're working with bro!
re: My Very first grow 12/12 Mango

Thanks pit, the only think i'm wondering now is how long to veg the girls in the cabinet for before i throw them in the flowering box, they've been under 24/7 light for 10 days now
re: My Very first grow 12/12 Mango

nice dude. buds are gonna look nice once they get fully mature. bet they'll smoke awesome too.
+rep for nice ass plants.
re: My Very first grow 12/12 Mango

nice dude. buds are gonna look nice once they get fully mature. bet they'll smoke awesome too.
+rep for nice ass plants.

:thanks:E-rok, you know what, lol day 45 i got antsy and decided why the hell not, i cut off the smallest bud she had and let her dry out in the sun on the fire escape, put it in my 2ft bong and let 'er rip! man I tell you, i've been an avid smoker for about 9 years now, and i've never gotten a high like that in my life. the wife and I smoked and we both got ridiculously stoned, I kept trying to convince myself it was just a placebo but 2 bags of doritos and a box of enteman's coffee cakes later, lets just say the proof was in the pudding lol! i can't wait for the end result!!

Yes, they look spectacular! A+ grow!
as always :thanks: Ms. Fox, I will have some pics up later today of the girls, cleaning up their room a bit, had a bit of an accident last night involving 4 broken cfl bulbs !! (don't worry the little ones are fine, they were extras i had on top of a shelf)
re: My Very first grow 12/12 Mango

damn bro, wish we were neighbors! my uncle just got his latest crop in. Northern Lights Big Bud. he came by earlier with a blunt and a box of golf balls so i had a very relaxing morning. my dog sophie really loved this herb. she is a true connoisseur. she won't mess with ditch weed, she hates it. but if there is good smoke in the air she will sit right with you and breathe that shit deep. i dont blow her shotguns though, just seems unhealthy. anything she inhales is by her choice only.
re: My Very first grow 12/12 Mango

damn bro, wish we were neighbors! my uncle just got his latest crop in. Northern Lights Big Bud. he came by earlier with a blunt and a box of golf balls so i had a very relaxing morning. my dog sophie really loved this herb. she is a true connoisseur. she won't mess with ditch weed, she hates it. but if there is good smoke in the air she will sit right with you and breathe that shit deep. i dont blow her shotguns though, just seems unhealthy. anything she inhales is by her choice only.

lmao, same with my cat when i had him. Cept he didn't give a sh%t what kind of smoke it was, as long as you were sharing, if not he'd get angry, scratch you in the face angry lol
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