My First Atempt Growing Big Bud & Hindu Kush Skunk

looks cool you got any more updates/pictures? how are your temps staying? whats the pH of your water? just curious thanks!

stop by my journal if ya want, link in signature!

heelo there ! thx for stoping by ;) you can find the pictures in the previous pages , i have some from yesterday i belive , my tampratures are runing lower that suposed , but my plants are holding well to it , im trying to increase my temprature .. but thats not a problem at all :) i dont know about the ph of my water yet becouse the ph meter i boght havent arrived yet XD :Namaste:
thats the way it should be man, your asking alot of questions but your also learning alot of answers which will make you a better grower, You defiantly need to know the pH of your water. if your using tap water to water the plants as of now i suggest using bottled water because it normal has a pH of 6.0 which is perfect for the seedlings. DONT WATER THEM TOO OFTEN AT THIS POINT IN TIME! they are young and dont need much water, especially if your temps are low. May i suggest a space heater to bring your temps up if needed, you can buy them cheap at walmart
thats the way it should be man, your asking alot of questions but your also learning alot of answers which will make you a better grower, You defiantly need to know the pH of your water. if your using tap water to water the plants as of now i suggest using bottled water because it normal has a pH of 6.0 which is perfect for the seedlings. DONT WATER THEM TOO OFTEN AT THIS POINT IN TIME! they are young and dont need much water, especially if your temps are low. May i suggest a space heater to bring your temps up if needed, you can buy them cheap at walmart

ive been using bottled water so far , ive only been watering evry 2 days , i have a small 2000w heater that i use once in a while when the tempratures are lower than usual and you are right the more info i get the better :)
this whole post just makes me laugh.DON'T DO IT UNLESS YOUR READY FOR A BIG NICE PLANT. it takes time and dedication. do you have that So you want to grow some pot eh? permalink


I wanted to make this post for new growers to help them decide if they have what it takes to grow some fine weed.

There are hundreds of people who think that they can just get some seeds and grow some pot, only to waste time and money and fail due to the fact that they didn't think ahead.

These are just some basic points to check to see if YOU have what it takes.

1. Hydro vs. soil(organic) vs soilless. -
1a. Are you able to purchase a toy do it yourself model and complete it? Or do you get half way done and it it forgotten? If you finnish building the model is it good or half-assed?
Hyrdo takes knowledge, experience, money and dedication, like a toy model. To set it up takes dedication and fine tuning and perfectionism to get it right and you have to be dedicated to the very end. If you half-ass it you will waste your time and money.
1b. Do you like to dig around in piles of feces with your bare hands? How about dealing with stinky buckets of organic compost? If so soil/organic is the way to go. I dislike crap and rot and decompostion, stinks the place up and is messy and a pita to deal with.
1c. Do you like to be lazy and only have a little time each week for your growing hobby? Do you want ferts that can be bought anywhere and easy to get? Do you want clean set up and eay disposal. Then Soil less is the way to go.

2. Space.
Do you have an area that 3' high bushy stinky plants can grow. Or do you have a little box or closet that you want to start in and yet havenot figured out where the flowering plants will go? Think ahead. Fully mature flowering plants can not be "hidden" from mom/roommate etc. If you do not have the room to finnish, don't start.

3. Equiptment.
Do you think you are going to grow pot plants with an old light you found and some florecents you grabbed out of the ol' garage? Do you think you will just spent $7 on ferts to get started? Do you think that rigging up an old oscilating fan and opening a window is good enough for exausting air? If so then think again. Don't waste your time.

4. Time.
Do you have a schedual that will alow you to take care of your plants? Or do you like to go skiing for a week without notice? Can you dedicate yourself to a schedual?... not maybe... but do you? For 3-4 months? , without ever forgeting?

I can go on but that is a good start.

Here are some other points. If you do it half assed you will get a small amount of crappy weed. It will take the same amount of time for minimal results. If you are going to take all the risks and spend 3 months growing a plant, why not get maximum results instead of minimal results. Don't waste your time. Buy all the right equiptment that you need up front... have your space ready, clean and good to go. Have all the nutes you need ready.
So often I see people with a few seeds from last nights bag and a scoop of dirt from the garden and these people are asking how to cure plants and make hash. FOCUS. information is the best tool you have. Take it one step at a time and do not try to cut corners etc. Just do it right, do it right the first time, and reap the rewards.
well i just read your post and i must say , you are abselutly right ! but gladly i alredy know that :) i belive i alredy have evrything i need for my plants and im doing my best to keep them healthy and strong , and hopefuly i will have a decent end result , (considering this is my first time growing) after a couple of grows under my belt i will get better , i can start trying new thing , getting a beter end result etc etc ;)
3. Equiptment.
Do you think you are going to grow pot plants with an old light you found and some florecents you grabbed out of the ol' garage? Do you think you will just spent $7 on ferts to get started? Do you think that rigging up an old oscilating fan and opening a window is good enough for exausting air? If so then think again. Don't waste your time.

Actually, I grabbed mine from around the house.And I think my first nutes were about that amount. But being that I had nothing at the time and didn't know any better that's what I had. Now that I think about it, I was using things around the house or kitchen for nutes. Was even considering using my own urine at one point. Matter of fact, I still have them. Didn't even have a chance to use it because I upgraded to Foxfarm. Used them for my first grow, then found out about BPN nutes. I guess what I am saying is that not everyone can start out with everything they need. And are only capable of upgrading when money allows for it. You may not have the best plant but there is a satisfaction of seeing something to completion. Or if your grow turns out to be a failure (which I hope it won't be) learn from your mistakes. No one knew what they were doing their first time around most of the time.

