My 2nd Grow Bubblelicious/California Orange Bud

re: My Very first grow 12/12 Mango

hey last grow i did was a 12/12 outdoor winter grow with a couple kc brains mango seeds and a white widow

ill show u pics if u want

that mango crystaled up like a mother was beautiful and very stinky sweet smelling, i had pistils turning amber the whole way through but was still some amazing smoke... i wouldnt worry

although the white widow didnt turn out great, didnt really give them enough nutes and the pot was too small with all 3 stuffed in it, i was just screwing around seeing what would happen if i started them in the winter, it was before i found these forums and before i knew you could 12/12

but now i finally got my last white widow seed back that came from a nug of the best white widow i have ever encountered. i am saving it for some foxfarm ocean forest and the HPS light and when i can dedicate both the 100w CFLs to her as a mother and her clones!

good to know rc51, it does have a stinky sweet smell to it, I get home and it's like a mixture of roadkill and a piney melony kind of smell, it's weird, all i know is the bud it came from was pretty kill tho so i'm excited! and yea i'd deff love to see those pics!:thanks::ganjamon:
re: My Very first grow 12/12 Mango

I found a ladybug on her today!!! no clue where it came from but oh well, not spider mites on my plants!!

I think ladybugs eat spider mites lol. Aphids too.

i'm chopping her down hopefully in 3 weeks and can enjoy some medicine! i've been without for a few days now, and also broke so next dose is Lucy!
some close up hi-res shots of lucy's cola and one of her bud sites, i'm starting to see trichomes now!!!! btw she first showed sex day 24 she's on day 40
only problem i'm having so far with lucy is that some of her pistils are starting to turn amber already and she's getting trichomes but not much in the form of bud development.

Might be more like five weeks?
re: My Very first grow 12/12 Mango

haha lol, I was typing in a rush, I'm happy i've got my lady bug, that way I don't have mites, and i know Lucy wont' be ready But i'm gonna need her lights for the new crop thats coming up now, they're vegging in the new box i built under 24hrs of light, and i'm hoping to move them to the flowering box in another two weeks, they're 5-7 days old now.
re: My Very first grow 12/12 Mango

Ok slight update, my third attempt at cloning has not faired so well, I'm pretty positive i'm doing everything right, and I've reread Racefans post on how to clone a million times, so I've concluded it either a must be the materials i'm using or b must be the strain. I don't think it's b, cuz this plant has bent to my will the whole grow, why stop now ??! lol and I think it's because i'm using shultz rooting hormone powder (home depot purchasse) i might have to go to the hydro store for the gel. Pics of the new batch coming up later today!
re: My Very first grow 12/12 Mango

Pericodaking I use both I dip the clone in the gel and use the powder in the nutes I feed my clones.:cool:
I get very good clone rates.:grinjoint:


ok i'm deff going to get the gel, is there anything else i'm missing here pan? I make the 45 degree cut from the mom, i make a second 45 degree cut on the clone under water, trim off the lower leaves so it won't transpire as much, i dip it the hormone powder stick it in the medium, and sprits a humidity dome, leave it on and leave the lights on 24/7 immediately after cloning. I thought the new one would make it, it looked so good and healthy and then the two little leaves that were on it started to droop evenutally fell and it started to wither.
soo confused right now, I must learn how to clone bc I don't intend on growing from seed in the future, as i'd like to always have guranteed females.
re: My Very first grow 12/12 Mango

I thought the new one would make it, it looked so good and healthy and then the two little leaves that were on it started to droop evenutally fell and it started to wither.
soo confused right now, I must learn how to clone bc I don't intend on growing from seed in the future, as i'd like to always have guranteed females.

You may need to trim the leaves up a bit more. They will droop. Don't panic just yet. ;-)
re: My Very first grow 12/12 Mango

Ok, so i'm definitely not giving up on this, just not in my nature to take no for an answer. so tomorrow i will be getting the hormone gel, and yes, I WILL BE SMOKING FOR GRADUATION, i've been without for a few days now, but amen for parents and older siblings who granted me my wish of $$$$$$$ for my college graduation gift. ok so now on to the good stuff, it's picture time, i've got the regular cell phone 3.2mp pix and the high res 10mp as well. tons of Lucy shots and the new sprouts are growing up so fast i can't believe it. genetics really do play a role, the new strains are growing much faster than the bagseed did.
My fav. plant of all, in the hydro bucket is fairing quite well, i only have one issue, lol the roots are in the water now and are loving it, but as she grows i need to lower the water, i used zip ties, hmmmmm. lol we'll figure it out later
Heeeeeere's Lucy! a couple of close ups of the top cola, and the two lower bud sites


my boy and I have this final tomorrow night y despues hace tiempo celebrar!!!!!!!

some real nice shots of lucy and the rest of the gang, now named cob-cameron, chrytal - anastacia, papaya - penelope, new purple power - zoe, and bubblelicious - rebeckah




california orange bud, (just hoping to have half the success ms. fox did)


zoey (npp)



my grow room, a little messy, but it works lol

thank you all for stopping by!
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