My first harvest didn't have the greatest yield. I made mad mistakes. But I had reached my goal which was to complete my grow. I still have faith that you will have a decent grow.
Well guys , for the next 4 / 5 days i will be away from home , and away from my computer ... so that means i will probly be unable to visit the forum while im away , but dont worry , i left some one taking care of my plants ;) Soo , if we dont talk again before the new year
i wish you all a happy holliday and have a great time !
Well guys , for the next 4 / 5 days i will be away from home , and away from my computer ... so that means i will probly be unable to visit the forum while im away , but dont worry , i left some one taking care of my plants ;) Soo , if we dont talk again before the new year
i wish you all a happy holliday and have a great time !

I hope whoever you have takes good care of your babies. I don't want anyone messing with mine, I am, enjoy yourself while you are away.
this whole post just makes me laugh.DON'T DO IT UNLESS YOUR READY FOR A BIG NICE PLANT. it takes time and dedication. do you have that So you want to grow some pot eh? permalink


I wanted to make this post for new growers to help them decide if they have what it takes to grow some fine weed.

There are hundreds of people who think that they can just get some seeds and grow some pot, only to waste time and money and fail due to the fact that they didn't think ahead.

These are just some basic points to check to see if YOU have what it takes.

1. Hydro vs. soil(organic) vs soilless. -
1a. Are you able to purchase a toy do it yourself model and complete it? Or do you get half way done and it it forgotten? If you finnish building the model is it good or half-assed?
Hyrdo takes knowledge, experience, money and dedication, like a toy model. To set it up takes dedication and fine tuning and perfectionism to get it right and you have to be dedicated to the very end. If you half-ass it you will waste your time and money.
1b. Do you like to dig around in piles of feces with your bare hands? How about dealing with stinky buckets of organic compost? If so soil/organic is the way to go. I dislike crap and rot and decompostion, stinks the place up and is messy and a pita to deal with.
1c. Do you like to be lazy and only have a little time each week for your growing hobby? Do you want ferts that can be bought anywhere and easy to get? Do you want clean set up and eay disposal. Then Soil less is the way to go.

2. Space.
Do you have an area that 3' high bushy stinky plants can grow. Or do you have a little box or closet that you want to start in and yet havenot figured out where the flowering plants will go? Think ahead. Fully mature flowering plants can not be "hidden" from mom/roommate etc. If you do not have the room to finnish, don't start.

3. Equiptment.
Do you think you are going to grow pot plants with an old light you found and some florecents you grabbed out of the ol' garage? Do you think you will just spent $7 on ferts to get started? Do you think that rigging up an old oscilating fan and opening a window is good enough for exausting air? If so then think again. Don't waste your time.

4. Time.
Do you have a schedual that will alow you to take care of your plants? Or do you like to go skiing for a week without notice? Can you dedicate yourself to a schedual?... not maybe... but do you? For 3-4 months? , without ever forgeting?

I can go on but that is a good start.

Here are some other points. If you do it half assed you will get a small amount of crappy weed. It will take the same amount of time for minimal results. If you are going to take all the risks and spend 3 months growing a plant, why not get maximum results instead of minimal results. Don't waste your time. Buy all the right equiptment that you need up front... have your space ready, clean and good to go. Have all the nutes you need ready.
So often I see people with a few seeds from last nights bag and a scoop of dirt from the garden and these people are asking how to cure plants and make hash. FOCUS. information is the best tool you have. Take it one step at a time and do not try to cut corners etc. Just do it right, do it right the first time, and reap the rewards.

Hey, cool! Thanks for jumping in man...:bravo:

Kam needs all the help he can get...for sure!

Now that I've started my "News Hawk" job, I haven't been able to stay with him like I started out doing and I only have limited knowledge myself as I only have about 5-6 harvest's under my belt but, he had a hard time getting help at first so, I jumped in to at least give him a hand getting started.

This is the kind of help he needs and I would hope more people will jump in and educate him even further...your help is much appreciated my friend, with weed, indeed... :thanks: :Namaste:
Well guys , for the next 4 / 5 days i will be away from home , and away from my computer ... so that means i will probly be unable to visit the forum while im away , but dont worry , i left some one taking care of my plants ;) Soo , if we dont talk again before the new year
i wish you all a happy holliday and have a great time !

Hempy New Year, My Portuguese Brother!!! :party::yahoo::theband::rocker::idea::slide::clap::clap::clap:
Hello my friends , im back home now :) it was a small but fun vacations , today (about 30 minutes ago) when i arrived home the first thing i did was check on my plants to see if they were doing well , and i have some bad news :( one of my plants is looking ok , not good just ok , and the other one is looking very sick :S i leave here some pictures to help us figure out the problem , im sure im still in time to solve it , i belive the cause might one of the folowing : over watering , lack of water , lack of light , too much light , too low temprature

I hope some one can help me as fast as possible , im very worried :S


she is not looking good , the leaves are wited (not sure if wited is the right word) and the colour is more green that i belive is soposed to be :thanks:
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